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Tony Tweedy Apr 2019
I sing an ancient song.
In voice once loud though now less strong.
The melody and chorus though of my own
To everyone at times is known.
In happiness yet louder in times of fear.
The question of why "I" am here.
The songs refrain passed along the line,
deluded that all its answers be mine.
But as has gone from times before,
The song will play for evermore.
Getting old.... yes **** happens.... but why? Perhaps 42* is as good as any answer after all. I certainly haven't found a better one.
* Douglas Adams... Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
growingpains Apr 2019
wouldn't you want to live every day with substance? or is the only substance you know the one you abuse?
questions, questions, nothing but questions.
Andie Mar 2019
days break
nights fall
The moon phases in and out
between empty and full

trees burst forth
boulders crumble
The earth spins around
set at an angle

wind blows
water ebbs and flows
Fire scorches the land
and makes it fertile and dead

tadpoles transubstantiate
eagles hatch
Minnows appear in small puddles
that dry in summer, leaving no bodies

humans search
humans misplace
And that which they seek
does not exist for them
What is human nature? Is it natural?
Desire Mar 2019
You are my bone and my flesh
My hands and my feet
My servant and my friend
My people and my sheep

My sons and my daughters
My siblings and my offspring
My disciples and my witnesses
You are all of these things
You are mine ...
- Jesus

[Saved for a purpose]
You Are
blackbiird Mar 2019

you'll never move forward
if you're always looking behind.
take the road less traveled
and see where it takes you.

you'll never grow if
you stop watering in the midst
of the drought.
keep plowing and
watch your harvest grow.

Tony Tweedy Mar 2019
Life is sure to cost you whilst on the path you choose.
And there will be heartache from things that you will lose.
A greater pain you may encounter, at a far greater cost,
is to no longer see a value in things that once you lost.
You can lose trust in many ways for many things. It can shake foundation and pillar as destructively as any earthquake.
Not entirely happy with the last line..... of or in??
OpenWorldView Mar 2019
Searching space and time.
Sparks igniting dry tinder.
To forge new future.
Liquid Gold Mar 2019
Decorated, renovated.
Look at the beauty that God created.
But the truth is that it's so underrated.
Constantly slated.
Feeling sedated as I wander outside, looking at the moon and the stars at night.

Flora and fauna can co-exist, but that notion is frequently dismissed.
People are in their heads instead of taking in their surroundings.
Clay muddies the water and leaves us all floundering.

Dividing opinions multiply around the world but to me it doesn't add up.
How much less stress it is to realise we're blessed.
Unfortunately, I must acquiesce to the fact that we're lost in the wilderness.
Corrupt governments and run down countries.
Bootleg products being sold on Gumtree.

What a shame.
But the game is the game.
We need codebreakers to break the code to the safe.
We need warriors who are unbelievably brave.
Courageous enough to realise they may end up in a grave for opposing the status quo and refusing to be a slave to the system.

Hold up, wait, listen.
Do you hear the door?
It's the ambulance and the Feds.
They've clocked that their patients don't wanna take their meds.
And the inmates are digging escape routes under their beds.

They've come to drag their captives back to their dens to continue making profit out of them in the tens of millions and billions.
They're aiming for the trillions.
These money hungry crooks don't even care about civilians.

It's sounds like doom and gloom.
But it's not all out of our control.
We can appreciate the bloom if we look deep with in our soul.
Take some time to look inside and you will find your perfect role to play in this game called life.

We can all do it if we strive.
It gives us a reason to be alive.
A road you can travel down with your wife.
Nuggets of wisdom you can feed to your children, so they don't wander like pilgrims, but work towards a fairytale life like Rumpelstiltskin.
First poem/written piece. Be a savage in the comments if you must, wanna know my weaknesses.
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