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Alicia Jan 2015
Looking back at old pictures.
Because who wouldn't want to go back to being the once so strong and confident being they used to be.
Because I know I would.

Phil B Dec 2014
A picture conveys a thousand words,
But fails to describe your golden glow,
the voice of angels  that I have heard,
and the many sides that you don't show.

For in every frame it may well capture,
your chestnut hair, and deep brown eyes,
yet still it can't express the rapture,
of the beauty that you keep inside.

What difference makes an album or two,
if the world cannot appreciate
the bonds between a me - and you,
my better half, and  a true soul-mate.
Composed in thanks of a little company on Christmas, and in blessing relationships new and old. Happy Holidays
Fredrick Fannin Dec 2014
Lights on, search lights on to find what I need.

Look, look even in a book,
Not there wont you have a look.

Lost but not found taken by sum crook,
When it was what it was I often took a look.
                                                           ­                               My eyes filled with tears memories,

Passed thru hand an hand the picture of you was what they took.
Precious memories even in a photo a picture says many words.
Sam Knaus Nov 2014
They say if you want to know
what someone is afraid of losing,
pay attention to what they photograph.
Maybe that's why I take so many pictures
of you and I together.
kavisha shah Oct 2014
A picture of you caught me off guard
It felt like a dream, this story of ours
The silence stretched, we drifted apart
And now, I am left with memories, maybe a farce

A picture of you caught me off guard
Looking at you, wondering what you looked like then
Details fade away, like an oft-seen postcard
And now, I am fighting to remember you, my friend

A picture of you caught me off guard
I had stored away, away from my heart
That sweet smile was like a noise, screeching and loud
And now, I lay in silence, yearning for a new start
I wrote this last night..and I am not very sure about this piece as it is something I wrote after almost 8months of writing nothing. Still it just came out so I was compelled to write it. Hope this opens opens up the door of words and poems that has been shut for quite sometime now.
Zia Oct 2014
I believe that a word paints a thousand pictures.
     making you feel,
     if not many things,
     at least something

Believe that a word paints a thousand pictures.
     it is more than it seems
     when said
     more powerful than it looks like
     when written

A word paints a thousand pictures.
     helping you feel,
     creating something
     this world has never seen

                                      .....or felt.
Victoria Apr 2014
Some are jealous of my life
because it is the single strife

   No kids to  to clean up after    
No roles for the actor

    No husband to answer to
No nightly deja vu

   No cooking and cleaning that must be done
No filled minivans, on the run

   No soccer practice, no paintings to hang
No afternoon quarrels of who should pick up the 'tang'

   The grass is always greener
I always say
For my nights and days are filled with gray

   I cook and clean for myself
For these are the cards I've been dealt

   No one to answer to
No quarrels or games

This life alone is such a shame

   The pictures I hang are of my travels
But all I want are crayonned marvels

   A family of which to call my own
More than a dog to fill my home

   I pray on my knees
to give me all of these
That which is greener over sees
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