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Shirah Chante Sep 2014
Sexting Texting What a mess! Texting sexting Do you wanna have ***? Flirting How about that ***** Taking naked pictures galore? How can I compete With all that meat That’s got you hooked On a fishing reel Pulling you in So you can spill All over them All the time While you’re here On my dime Resurfacing What’s going on On your phone Am I the only one you’re surfing? I think not! I doubt it a lot! No wonder I didn’t get it. Rehearsing I need a shot! For what I got, Is not enough! Working On this thing, Give me a swing, Stuck in a child. Nursing Or did you not **** the breast Big and full On your mama’s chest? Churching What happened to that spot? Not enough. You got a lot. Cursing Sexting texting Guess I’ll join the game. Texting sexting Maybe this will bring me fame. Or will I proclaim Your name?

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or listen to “Sexting and Texting” on iTunes:

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Liv Sep 2014
Blurry pictures, though hard to deceifer, tell more than the clearer copy.
Blurry pictures show that life, though chaotic, is truly beautiful.
Blurry pictures show the real and raw reality.
axr Sep 2014
I see the moon in its waning phase

The cold,dark night it chose to embrace.

Turning itself into crimson orange and white,

illuminating the surroundings with its light.

It sinks itself and is nowhere to be seen.

The street lamp flickers,

leaving me thinking

If my eyes could take pictures.

The sky is the unusual shade of purple and blue,

the sun will show itself soon.

My lungs enjoy the fresh air

while my body screams for rest.

The breeze hits my body and makes me shiver

My eyes are desperate to click this picture.

The clouds form an unusual pattern,

something even my phone refuses to capture.

A delay of a few seconds and it's gone.

8 megapixels are not enough for this beauty.

The sun continues to shine fiercely.

Here I stand questioning myself,

Why can't my eyes take pictures?

The sky is a beautiful mixture of two

one half of it is orange,the other blue.

Sweat stings my eyes and my body

screams for relief.

But the view of the sky is something I refuse to believe.

In a matter of minutes, it turns itself into electric blue.

Making a breathtaking view.

Someday our human eyes will be strong enough,

Someday they will take pictures.

Someday we shall look past our desire to be perfect.

And live life hard with every breath.
Wrote it in late 2011.
Liv Sep 2014
Pictures are lazy ways of creating memories
Pictures only capture mere milliseconds
Memories formed in your head are so much better
You can play them through like movies for later dates
Never having to worry if you'll ever lose a copy or ruin it
Absorb as many memories as you can and only use pictures to amplify them
Sydney Marie Sep 2014
Its a memory captured forever, in its own little flat object, that can be torn with the slightest touch.
Sometimes its all we have left of a previous adventure or maybe the night that no one remembers.
Humans need to treasure these moments for as long as they can, some might not want to because of reasons, others might not be able to control what they forget.
Memories will fade and turn into nothing, photos will fade too, but they go black and white and stay forever.
Florelie Aug 2014
All my ladies please do understand
Intrinsically you bring beauty to this land
Put your body out there in the public eye
And you will get attention that you can't defy

Pictures of you all over there nettisphere
Fun, vivacious, seductive and suggestive
But fugly buggers better type nothing rude
You only welcome it from those attractive to you!

So you want to please and tease with your naked pics
Now you're furious for getting comments from freaks
This is why our whole world is troubled
When righteous hypocrites' standards are doubled
Seek attention? Easy to find. When you get it from all over the place, do not complain!
Josiah Wilson Aug 2014
If I come home and find you gone
Then you can't say that I was wrong
I let you go, although it hurt
But you still treat me like I'm dirt

And I have pictures on the wall
Of all the things we used to do
And I'm still waiting for your call
Did those mean anything to you?

You left me
Standing there
Can't you see
I still care?

It's been a month, and I still can't sleep
I think I've fallen down too deep
Lying awake, staring at the floor
Waiting for you to walk through my door

And I had pictures on the wall
Of all the things we did before
Now I'm not waiting for your call
And they're all lying on the floor
Hollow Jul 2014
I used to take pencils
And throw them at the dotted ceilings
Of so many classrooms
Never knowing that the lead
Drew a picture every time

I used to purse my lips
And smirk
Before I knew that
I had a voice with which to speak out

I used to be enveloped
In the freedom of naivety
Before I grew up and smelled
The allure of knowledge
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