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E Townsend Oct 2015
There's a huge disconnect when I see your face
that memories have burned themselves
far too much to resemble ashes
and as I try to rearrange the picture
it seems the person I knew
does not exist anymore.
the person I tried so hard to forget
when you were the only one
I wanted to remember
I can't rush back to the start
and not notice how much you've changed.
I keep reusing a phrase because I'm 1000% in love with it
PoetryLover Sep 2015
no thoughts coming out of my mind
no words coming out of my mouth
no feelings have been heard
no love was returned

pictures have been my memory,
albums have been my diary
the only thing that reminds me how it used to be
perfect when it's just you and me

pictures, how powerful they are
ability to remember every moment that's ours
wish to go back even just an hour
an hour to reminisce, apologize and heal the scars

no mistakes were not regretted
no moments were not cherished
no seconds were wasted
no life have been accomplished

pictures, i thought were real
pictures, i knew promises were sealed
pictures, i thought would help me heal
but pictures just made me weak and kneel

i'm no longer a child but you chose to made me feel
that i'm stupid enough for you to silently ****
a woman like me who's strength is going down on a hill
pictures were burned because of a deal

I've been through a lot
wanting to end with a dot
if it's just that easy
i already am finished with this story
Wednesday Sep 2015

The way the cigarette smoke seemed to
hesitate in the wind of the half opened car window.
It floated out of your lips in small O's and seemed to linger
on your mouth for a fraction of a second before dissipating into the air.

The glint in your eye as you pushed yourself into me,
my hands wrapped around your tan arms,
pressing white into the hard flesh.
The gasp and the way your hands moved to grip mine,
your lips at my neck,
pulling my hair as it tosses around in your sheets.
The spit, the lack of love, the lack of emotion.
The lust.

The smell of you sauteing onions,
the streetlights buzzing outside your window,
the skulls on the sill illuminated with the glow.
The way the alcohol spills on your hardwood floor
and the way my eyes follow you.
The way my mouth waters for something that can not be fed.
Aroody Sep 2015
I came across our pictures today,
The picture got me into tears ,
It's a shame we've got nothing to say,  
After all this time after all these years,  

I wait and wait and wait ,
I like waiting for you ,
I sit until it's late,
And go back home when I'm blue .

Finally I'm stuck here between these walls,  
With  me and my pictures and our memories,  
And I count tear as it falls,  
Will you come back to me please?  

Will you?!
For those who are waiting :')
Carl Halling Aug 2015
Kind faces smiling,
Nodding politely at words
They don’t seem to understand.
Show me pictures
Showing the richness of
A faraway distant land.
Multicoloured motor cars,
Brown apartments rising high
In Puerto Rican skies.
"In Puerto Rican Skies" was based on a song I wrote at 18 years old, and hasn't changed a whole lot since.
Raiford Brown IV Aug 2015
Homes don't grow where I'm from
they only stand stagnant waiting for one to deconstruct a building process.
Limbs leave family trees way before fall happens. It's only a matter of time before one becomes familiar with "**** happens".
Indulged in decency far fetch becomes close Morals become like unread books.
Back-hand to reality some people get it.
Men will hit everything around, before hitting their target so a bulls eye is more like scolded ones golden tongues couldn't fix.
Pictures catch more than a moment
Pictures don't hang anymore the walls are gone. Houses look more like tornadoes  so prepare for hail. Aftermath can make a better beginning. Black looks darker in the light. In the dark your eyes will adjust so black is the new norm.
Accustomed to a ****** up custom where an abandoned home.
no painted walls, a brick mailbox, and a broken garage.
Just Melz Aug 2015
I know no one's perfect
But is it really worth it
Just for a picture in your wallet?
Plastered on happy faces
Don't even know what day it is
Was there even a good reason for it?
You deny the lies behind the walls
While truths fall on center stage
Got the applause, but this ain't a game
And when the lights fade
You'll be regretting every decision you ever made
Life ain't just a picture or a keepsake
It's standing right in front of you
And you gotta live with every choice you make
C Jul 2015
i tried to picture myself without you, but i couldn't.
now here i am without you and i still can't picture it.
Crying out for peace.
Canceling a simple thing.
How Am I suppose to breathe.
A stupid thing to be upset about
A burning game of hide and seek

My my my I need love
Lonely road to the
One thing
I think is meant for me

How do people do these things?
Walk Alone.
Everyone should have someone. No.

Our blood is mixed in with the depths of our truth.
We bleed out until the world finally knows what we NEED.
Do                          You
See                        ­ The
Woman                     Alone
Inspired by Give Me Love ~ Ed Sheeran
Vernell Allen Jul 2015
Take a picture it'll last longer.
It. The moment you loved me.
Capture the state of euphoria
before it fades.

Instill within me your remembrance
for you are like dust in the wind
that blinds and brings me to tears
when we are together.

You clasp and rip my broken heart.
I choke on your empty promises.
You will not give me life, but for the moment, I live in temporary bliss.

Soon the storm will return and reality
will steal everything I wish you gave me.
The moment will evanesce like vapor.
The picture will last always..
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