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dev Oct 2014
when I see a child
walking hand-in-hand
with two parents

when I see seats
filled at a school concert
with two parents

when I see dinner
in front of my friend
with two parents

when I remember that
I am not as lucky as those
with two parents.
cr Oct 2014
i am terrified of the voice
of my father because it
sounds of unknown irony -  how
the one who is called to
love is able to spin fear and
anxious hands and nervous thoughts
through words screamed
so loud the blood vessels in my
eyes break instead
of his.
how do i repair a relationship that was never healed in the first place
Zaynub Oct 2014
the things that come out of my mouth
the things that go through my head
and the things that come from the ink of this pen
may not always or perhaps ever be the same
The ice queen attempts to be more fact than fiction, but her eyes are covered in placenta. She can’t see through the burden of her mother’s expectations, the pompoms and Bible shoved down her throat at an early age.
The ice queen attempts to be more fact than fiction, but her eyeliner is smeared and so is the world. She’s always loved women, and hated herself enough to be with men. She’s always drowned out the protests of her own mind with liquor, finding refuge in the ability to ignore.
The ice queen attempts to be more fact than fiction. Is unsatisfied. Disgusted. Displeased. Dear Academy, for your consideration, would like a new self image.
Carly Bunch Sep 2014
I still don't believe the fact that you're gone.
I don't want to know that everyday that I wake up is another day without you.
That every time the moon rises and the sun sets you're not able to sit there with me and enjoy it.
That when it rains you're not there to play in it with me.
That when I hear yelling I don't have you to go to for comfort.
That when i am upset I don't have your shoulder to cry on.

I see those pictures of us and of you and of other people all smiling and happy and I can't help to be upset because I think of a time that was but never will be again.
I see the happiness in your eyes, I see the sun shining and there were no cloudy days.
I see everything being okay and it seems that was the only perfect time in this life and every other life, was when you were here.
Everybody was okay, even the people that didn't know you seemed to grow sadder and sadder once you were gone.
Nothing is the same anymore and nobody seems to understand why.
Death is a natural thing but it doesn't seem so natural when it comes to it happening to you.
You weren't supposed to go.
You were immortal.
You were a superhero, my superhero.
You saved me from the bad guys, the bad boyfriends, girlfriends, best friends.
From everybody.
But now you're gone, and I'm vulnerable.

I just want you back in this world, and not far away watching from above the clouds.
I want to know that no matter what happens to me I'll be okay because you're right by my side.
I need to feel your embrace again.
I want to go to the grocery store with you again.
I want to go camping and hiking and fishing and do all those things we used to do.

I want to know you're okay.
But I will never know that.
I need to be okay.
But I never will be.
Ayman Zain Aug 2014
They love you more than they love themselves
They only want what's best for you
They treat you with respect
But toughen you when it's required to
They stress you not because they're punishing you
But because they're worried about you
They sometimes spoil you
Because they love to see you smile
They feed you a meal x3 a day
And buy you your favorite chocolate milk
Which makes you happy to hangout with them
Instead of being with your friends playing video games

But now things changed

You're all grown up
Fussing and screaming all day
Because you don't want to do your homework
You want to play outside with your mates
The moment you walkout from the front door of your home
You're invisible and uncontrollable
With no curfew. You're always late

But things have changed

All of a sudden you're an old man
With a wife, 3 kids and a dog
It's all heavy on your shoulders
Lifting all the weight
Struggling with your work
And then coming back home
To your wife and 3 kids
But it isn't all that great
Cause they constantly cause problems
And dont appreciate your sweat
And that's when you remember
All the days you spent
Being arrogant, selfish and stubborn to your parents
How you raised their heart rate
And raised your voice on them to the highest level
As if you were special
And now you ask yourself "how didn't I notice?"
You were too blind to see
Too cold to feel and
Too deaf to hear
All the struggle your parents went through

But things are now stable

*Wasn't it all worth the wait.
I know that I went out of rhythm in this one but it's all to express emotion! There is no greater gift than for a person than to have such loving parents, step parents or even grandparents. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing this. :)
Spencer Dennison Aug 2014
There are times when the pain is too much.
There are times when we would do anything for a way out.
When we would drown ourselves
in the middle of a drought just so we
wouldn't have to be thirsty again.
We sometimes have to remind ourselves
that we are not alone.
Not yet.

There are times when I bet my soul on three lies told.
And even though I won,
I was payed back in fool's gold.
We grow up never thinking that 'up' means old.
We are not alone
and our paths have been walked before.
What is left in store for us
as we ride this tour bus to hell
is the burnt-out car frames of those
who didn't do quite as well

Father Time continues to soldier ever forth
and sometimes what we want is south
and what we need is north.
But I'm telling you that if you think
that you are the first, you are not.
You came from the smallest dot and now
you are a monument to those who came before.
You are a masterpiece created beyond compare,
built in the image of those who's blood you share.
Those who care in a way no one else ever will.

So next time you are in pain, remember,
you are not a waste.
You are an imprint left by two people
that will one day longer be here.
As the seasons change, realize,
there will soon be a year when
our fathers will die.
When we will be made to walk on our own
without knowing why.

So when the ground starts to eat at you,
pulling you down with a force so strong
that you don't even try to fight it,
let your monuments stand and know that they are not alone.
Because we all must return to the earth,
in one form or another.
So honor them while you still have them,
be they your Father
or your Mother.
Written for my Father's 54th birthday.
Nur Aishah Azman Jul 2014
She can make you feel secure, safe,
She can make you feel empowered, brave,
She can make you feel like you can do anything and everything.

To the point that 'fear' does not exist in your vocabulary,
You, the greatest person to be walking on the face of this earth,
Just by an embrace, a few words of assurance,
That's what she can do,
What she does best,
The effect she can have,
And only she.

Your mother.
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