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Leo Mar 2020
Sometimes I feel like I am about to figure out the punchline.

Everyone stops and watches.
Waits to see if we can end the charade.

Let me try—

Infant dies in NICU, never gets to question the nature of its existence.


Three year old child chokes on toy labeled not for children under the age of four.

Hold up—

Six year old drowns in pool; parents too ****** up to notice.

No, no—

It doesn’t have that ring of humor to it, that can’t be it.

I can feel it though, the laughter on the tip of my tongue waiting to boil over.

Let me try again—

Nine year old finds his parent’s candy, suffocates on his own *****.

No, no, no —
I’m close, I can feel it—
How about—

12 year old child plays with power tools, electrocuted.

No, no, no—
No, no—

21 year old man drives drunk, crashes into cemetery.

No, no, no—
No, no—
No, no—

25 year old man gets ******* sick of trying to see what’s on the other side of the painting, takes a bath in his own blood.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no—


ENTIRE GENERATION spends their whole lives trying to distract themselves from the fact of their mortality.

None Survive.

I’m sure you remember seeing the
photgraph of Earth taken from the
Moon. Did you not have an epiphany
at that moment? Did you see any
black lines separating one region of
Earth from another? Of course you
didn’t, because political boundaries
are illusory. What you saw was one
beautiful planet with a number of
billion human beings attempting to
co-exist on it. You saw one sky that
covered all of Earth and one ocean
that covered most of it. You saw huge
chunks of Earth, which we call conti-
nents. If you had been on the Moon
with a powerful telescope, you would
have seen big cities where millions
of human beings lived often in many
different ways:  different cultures,
different religions, different languages,
different skin colors, different
shaped physical features. But
all would have been breathing the
same air, drinking essentially the same
water that comes from the same
atmosphere, all sharing the same
home, the only home that billions
of human beings have, or will be
able to have, for a terribly long
time. If you were able to go far
enough back in time, genealogically
you would understand that all of us
are related, that all of us are, if
you will, distant brothers and
sisters. We human beings are
one big family. So I must ask, why
do will **** our brothers and sisters?
Why? Instead, why don’t we have
a continuous, worldwide family
reunion during which we could
get to know each other, give each
other a hug, perhaps find someone
we love and marry that human be-
ing? Think of all that the billions
of us could share with one another:
the music, the dancing, the food,
for example. Together we could
plan for world peace. We could
join hands and hearts and find
ways to save our home from
annihilation from catastrophic
climate change and nuclear
holocaust. We could laugh together.
We could pray together;  after all,
we all pray to the same God;  it’s just
that we call God by different names.
Our home, Earth, is but one of an
infinite number of planets in the infinite
Cosmos. But it is the only one we now
have. Why **** when we could live our
lives in perpetual love?

Copyright 2020 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howard Hawks has been a poet and human-rights advocate his entire adult life. He recently finished his novel, A CHILD FOR AMARANTH.
Riz Mack Feb 2020
Look at the way she moves
I see her in my dreams
dancing with colours
painting shades of serene

The canvas she adorns
is layered with her screams
her name is dark here
but I see what it means

Her eyes have been tempered
through fire and deceit
to burn is the cost
of a lovers heartbeat

Her voice is a story
of violence unleashed
her words, allegory
cascade through me

When angels are fallen
only they grieve
baring their souls
they forfeit reprieve

Her blood is the reason
my veins are replete
she drowns in the flood
so I can still breathe
Clear as it seems
chris Feb 2020
that make me,


even if i fall,
             i come right up, and scream

even if i fall,
             i come right up, and scream
      that's how we've always been

even if my knees drop to the ground,
         as long as they don't get buried,
it won't matter
chris Feb 2020
bring the pain
they'll become my blood and flesh

bring the pain
no fear,
because now i know the way
anna burns Feb 2020
the beginning of the end.
the end of the beginning.
points in time.
time in points.
who are we...?
are we who...             we think we are?
Where Shelter Apr 2017
I The Hard Part
~ be a good friend

II The Easy Part
~ write what you feel
12:00am April 5, 2017
r Feb 2020
It's been reoccupied.
Your house
Where you didn't begin, but where you ended.

I just can't seem to understand
the impermanence, Your impermanence.

You just left one day,
flew away
with no words, no sound, no nothing
I don't get it.

The light, oh but the light!
I can see it swinging in the window when I walk past Your house.

We can't JUST move on
They can't JUST move in.

I know, I know, I know
Life is meant to JUST go on
but you were JUST a child,
untouched, innocent.

But no - you couldn't bear it
and now another child sleeps under Your swinging light.
Nik Bland Feb 2020
Cracked China cup
At a chipped table
Stained cloth dressing
Do you still see
Tell me now
As broken candles
Broken things
See broken things
And cracks hide
I see you
This crack’ed thing
And I see you
Lovely you
But not outdone
They try to
Break you
Take you
Because you’re the only
A cracked cup
That runneth over
Can still hold your
Oh precious
How you’ve grown
Setting a place that
You deserve
I pray that
You are filled
Cracks only
When you can’t

But I’d gladly hold
idiosyncrasy Feb 2020
how the ****
do i
move on?

because you've done a stellar job
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