“We should like Nature to go no further; we should like it to be finite, like our mind; but this is to ignore the greatness and majesty of the Author of things.”
—Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1715
for my dear friends who amply supply
pictures of the infinity of nature
the comfort food of your
screenings of moments preservations of
the delicate and the roughened,
the mystical and magical of
our creative globe’s ad and mis
oft far from the paths of human ruination
these photos
the first of the day,
signaling white smoke rising or
the full fledged regular milky
insertion photographic
into the mine daily awakening
of the
purpled majesty of the world
when ******* pleasure of
first coffees of life’s days
and how it pleases me,
that there is no
conceptual conceivable,
that there will not be an
finishing enthralling,
a last never-before-witnessed
visionary submission
a never finite ending to this
infinite processional!
thus no need to say with
them ordinary wordy pleas of/to:
“keep them coming,”
for by your read acknowledgement of
this here poem,
you have cosigned this
o b l i g a t i o n
and I say
an ecstatic
Thank You