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MS Anjaan May 2020
Wish your mothers a very happy mother's day
Our mothers are  portraits of unselfishness
She always love us without wishing anything
from us...........................

Mom, I want to gift you on this day till my death...
Joshleen Kumar May 2020
To the woman who cuts fruits for me everytime I study
To the woman who loves shopping for matching clothes with me
To the woman who cooks all my favorite dishes
To the woman who let's me rant about about my days
To the woman who cries everytime I do
To the woman who makes funny faces everytime we click pictures together
To the woman who treats every child with the same love she gives me
To the woman who gave birth to me

I love you so much mum
Michael R Burch May 2020
You are welcome to share this poem for noncommercial use and dedicate it to your favorite mother, but please credit the author if you share it on social media or elsewhere on the Internet …

Mother’s Smile
by Michael R. Burch

There never was a fonder smile
than mother’s smile, no softer touch
than mother’s touch. So sleep awhile
and know she loves you more than “much.”

So more than “much,” much more than “all.”
Though tender words, these do not speak
of love at all, nor how we fall
and mother’s there, nor how we reach
from nightmares in the ticking night
and she is there to hold us tight.

There never was a stronger back
than father’s back, that held our weight
and lifted us, when we were small,
and bore us till we reached the gate,
then held our hands that first bright mile
till we could run, and did, then flew.
But, oh, a mother’s tender smile
will leap and follow after you!

I have dedicated this poem to my mother, Christine Ena Burch, and my wife, Elizabeth Harris Burch. Published by TALESetc, Famous Poets and Poems, Poems for Big Kids (anthology), Victorian Violet Press, Better Than Starbucks, Promosaik (Germany), Pour Femme (Italy), Korean Palmers, JIT Jaipur (India), Inspirational Stories and Care2Care; also Penguin Books Valentine’s Day Contest Winner and included in the Children of Gaza song cycle by composer Eduard de Boer. Keywords/Tags: Mother, Mothers, Day, love, compassion, tenderness, encouragement, selflessness, sacrifice, comfort, hugs, kisses, smile, smiles
nishtha patni May 2020
An angel directly sent by god
the one who brings us in the world
raise us to be the best of her.

Heart made of gold and body of steel
who if even scolds sounds like a lullaby
her smile makes our day and tears ruin it.

Her care and cures makes you feel the best
no matter what comes in our way
she's always be there to guide us.

Wise and versatile enough to handle
home and work both at same time,
and still never complains about a thing.

No matter how much we annoy her
she'll always crave for our love,
and for her a little goes a long way

She stands proud in our win and
help us stand again in when we fall,
always making us stronger and bold.

whether it's small or big joy
her happiness always remains equal
and nobody will do that except her.

she gives up whole her world
just to make ours beautiful,
i think that's why they are called angels.
Bolaji Temilola May 2020
Waking up in another lonely night
Wish you were here so I could hold you tight.
Pain in my heart that where did the love I feel go.....

Then I realized most things we experienced in life is already written for one thing or the other.
All we need to look for is the great lesson in such experience.

In our own case, I learnt a great lesson of "BE MYSELF"
Though so hurt by the reward is great.
I can now understand how much you loved me but I don't love myself.

Self realization that I have now is due to your silence and I don't care attitude.
But now I am off your hook for i have known whom u truly missed is not you but Myself!
Whom I have caged in the ring of loving you. Thinking you are to bring me joy and satisfaction.
Alas I have nothing close to that until now.
My wish is to share this my reality with you once more.
Because my heart now knows only true heart and it is YOU!

Loving Me
Shaylie Pryer May 2020
I was smaller then,
You protected me,
I have thrived with strength.

Thankful, not for pain,
But for opened compassion,
I see the wounds heal

You showed your best love
Physical, and for safety,
I carry the rest.
Nat Lipstadt May 2020
~for the mothers, and for her~


this utterance emits itself, without poetic supervision,
like so many of its predecessors, a passing remark
transmogrifies to an exercise of praise, of humility, love

this is for her, of the nameless arms of forces that fasten
safety pins to our clothes, reminder to us that we are
loved and to come home safely so she, the little ship may rest easy

she, a homing boat, in a small slip resting, preferring
no changeover  to a mighty and powerful dreadnought sent to do
a search & rescue mission for young ones, babes who lose their way

but we know the truth, the heart of the matter, this one, writ,
for her and her and her and her and you, the countless ones,
mighty armada of the mothers, God’s flesh and blood, a steeled navy

they suffer whatever it takes, but never defeat, for they know,
the heart engine fires never cease, never forget, indeed the word
never not in their lexicon, only forever and forevermore


Mon May 4
in anno autem coronavirus plaga/ in the first year of the plague
from the heart of the epicenter / ex corde in epicenter
Moomin May 2020
In ancient times was born a day, for festival and joyful feast
Where all would gather eagerly, to pour the wine and roast the beast
And at first these new days, gave the people needed rest
Gave them pause from toil and worry, made them feel that they were blessed

But over years and under Eons, new days contrived were added on
Days to worship fellow men, or worship season, moon and sun
And soon this list of special days, got beyond all real control
And came to be under compulsion, and so began to take their toll

And we forgot the origins, the purpose and the why
And we embroiled with heavy hearts, with cost and groan and sigh
A day for Christ born and dead, on a day he did not choose
To self-indulge with merriment, and Christianity re-use

But soon became the bearded saint, and jolly man of snow  
Or chocolate feast and bunny hop, and mystic mistletoe
A day for thanks, a day for dads, a day for Saints and ghouls
And one for lovers and for mothers, and even one for fools

Remembering ****** victory, or the start of a new year
A day to gorge and one to fast, for fireworks and fear
And a day for every one of us, so we are worshipped too
To make us feel loved just once a year, cause once will have to do

And then the days become the law, and choice is left undone
Compelled to celebrate each time, or risk us being shunned
For who can deny a chocolate egg, for child or lover sweet?
Or deny a mother's floral gift, or children's spooky treat?

Who would dare to question these, and stop from living lies?
Who will defy these decrees, and in the face of pressure fly?
For we comply, against our will, while we incur the debt
Though the birthday boy be a loathsome lad, for one day he is the best

And children challenge strangers, for sugar under threat
And mum is glorified one day, then daily we forget
For if we are forced to love one day, when and how and who
How less likely all year round, do we tell them “I love you”?

Yet among these obligation days, one was left behind
A day given long ago, but one to which we're blind
Remember that day of rest that was, when families were one
And the world would stop and contemplate, and gather in the sun  

No more days like that for us, this world has gone beyond
Past truth and love and God above, to whom we once belonged

And so I choose to have a day, where no-one is adored
Where no purchase is required, one which we can afford
Where the corporates do not dictate, and sell plastic love to us
And the measure of our affection, is not how much it cost

And give no name, nor choose a date, but fellowship hold dear
And warmly tend to love and friend, on all days of the year
Eva B May 2020
A diesel stalls on your back

you bear the oil
crawls into your clothes
you are heavy with black

you bear each step
forward feels steeper than the last

you bear heaving--

it's what your mother taught you to do

now you understand
she was carrying her own diesels

bearing yours too
Michael R Burch Apr 2020
by Michael R. Burch

She has belief
without comprehension
and in her crutchwork shack
she is
much like us ...

tamping the bread
into edible forms,
regarding her children
at play
with something akin to relief ...

ignoring the towers ablaze
in the distance
because they are not revelations
but things of glass,
easily shattered ...

and if you were to ask her,
she might say—
sometimes God visits his wrath
upon an impious nation
for its leaders’ sins,

and we might agree:
seeing her mutilations.

Originally published by Poetry SuperHighway. Keywords/Tags: veil, veiled, religion, faith, belief, mothers, children, war, God, wrath, destruction, violence, Armageddon, Apocalypse, end times, last days, judgment day
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