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I'm a somber soul,
My baby is sick at home.
I'm too far to walk,
I'm too young to drive.
Oh it's such a pity,
Lonely with the little lows of life.
My baby is sick at home,
But I've just gotta pocket,
All my strife to sickness.
It's a real shame
Aqueous bombs descend from these eyes /
As I wonder beneath nightfall. /
Seeing, hearing the kaleidoscopic dream /
As it unravels, unfurls through me /
Heightens my perceptivities. /

I am luminous, I am luminous /
As I glisten upon the dreamscape. /
I am a cosmic reverberation, /
An ethereal resonation /
Luminosity, blue-hot./

Self-sovereignty: /
I am a freedom all my own, /
Lows (algid), /
Highs (empyreal, pyroclastic); /
I am astral. /
Gut dropping falls
Dizzying ascent
It scares me
But I get back on

Forgive and forget
Care first for yourself
Pursue pleasure
Avoid pain.

Cannot achieve
Mutual satisfaction

Pain is inevitable
The price of living
paid in discomfort
And Uncertainty

A life of comfort
Is quiet and easy
An extraordinary life
Challenges the soul
Even though my head knows that the drop is coming, it doesn’t cease to be exciting. If the extraordinary was routine, what would be the point of pursuing it?
Can't get up
Get out
Can't think of words
Can't speak
Or write
Can't walk or move a fork
Can't give a fuvk
Much less talk
Die, dying
Need death
I must
D  I  E

need to
james nordlund Jun 2020
Living hell escaped with vroom,
until the wheels stopped spinning 'round.

Dodged that bullet, a year too young for Vietnam.
Lived homeless to stop from growing that extra 4,

stop the shot-maker from throwing down,
down, down to the ground, nothing to be found.

Instead of Princeton, Columbia, 2 years minimum wage,
soul ripe for rage, but none could ground,

studies, between heaven, Earth, lost became find,
life's eternal river, Dharma's wheel run.

Spun though, life's circle's stymied spin done,
not a sip of backslider's wine.
Much like the words God, love, etc., hope is bally-hooed so much, yet, if we study it it’s simplicity of life in motion itself.  Does a toddler not have, or have hope?  No, they simply do their best, one foot following the other; especially with caring through to loving parent or rents.  If we choose to make believe we know instead of discerning we have to study anew, begin again, what is that; certainly not hope- no?  In our technocracies sociological programming of us to replace our humanity with exigency, etc., being the norm, we forget each word is a path of study; which serves to evolve us-  off by a millimeter, soon off by a mile.  Of course ‘departmentalization’ of life, out of us, etc.,  as well as all other machinations of convolutionaries, etc..  I know I say it a lot, yet, still, the intellect can't lead, for the life doesn't follow.  When we choose the life must follow our intellect's it's to our life's disadvantage, and, of course our intellect's as well.  "...We(e),...", succeeded to do our best last moment, latest hour and day, that's experiential knowledge that we'll do it again in the next moment, hour, day; call it hope or whatever, yet, it's experience- of the life, not the intellect.  We forget the elements, ‘let a smile be your ambassador’, etc.; luckily trees don’t forget how to be trees, and the importance of that to the world- or, we’d all already be dead from lack of oxygen, etc..  Thanx for all you All do, have a great day   :)   reality
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2019
Riding home in a hellbound car
My lover by my side
I tried to steer a different way
But it seems by rules I can't abide

So I rest my head against the glass
Scenery a pillow
Whooshing noise a bed
Led towards a house blanketed in snow
Wishing I could stop time instead

The drive is such a neutral place
It doesn't hurt to be alive
Between the nosedive and the pole vault
The steady up and down I survive
I say hellbound because home is hell
kell Oct 2019
Im nauseated from the ups and downs
I get so low I forget what its like to breathe,
drowning by my crys and screams
I get so high that its seems I have a perfect life
I wish I could be in a time loop of this night
When it rains is poors when its sunny it burns
I appreciate the highs more every low I get
Life is like Russian roulette
You could be here one second go the next
life isnt promised the only thing promised is death
so appreciate life with all its highs and lows
your pain and hurt might never go away
but your here right now so try to live through the pain.
Every person has issues even if you believe yours are worse hurting and pain is felt the same. live right now
Colm Jul 2019
The hollow, empty, fickle words
The accounts and all of the time there spent
Social media is the death of all things good and decent
I say again
Social media is the death of all things good and decent
Social Lows
Breanna evans Jan 2019
sadly, I'm sadder
in this moment than I was
just moments ago
bipolar life is like a rollercoaster. I don't mind the highs so much, but the lows...

I think I'm gonna throw up
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