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Gaius Normanyo Nov 2016
When I fall, I don't land where I used to.
The Lord's hands catch me and guide me through
Dark valleys, mountain peaks, and the in-between;
Depression, accomplishments, any emotional scene.
The embrace of Heaven's warmth is what I seek,
But while I'm here I'll show others as I speak.
Truth, wisdom, my faults, I do not hold back at all
Because I know He has me, even when I fall.
10:45 PM, 10/27/16 - 12:34 PM, 11/5/16
Secret-Author Sep 2016
Spoken Word Poetry

The words just don't come together
I choke.
And it's easier for me to think
If I'm not really looking.
But instead
If I just keep to myself
With my head down low
Everything seems to work.
Time passes by
Rather than this stagnant space I'm used to
Where I can feel myself  letting you down.

It's horrible,  truly
A dull ache in my heart that is always there.
The steady beat of disappointment
Not. Good. Enough.
Not. Good. Enough.
Not. Good. Enough.

But I am O.K
In lots of ways.
Just the ways that are not conventional.
Or useful. Well,
Not to you anyway.
I know I have a beauty in me somewhere.
Just the words don't come together
I choke.
And it's easier for me to think
If I'm not really looking.
But instead
If I just keep to myself
With my head down low
Everything seems to work.
Time passes by
Rather than this stagnant space I'm used to
Where I can feel myself letting you down.

It's horrible, truly
A dull ache in my heart that is always there.
The steady beat of disappointment
Not. Good. Enough.
Not. Good. Enough.
Not. Good. **Enough.
Spoken Word Poetry.
Who I Am
Louisa Coller Aug 2016
The mindset of a summer kiss left upon the memories of you,
suffocate me individually in the consciousness every second.
You and I were a terrible mix, we thought we were perfect.
You and I were terrible at maintaining, and I was constantly fearful.

When lit eyes locked mine into an abyss-like stare,
I presumed the moment would go on.
When your hand left mine in a hopeful glare,
It began to feel like the last one.

Corruption, manipulation, ruptures and screams came,
but everyone presumed it was just me.
But now I look back upon that angel,
she was warning me.

My lips sealed tightly with another man thinking I was right,
little did I know this man was only in love with me for the night.
When he grabbed me close, I felt relieved,
as if love had came back to life.
While he sobbed sweet tears,
thinking on why I left him that night.

It came clear to me that I didn't grasp love,
if anything I shattered it to pieces.
Presuming love was a sweetest of cupcake,
without added ingredients.

But after years of silence, isolation and thought it occurred to me,
ever since that night his mind laid on me like a burden for a time.
Temptations to move on, girls laying upon me, seducing me simply,
everything you wanted, sugar and warmed hearts, which I denied.

For after all this time we came back eye to eye,
to find out when we left we hurt each other a little more inside.
Secrets we stay, hopefully not remain as we spend the nights,
for you see,
You and I were a perfect mix, when we thought all was lost.
You and I were a perfect mix, my illness lied to us.
GaryFairy May 2016
Hey mister, can you spare me a dime
or maybe just a moment of your time
I hate to admit, I'm a starving artist
maybe my choices aren't the smartest

it seems senseless starving for art
artistic integrity plays a big part
parting my ways seems so hard
hardest part is silencing my heart

hey mister, can I sell you a rhyme
it might mean something over some time
I'm proud to admit I'm a starving artist
even though these days are the hardest
rewrite - ***, I have lost 6 followers and gained 8 in one day. ****! I have been nothing but nice to all who followed me, and done my best to support their poetry. I wish folks would let me know why, and not be so cowardly. I am sorry if you are frustrated, or for whatever reason you unfollowed me. This site isn't about poetry, it's about shutins who live on the net. If you have a problem, or hear a rumor, come to me with it. You better believe I am not in private messages talking about you.
Giraluna Gil May 2016
I made a loop with a running knotĀ around my neck
A snare, a lasso
A hangman's hassle
I tightened it up
I pushed the chair
Only to blame the only person who actually cared
GaryFairy May 2016
the only way that he could say bye
buying a red rose and watching it die
dying to find some other way
weighing his options to live another day

he couldn't help but to feel like a heel
healing was hard and the pain was real
reality soaked him like torrential rains
reigning over his will to remain

(I am trying to get back to following the ones who follow me, or take interest in my writing. The best way to "**** out" was to unfollow all, and then look at the list of my followers. I hate to be that way, but i also hate to see the ones who unfollwed me on my "home" page. Please bear with me, because it will only allow me to follow so many people a day apparently.)
Homophone must be used as last word in first line and third line, and their homophones should be used as the first word in the second and fourth lines.
Ryan Jan 2016
I don't know how to help myself,
where do I even start?
I could write paragraphs of words,
enough to fill miles of the open world.
but these words don't help to change,
they only help to vent out thoughts.
When will the real change happen?
there is so much to see and do...
yet it feels pointless on my own.
I can't seem to grasp it,
repeating routines, how can anyone be satisfied.
I need to meet more people,
I dont know where to start, where to go...
Just completely stuck.
Why do people ride the roller coasters over and over again?
Why do people become board game boards and have things walk all over them repeatedly?
Why do people stay in the status quo for decades upon decades
Why do people hesitate to get out of something they know they can?
I'm not going to live in permanent misery
I'm not conforming for the common miserable life
***** that
I've had enough moping time
Too much if you ask me
Change is now my middle name
Either you want change or you want misery
One or the other
Pick one.
D Sep 2015
I can never write poetry when I'm happy
what does that say about my personality?
why do words evade me when I long to share
my feelings of positivity?
I don't want to only be known for my works
on tragedy
I am not always sad and lonely
I smile and laugh
and enjoy what life gives me
and yet I can never convert that joy into poetry
here I am, destined it seems, to always be a tragedy
tragically, this is also another poem about unhappiness
Doll Spaghetti Jul 2015
maybe this time its different
or maybe its not

i guess I'm not too bothered
either way

i'm always looking for new members for this circus

our first show for you tonight is the incredibly ambitious boy
he's always alone and craving attention
he who has realized his current worth and all he can be
and revels in phantasmagoria eternal
yet never steps out of his mind

next, we have a guest performer for you tonight
hailing all the way from ???
she is a gorgeous lady with a somber past and an uncertain future
never in one place too long, this disappearing act will keep you in your seat begging for more

our third act is the content boy
whom has sated his desire and no longer feels the fire burning down his house, a miracle you have to see to believe
he can spend days doing the routine he has done all his life and let the weeks pass him by and forget all he has done, not even thinking about the consequences of inactivity

the ******! the fourth act!
we have the melancholy boy!
never before have you been filled with pity quite like this!
he has realized what has happened with him, as he has done many times before!
reaching out for a branch to break his burning descent, he grabs for the girl and prays for forgiveness!

our fifth act, our final act, is weeks of silence.
our hero remembers who he is and the flaws of his character
"finally i can get some sleep"
he murmurs to himself
as he rubs his eyes,
brushes his teeth,
and eats his breakfast
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