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Morgan Kelly Oct 2016
Dad yells, and mom cries,
I'm too young to know why,
But like the sneak that I am,
I slyly slide against the cold white wall,
Trying to listen,
What is going on?
Why does this happen?

The devil's drink,
At least that's what I've grown to think,
Because when I see alcohol,
I see a man with brown hair,
And a mole places on his cheek,
Drowning himself in the yellow colored elixir,
Stumbling around and breaking objects,
Breaking families,
Breaking a little girl's hearth who just wants a dad.

That sacred poison flooding the body,
Bubbling up ideas of bad decisions.
So many women,
He entered and exited,
And I am scared,
Because I don't want to be the same.

I don't want to be limited by addiction,
I don't want to ruin families,
I don't want to be abusive.
And I know that I'm not that person,
I am not him,
But every time I see alcohol I think,
What if?

And so I push people away,
And I have trouble trusting,
Because if one drink,
Can transform someone who is supposed to be
A father,
A dad,
Then who's to say it won't happen to another?
I want to lock myself away,
And scream

But maybe not everyone is going to hurt me,
And maybe alcohol isn't completely "bad."
Maybe a few happy things have happened,
As a result of letting this liquid,
Slowly enter my life.
Seeing friends be responsible,
But also somewhat silly.
Sharing snacks and music at 3am,
Accompanying bitter bubbles,
With the sugary ones of a soda.

I'm still scared,
And I don't think I'll ever be,
But at least now I have people,
Who make things, well -
Not so bad.
melli7 Jun 2016
I don't judge you
out loud
I laugh when you want me to and
smile at convenient intervals and lulls in
conversation in
Ash Jul 2016
Remember* the good times
For they'll surely come to pass
Remember all the
* Jokes
And *Remember
all the laughs
For one day
They just might be your *last

And Don't Be afraid to love
Even though you're surely going to cry
But don't forget about the laughs
For you never know  when they will be your last
So savor *all the Good Times
And *cry
about the Bad
Because Today's all that Matters
so it's  ok, to be sad.
my friends keep leaving me.  And it makes me sad. but i wont ever let the memories fade. so i'm sad, and thats ok.
I was trapped lured into lie by a clever evil mastermind .
Lost in a strange land locked away in a basement guarded by some twisted hamster on steroids known as a kangaroo.

Sure I had been tricked by evil means by the mastermind known as Helen hey look she told me there was a huge **** down in the basement with tons of strippers and ******* who wouldn't fall for that? Duh everyone knows you never let strippers in the good part of your house .

So here I was living in the basement like some sad nerd who probably posts on a web site everyday thinking they are totally awesome cause they have five hundred followers when in reality they'd be lucky if they had even one human friend in real life.

What ?
I was talking  about one of those star wars nerd sites cause everyone knows I'd never bash a site like Hello that is ruled by a evil cult leader who moved to the states after collecting money under guise to help the site when in reality it was for his *** change .

Yeah Id never pick on someone like that .
Frankly I'm hurt you'd think that  I'm kidding and as long as I'm breathing I will always be your favorite ruthless ******* slash ****** with a heart of gold.

I sat there in my new cell wondering just what the hell I was to do all the while kangaroo jack kept his beady little eyes locked onto me .
Yeah I knew he was sitting there mentally ******* me with his eyes I felt so naked course id probably feel better if I actually put some clothes on.
Duh who wears clothes at a **** *******?
Had I known this was all a lure I would have kept my clothes on and kept my trusty **** whistle and not got into this mess to begin with.

I was ready to scream for help when all the sudden I herd a sound .
Muffled as it was still I herd it the kangaroo hopped as it approached me oh dear lord man I was far to fragile to be assaulted by this weird *** overgrown rat .

The sound was so strange it sounded like the men at work song land from down under but where the **** was it coming from!
The Kangaroo was getting far to close it leaned over into my face and being a true man I did what any other true man would do.

Began to cry and beg this ****** up gerbil not to **** me.
Answer the ******* phone mate.
It said to me as I was stunned .

Hey ******* answer the ******* phone .
It said again  incase your to high or didn't read it the first time .
You ******* talk and what ******* phone I asked trying to hold back the tears let me tell you these animals were known killers they were like Canadians on crack with incredibly strong legs yeah imagine what nickel back could do with powers like these those heartless ******* would be unstoppable .

I was lost naked and afraid minus the camera crew and some ***** chick who smelled really bad and ******* at me for not having great hunting skills why not call that show what millions of people wearing clothes call it .
Marriage yeah now there's some scary ****!

Look **** for brains snap out of hit .
The kangaroo said as it kicked me upside the head .
Answer the ******* phone so we can get on with this story you *******.

I swear those kangaroos really had a mouth on them who knew such cute looking standing rabbit could be such a *******.

Okay so where the hells the phone and never kick me again you got it!?
I have no clue where your furry foots been.
Up your grandmas *** mate and where else would I keep my phone in my ******* pouch .

Look You can insult me how ever you like Gerbil but I'm not putting my hand in that pouch besides that is the oldest trick in the book you know how many times I fell for that with grandpa ?


This steroid fed mouse asked as it looked at me like all other people and some who read this might think.
What the **** is wrong with me?

Yeah that's a whole other write in itself .

Answer the ******* phone in my pouch now *******!
Umm no .
Why not ?
Cause I don't want to .
Look you ***** if  I had long enough arms I would do it but I cant okay
you know how ****** up it is to have arms this short now you know why the T Rex was the most ******* dinosaur of them all .

Yeah I had to admit my new friend slash captor had a point imagine being a total badass that cant ******* boy that's some ****** up **** but enough with the foreplay hamsters.

After some back and fourth  debate I against great protest reached in this hopping *******'s pouch and found a cell phone .

Hello ?
Well Gonzo how you like your new digs mate?
I knew that voice anywhere .

Helen !

My friend turned evil super villain explained to me her evil plan to keep me hostage and force me to co write for eternity in this basement guarded twenty four seven by Ursula her trained evil kangaroo henchwoman .

It was clear all hope was lost how could I ever escape the clutches of such twisted evil?
Then it occurred to me I would simply bust the window in the basement and get the **** out of here .

I had to act fast cause it's almost happy hour at the bar kids and this hamster is thirsty.
Hey Ursula I really got to use the bathroom .
Well go ahead mate the toilets in the corner .

Yeah but you know I really like my privacy you know I mean I tell you those burritos are really talking back if you know what I mean but hey if you can stand the smell be my guest I mean sure the oder alone will strip the paint off the walls but I'm sure after you pass out from the fumes you will be fine.

Fine you stupid ******* just make it quick Ursula said as she bounced her grouchy *** upstairs .

It was my only shot and thank God they had left a trusty boomerang around so I could bust the window to make my escape its almost like it was planned that way being I'm writing the story.
No **** Sherlock!

I was free as a bird if a bird had a really bad drinking problem and twisted sense of humor and was totally naked .
I looked to the front gates but there was no way I could escape that way barbwire and flesh didn't mix that well besides without there draw bridge down the crocodiles would eat me alive yeah these Aussies were total freaks .

So like some naked ninja I made my way around Helens Compound of evil making my way upstairs I slipped into a room in hopes of finding just where my clothes had been taken to.

Hey help me .
I herd a mans voice say as I flipped  on the light to find a horrific scene a strange man chained to the wall no wonder this evil woman was such a prolific writer .

Hey mate help me please get me out of here .
I knew this woman was evil but after some deep discussion I learned this poor man trapped in this upstairs *** dungeon was secretly her husband  I know how weird who has there *** dungeon upstairs ?

I don't know what I'm going to do I'm never getting out of here Gonz .
I unchained my knew friend after he told me he knew how to find a way out of here and after finding my clothes and grabbing my trusty case of bourbon we put on some music caught a killer buzz and totally forgot  why we were trying to escape the clutches of evil to begin with.

The party was great we laughed we cried we watched some really freaky homemade movies once only made me love my knew Aussie brother more Shawn was ******* awesome a bit of a freak but ******* awesome.

The party was going full swing when the doors few open and there she was my evil long lost sister Helen and her demented *** evil henchwoman  slash house pet kangaroo Ursula who although a animal had some great legs I have to admit .

The gigs up Gonz it's off to the basement with you forever !
I looked at my new best friend thought about how sad he was when I found him and thought of the great times we could have roaming the wasteland looking for gasoline like in mad max just being totally drunk instead.

Yeah then Helen yelled in her outside voice inside and bout made me **** myself so I said **** this and left my brother behind and hauled ***  

I made it to the kitchen but was trapped by Helen and her evil **** minion .

Give it up Gonz  Helen said .
At that moment I grabbed a knife .

Oh cut the crap Gonz stop being silly what are you going to do with that ?

She thought she had me but I had one last trick up my sleeve .

I opened the fridge and grabbed her trusty box of wine
You ******* don't you dare hurt my baby!

Yeah you want this back I said as walked forward and out of the kitchen towards the veranda .

You get back Helen or I swear the box of wine gets it.

Oh  yeah you stab that box then I will drop this fifth of your bourbon over the rail Helen said with that devilish look in her eyes.

You heartless ***** !
She dropped the bottle I swear it cried daddy as it fell to the ground shattering to a million pieces on the concreate beside the pool wow I had to admit she really had a nice place.

I mean sure she was twisted evil heartless had a awesome husband she kept in a upstairs *** dungeon but enough about Helens  good quality's  .

I looked as my pour bottle lay shattered upon the floor  .
I laughed you know that wasn't my only bottle .

I know that mate then reached to Ursula grabbing yet another bottle from her pouch dam you Australia why must you have so many ****** up animals in one place its like a zoo on crack.

Helen went to drop yet another bottle over the rail when I cracked.
Okay enough!
I will put your box of wine down just don't hurt the bottle okay .

Deal mate Helen replied .

We both slowly put are true passions in life down .
I'm glad you could see things my way Gonz now time for you to get writing .

Yeah Helen I don't think so I said pulling the trusty boomerang from a location I rather not disclose hey I been to prison before you be surprised the stuff people smuggle in.
Dam that hurt.!

I threw the boomerang with all my might this was my one truly  last chance at getting out of here.
But like some Aussie ninja Helen just ducked the thing  as  it flew past her head went flying around the house and turned direction coming straight towards me hitting me in the skull.

As I fell to my death music played as I took that long dramatic one story fall .
I hit the pavement like Lindsey Lohans career.

I laid there broken my new best friend speaking to me no gonz don't leave me we could have are own spinoff if only you didn't die .
Shawn my brother I will never forget you but I have just one last thing to say to you are you listening .

Yes mate I am.

And at that moment of dire sadness I ripped the biggest **** .
Shawn busted up laughing as above Helen looked at Ursula
Men are so ******* disgusting .

And later as they all sat looking down upon me from the veranda Helen furious at her man slaves betrayal told her partner in crime slash killer kangaroo .

Ursula go fetch the battery out of the car and the ****** clamps someone is going to be punished .
Shawn's face lit up with joy yay he exclaimed .
Helen shoot him a look .

I mean oh no such horror please don't torture me mistress   .
But hey don't judge them there not freaks there Australian.

Ursula shook her head as she made her way to fetch the car battery .
Jesus Christ why couldn't I have been Mel Gibson's pet.

Helen looked down one last time at her dead brothers body .
But to her surprise he was   gone .
The dramatic Halloween music played as Shawn looked to his evil temptress slash wife .

Mistress was that the boogeyman?

She slapped the **** outta him **** no its just that lovable perverted misspelling ***** across the water everyone calls Gonzo.

She shook her head and laughed to herself .
We will meet again my friend .

Until next time kids or Helen finds and actually kills
me stay crazy.

NeroameeAlucard Jan 2016
Why is it that reheated fries are so disappointing
Why is it that everybody I like lives so far from my home, *****?

Why do the good die young, why are the evil immortalized
Why does the sun go down, because I can't sleep at night

Why is it that if a bunch of people like something, it's automatically overrated
Why is it that common sense is so rare, but stupidity is hotly debated
NeroameeAlucard Dec 2015
You ever see those cheesy comic strips?
You know the ones with those two little bug eyed kids?
Oh come on the ones with the caption "love is? "

I've had quite a few ideas for those cute little strips
So straight from my twisted head,  here's Nero's idea of what love is.

Love is when you find that special girl or guy,
That you hate a little less than everybody else you pass by

Love is finding somebody to go eat a pizza with and talk crap about the ugly delivery guy with
Love is when netflix and chill means netflix and chill, but enough of this romantic tish
For people who hate people
NeroameeAlucard Nov 2015
I want you
this lust is eating me alive
I want to drink your body in
because you send chills up my spine

I want you
So bad i can barely stand up
is taking a lot of self restraint
to stop myself from burying my face in your womanly cup

I want you
you're such a tease biting your lip
getting everybody excited with ease
its so scintillating how your hourglass figure is so titillating

I want you.....
but you're on an adult website!
NeroameeAlucard Oct 2015
No Please Why No No.
**** That **** that **** that
No. no. no. no. no.
NeroameeAlucard Aug 2015
Head games from a dead brain
It's sole goal, it seems, is to drive itself insane
My memory gets fuzzy
And when I get nervous or forget something my nerves get all buzzy

Head games that I'm losing against myself
You'd think I'd ***** myself to science to achieve wealth
But if a frontal lobe can't be relied on, then can a medical professional?
It ***** because though I try to work around my own problems, my brain puts the bullet in my legs
NeroameeAlucard Jul 2015
Sweet And sugary
tantalizing and tempting
I know I shouldn't eat it
but I can't resist

Licking and tasting
every sugary drop
I know it's bad for me
but I just can't stop

the forbidden is sweetest
when experienced with another
This is some great sorbet
what, you thought I was writing about something
other than sweets?
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