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Honey you're dying,
There's no use in crying
Though I hear your screams
As I watch you bleed.
They once called me the Crimson Scourge,
A queen of the free.
But that was me.
Each passing millennium and I'm left without.
A dying breed and here you stand in doubt,
But never leave me in my lonesome
Because it kills me and makes me stronger.
You wouldn't want to see who I've become,
You'd hate me like they did
And would wish me dead.
You gave your lives for me and I have disappointed you.
They say, "Weep child, for you have lost everything."
Others have said, "Stand mother, for we give you our faith."

It has been seven millennia since I've last spoken to you
And now I have my last favor to ask,
"Could you ever forgive me for letting you be my hearts?"
He spoke with such eloquence;
As he piqued her interest
He spoke with such intelligence;
As her cheeks did blush
He spoke with such confidence;
As she succumbed to his charm

He spoke with soft promises;
As the romance drew her
He spoke with burning passion;
As she fell into his arms
He spoke with sweet poems;
As she fell hopelessly in love

He spoke of their future;
As she was lost in their present
He spoke of his soul-mate;
As she was lost in his soul
He spoke of forever;
As forever took hold

He spoke of hopeless romance;
As she uncovered his disguise
He spoke of fate and destiny;
As she saw through his facade
And, he spoke of true love;

                    As she realized,
                             He had only,
Maybe Paenitentia was only ever in love with the idea of love.
Kyle Kulseth Aug 2015
From distant space in between
we watch plotting out the course.
The Human Race blind to its fate,
asleep controlled beyond the stars.

Through eons old and light years cold,
we came with sinister intent.
We've guided history for centuries
toward the doom of men.

We watch from the quiet spaces between
          where no mere mortal has ever gone.
We watch as we always have; still unseen
          and we've been here all along.
We watch for a moment soon to come. They
          have no clue as they drift through their days.
The Moon is full, the stars are right. We rise
          from the places where
                     we watch...

In darkened cellars of old
and in remote mountain woods
exist faint traces of our race;
fragments of knowledge no one should

pursue at all. When darkness falls,
some half-remember our dark names.
Cover of night hides ancient rites.
Our moment's drawing near again.

Our names leak from whisp'ring lips all quiv'ring
          spoken low beneath audible tones.
Foul symbols in air shaking hands tracing,
          memorized from profane tomes.
We wait as the ritual's unfolding
          poised to take our rightful place on top.
The stars are right, the chanting's high. We rise
          from the places where
                    we watch...

World turns through the ages and
                  we watch.

Ancient ones, our time is nigh.
                 We watch.

Don't resist. We're coming through.
               WE WATCH.
Been watching too many old movies and reading too much Lovecraft, I guess.
She was the epoch of beauty;
As her silken hair cascaded,
Over the slender form of her shoulders

She was the epitome of purity;
As her gentle whispers dispersed,
The darkness from within his soul

She was the personification of heaven;
As her endless love entwined both,
Drawing them blissfully ever-skyward

She was the relief of weightlessness;
As her soul helped bear his grief,
The burden of sorrowed life extinguished

She was the extremity of destruction;
As she drifted from his presence,
The truancy leaving his soul condemned

She was the essence of life;
As he felt it drift from reach,
Her auburn eyes, fading from memory.

She was.
How can one be so far away; yet, so indescribably close? Paenitentia's light fades slowly.
He stands by the pond,
And marvels her Auburn eyes;
The sun cannot comprehend,
The beauty with which they shine.

The cosmos cannot wonder,
For the beauty of her soul

Alas, this day is dark;
And he stands by the pond, alone.
Paenitentia in the garden of old.
He awakes to her form;
Sleeping so gently
Alas, it is not her;
Her eyes are blue
Not the Auburn,
He knows so well.
Even in another's presence, Paenitentia can indulge no freedom.
Our lives lead down solitary roads;
Yet, these roads lie so close
How so often then must we just miss
A soul who could share our woes?
Solitary lives; solitary souls.
I've learnt that I crave acceptance
So is this poem an epiphany;
Or simply, a cry for attention?
Paenitentia's pondered thoughts.
Val Chavez Jun 2015
It kinda ***** to be hispanic.

Because apparently,
my ***** tastes like salsa.

and my calves are not strong as a result of exercise,
it’s because I’m hauling pounds of marijuana across the borders.

and I’m automatically dumb,

you know your people have been brainwashed when even they start to believe that they’re dumb.

that’s what I learned when the Mexican girl next to me in math class leaned over to me and said,

“You’re really smart for one of us.”

if a white woman has my skin color, it’s beautiful.

when my naturally tan skin is pictured, i’m now wearing “too much bronzer.”

I’m a fake.

I “don’t belong in this country.”

Because my ancestors looked up to this country as a place of refuge and stability, but I tend to disagree,

I gotta leave now?

Take a moment and live in my home. Live in my country. Know how my life works.

And then tell me oppression isn’t a thing.
just how it is.
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