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eve Nov 2019
just tell me what to do,
confess to me your love,
or leave me here,
i promise this won’t be long.
just find out what to do,
tell me what to do,
what gave you the mobility to get over me,
to overcome the distance that once broke our connection apart?
how did you do it?
tell me, or I’m afraid,
I might have to jump off a building,
Cause’ you’re stuck in my brain again,
Yeah, I’m stuck in my brain again.
havoc and incessant quarrels,
bring tears to eyes and knives through hearts.
despite the mess you made with our love,
I’d go through it again if I were to know we would create the product of our love.
you’re the one i choose,
and most importantly,
the one i can never lose,
you’re stuck in my brain again,
yeah, stuck in my brain, again.
wish i could hear your voice,
it used to soothe me when i’d reminisce,
late at night, used to seek comfort in daydreaming,
in those daydreams, you used to confess to me your love through dry humor and long phone calls,
we would recycle the same thoughts to prolong conversations,
and pivot them, when the time grew too long,
all i get nowadays are the reminders that we were far too young to comprehend the concept of love;
we are no longer in love as we once were,
and you don’t feel the same anymore,
which brings me to face what i have avoided all of these years.
i no longer feel sane anymore,
so I lay wide awake,
To get my soul away,
I look for new ways around the thought of you,
I need a great escape or I might jump off a building.
is it wrong to hope that someday love will return to us?
to the one place in the world where it falls and belongs to us.
i’m afraid that if it doesn't,
time and fate will consume us slowly,
right before you declare to me the loss of us,
have you know that you’re the one i run to mid problems and emotions,
your name drives me crazy when i hear it,
still hard wired to the thoughts that make me run to you,
and your smile, don’t even get me started,
however, i acknowledge the deep sorrow and pain you feel for cutting off the supply chain of tangible thoughts that trace through my head and the oxygen that supports the barely moving body of mine,
in an alternate world,
you’re stuck in my brain, again,
yeah, stuck in my brain again.
#stuck #motionless #love #romance #unfair #upset #two #loves #poem #real #struggle #illness #obsession #trend #explore
kain Aug 2019
I want to be buried
Next to the unmarked grave
In my town's small cemetery
Next to the football stadium
The grave that nobody notices
The grave I sat beside
So many times
The grave I collected flowers for
Not a beautiful bouquet
Bought at a shop
But fallen blossoms
Pale and delicate
That littered the ground
Beneath the flowering trees
I wiped away the moss
And the wind caked dirt
To reveal the slab of stone
The grave that only read
It's an interesting one. I'm still not entirely sure why I do it in the first place.
Courtney Brandt Jul 2018
He looks at me from under his lashes and I melt.
He makes me want to take shelter,
hole us away in some sleepy town until all I remember is him.
I'm not selfish, except for when I am, and right now all I can think of is him.
He is the before,
the after,
everything in between.
We walk a tight line, he and I.
Always saying what we don't really mean,
too ignorant to admit that we are It for each other.
Ignorance is bliss, and we are so happy.
ruh roh
Yudoni Apr 2018
A sight to behold, the last story to be told, the world collides with another, to embrace his long-lost brother, as the grass breaks through the granite, in the sky will be the stars and planets, the beasts and creatures will survive, in the greatest Era of being alive, the Andromeda galaxy did collide, bringing new life right by our side, we may have died or be old, what a sight to behold.
My dad said this would happen and he said it would be the best time to be alive :)
fiachra breac Mar 2018
was it worth it?
to feel something? just for ten ******* minutes,
to feel something?

i can't look at you, Conchúr,
you repulse me.
every crocodile tear and shark-*******-smile,
with your smug little laugh,
and your meaningless words -

you weave them together,
constructing vast fantasies and empty promises -
how many people have you trapped,
in your wide and selfish net?

oh! but you've always been so good with words.
and may that be the death of you,
because you deserve hell for your sins:
one eternity is not black enough for creatures like you.

lies, lust, pain - that's your bread and butter.
you never were good at much else,
but ****** you are good at hurting
those around you, the ones who care.

she was right to get rid of you,
especially when she did,
because look how far you've come!

when was it... only last night you tried again,
didn't you? you thought no one was looking,
but they all have eyes, and someone will find out.

they'll see your scars (remember to keep it below the belt next time, buddy, okay?),
or they'll see the blood (god, how it gushed after all that dancing - i thought you were a goner),
or they'll find your pathetic little poems,
gathering dust on some forgotten corner of the internet,
where your heart is too bare,
and its blackness is plain to see.

what then? will it be worth it then?
to express something? just to try and put your life in words,
to express something?

"oh look at you, you poor thing,
you've been so hard done by..."


this is your fault,
and you deserve every last ounce of hurt.
god, i don't know what else i am to do. how did i end up like this? what happened to me?
tayarose Feb 2018
I'm in a car and It's starting to sink
I'm struggling to breath, Emotions drowning me
I'm grasping for breath, Trying to scream
But nothing comes out, I'm just by myself
Nothing I can do,Knowing no one is coming to help
 And it's all my fault,
Twisted thoughts, bruised hearts, open scars        
 I tempted suicide,Couldn't never plunge the knife
I did not choose this life
But it's my choice if I live or die
and i'm still deciding
Kerrigan Reyes Apr 2014
Hush little baby
don't you cry
your oh so very sad
and you've grabbed the knife
hush little baby
don't you cry
don't run the knife upon your skin
don't beg that this is the end
Hush small baby
I know you're crying
in the deep of the night your trying
to fix your lonesome life
Hush little baby
don't you cry
put down the sharp gleaming knife
I know you're strong, I know you'll be fine
just survive this one little time
and you'll be successful
you'll be okay
just try a different way
to get your sorrow out of your body
you can write, paint, sing, or try running
hush little child
I love you so
please don't leave me so alone.
To whoever needs a lil happiness in life. there IS hope. Just have to keep your chin up high
Kerrigan Reyes Apr 2014
Do you know what its like?
To be pushed down and beaten
Do you know what its like?
To be made fun of and verbally hit

My story is sad and I'm not going to hide
it pulls me in and shoves me out the ocean's tide
is so very strong it rocks against my body
leaving me tired and breathlessly
numb to the soul, to the inner part of me
what do you hate? what do you see?
to make you laugh and point your fingers at me
at my friends, at my lovers, so cruel, don't you see?

Do you know what it's like?
to be beaten and shunned from the world
Do you know what it's like?
to be dumped and ditched for them

I was ignored in the first grade
because my family didn't have it made
we were poor but happy to be alive
then you started throwing knives
trying to **** my hope and my dreams
All you did was label stupid, old me
I was told to 'go cut myself and die'
in the seventh grade, eventually I said goodbye
after my twelfth birthday I grabbed the pills
I signed a goodbye letter and I made a deal
with God if I survived Id change forever
unfortunately, I did live, to try again? Never.

Do you know what it's like?
To be told to go and die
Do you know what it's like?
To take the knife in your hands

I finally got help in the eleventh grade
I didn't care what anyone had to say
I was happy to be me, and I smiled
for days on end, I was a creepy little child
who never stopped smiling at the world
because of one special little girl
who came up to me and said 'Why?
Why do you hurt so badly?" she sighed
and gave me a band-aid to put on my scars
she told me to never try again because I'd go far
I broke down in dewdrops and began to smile
and ever since then I've walked mile after mile
of recovery and happy pills, and sleepy pills
but don't give up hope, you just have one more hill
to climb over, to get past, to succeed with
before you get to rest, what they say is a myth
You'll go far kid. <3
People really did tell me to go cut myself and die, and a girl really gave me a bandaid and told me itll be okay. That gave me a hope and right now I'm going to try and give you hope <3 because you DESERVE  hope and to live. Because youre someones reason to smile
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