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Aaron LaLux Aug 2016
Screen Crack

what the fck,
Jesus has nothing to do with this,

your hands glued to the,
latest PDA advice,
seems like you cling to your PDA,
like it’s as important as a TAH,

that’s a Total Artificial Heart,
you are the “art” in artificial,
since when did Personal Displays of Affection,
get replaced with Personal Digital Assistant,

would rather ******* in silence,
than talk to someone that could potentially like you,
in the narcissistic network of a sociopathic society,
on thing is certain this cycle of denial is ******,

what the fck,
totally stuck,
mind fckt and ******,
into that little cancer causing PDA that you hold in your hot little hand,

Steve Jobs got cancer,
you think that’s a coincidence,
people that work with electronic devices their whole live’s,
get sick and this is not an isolated incident,

just look at at Stevie Jobs no Wonder he got sick,
died in his mid 50’s alone and in bed thin as a stick,
all those billions couldn’t save him,
so what makes you think you’ll survive,
what makes you think I care if you live,
when it doesn’t seem like you care if I die,

you think you’re saving time on that portable electronic device,
but really you’re not saving time you’re just wasting your life,
because no one ever regrets not spending more time playing video games,
it’s not spending more time with those they love that they regret when they die,

and I’m going to do you a favor and save you the trouble,
of spending your whole life chasing money on a tiny screen,
I’m going to quote Steve Jobs’s last words here,
so that you can start making changes right now before it’s too late…

“I have come to the pinnacle of success in business.
In the eyes of others, my life has been the symbol of success.
However, apart from work, I have little joy. Finally, my wealth is simply a fact to which I am accustomed.
At this time, lying on the hospital bed and remembering all my life, I realize that all the accolades and riches of which I was once so proud, have become insignificant with my imminent death.
In the dark, when I look at green lights, of the equipment for artificial respiration and feel the buzz of their mechanical sounds, I can feel the breath of my approaching death looming over me.
Only now do I understand that once you accumulate enough money for the rest of your life, you have to pursue objectives that are not related to wealth.
It should be something more important:
For example, stories of love, art, dreams of my childhood.
No, stop pursuing wealth, it can only make a person into a twisted being, just like me.”…

there you go,
don’t say I didn’t tell you so,
still you hear the final words of a billionaire and you say “Who cares?”,

and that is actually a serious question,
who cares?

Too busy trying to find fake treasure on Pokemon Go or read the latest news,
it seems all those apples and androids have made you apathetic,
in the Garden of Electronic Eden the internet has replaced intense ***,
no open markets on weekdays just items on eBay our  sympathy is synthetic,

so we don’t feel the vibration of our brothers we just feel the vibration of our phones,

see the more connected we get to the virtual world the less connected we get to the actual world,

and I’m having a melt down witnessing everyone on their cell phones,
and I want to find a reason to believe in but I feel we’re all lost without a home,

maybe I need Jesus,
what the fck,
Jesus has nothing to do with this,

new addiction to screens phones are the new crack,
cracked screens from dropping your phone gives you a minor heart attack,
oh how attractive cancer seems when it’s attractively wrapped,
in the form of an impersonal personalized phone case crass is the new black,

what the fck,
totally stuck,
mind fckt and ******,
into that little cancer causing PDA that you hold in your hot little hand,

look up look up!

You are alive in a body on this beautiful land.

There’s a whole world out there,
please find someone to get to know and love,
because there’s probably someone right next to you right now,
that’s willing to give you their all you just have to set the phone down and look up!

If you’d only just look up!

you’re don’t see them because you’re too busy playing Pokemon Go,

I know,
we’re part of a 1st World society,
and we play our part by being passively compliant,
in order to be an accessory to our country’s atrocities,

as we get dressed up with the latest techno accessories,

I know,
you don’t want to think about it too much,
because then you might feel guilty,
so you keep your head down like you’re mourning,

you stay on your phone,
because it’s easier to simply not feel,
won’t even make eye contact,
because you’ve been conditioned to fear anything that’s actually real,

insecure and scared of the unknown,
even though it’s the things that we’re most comfortable that usually **** us,
cars cigarettes alcohol cell phones,
I’m telling you addiction to technology is a serious illness,

as we all begin to decay into a mediated mental illness….

Do you even remember what you did on your phone yesterday,
do you even remember what the last time you felt real emotions,
do you even remember the last time you did anything to help the world,
what is there left to believe in when nothing feels right?

Feels like,
we are losing touch with everything that makes us human,
emotions experienced in artistic expressions are leaving,
we have no attention span and cyborg robots do the thinking,

as we steadily slip into an android abyss please remember this,

I Love You,

and that scares you when I tell you like all real emotions scare you,
and then I tell you I want to take that phone you hold and throw it into the ocean,
and you finally look up from your phone stare me in the eyes and say, “I dare you.”,

like you’re defending your phone as if it’s a part of you,
like you’d hate a fellow human for destroying an inanimate object,
because when we’ve lost all emotions only hatred will be lingering,
but I’ll take hatred if that’s all that’s left,

what the fck,
wait, ∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
Jesus has nothing to do with this,

and I’m the biggest hypocrite,
because I say all this about technology,
but I’m writing these words here on this laptop,
and offering no apologies,

maybe I’ll really realize,
when I’m about to be gone,
alone on that death bed with my millions,
quoting the last words of Mr. Steve Jobs,

“Stop pursuing wealth, it can only make a person into a twisted being, just like me…”
“Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow…”,

can you here me now?

No you probably still don’t hear me,
because you’re likely on your phone even right now…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
Your reality check is in the mail...
SøułSurvivør Jul 2016

hold my countenance
O breath of night
for you have
a rival

for my face shines
with muted beam
from my lit

computer screen!

(C) 7/28/2016
Upon seeing my face in the window lit up by my iPhone

LOL! :]
Steven Deutsch May 2016

I always thought the iPhone
the most human of devices.
I named mine George.
Like an overeager child
George buzzes when engaged.
Spent, he recharges
to the sixty second cycle
of a resting heart.
Last night in a hotel bar,
an accidental altercation
with a roughhousing stein of Great Lakes Lager,
ruined the inner George.
Now, when shaken, George rattles.
No longer able to connect,
the heart-rending message “searching,”
parades across his shattered screen.
How human that yearning
for connectedness?
CJ Flynn Mar 2016
Your life is not your own when you have a fancy smartphone

You can see all hear all but not really listen your here but... Not really here

Your in digital Fantasyland...

Where everybody's gets their 15 seconds of fame it's just 1 like or status update away :)
Digital society social values what do we value do smartphones make us more or less human?
Nick Moser Feb 2016
I’m just an emoji filled love letter,
Sending myself to my lover.

I’m just a picture of romance screen-shotted off the Internet.
Sending myself to my lover.

I’m just a flip-phone in love with an iPhone.

I push my buttons many times,
And I myself become the perfect poem.

So I send myself to my lover.
And all I get back is:

*“New number. Who’s this?”
Who dis
Sara L Russell Jan 2016
Sara L Russell, 15th January 2016, 00:04

So yeah this is me and Julie outside H&M;…
trying too hard to look ****?
Desperate tarts more like.
We went to Starbucks after that, then the pub,
and then… the rest of the afternoon's a blur. Haha.


Oh yes and this one's me with Foo Foo,
stupid cat's sitting on top of my presentation.
She can be useless at times but she makes a good hot water bottle
when it's like, really cold? You know? Cats are great for that.
Dead sympathetic too. Good listeners.


Oh now this is a good one. This is me
with that **** actor off I'm a Celebrity.
He was in… actually I can't remember what he was in?
Really like, **** though? Yet I've only seen him on I'm a Celebrity?
Anyway he was cool with stopping for a selfie. God love him.
(Whoever he is).


Ahh… this one is me with Julie again. She's such a ******.
She's got one of those light up Santa hats on. Daft *****.
Never did get one for me. Not that I'd wear one.
I prefer those furry reindeer antlers.
See? There's one of me with antlers on.


Oh here's one of me and Mum.
Yeah very sad I know. She tries so hard to be cool, bless her.
Embarrassing really. I gave her my old phone and
she still hasn't worked out how to use it.
Takes loads of photos of herself though.
So sad.
tabitha Oct 2015
so i came up with a master plan
(in a desperate attempt)
to gradually unbrand you
from my body & my brain to
s t o p.
t h i n k i n g.
a b o u t.
y o u.
so I’ve taken to picking at my cuticles
whenever I have the urge to call you,
to ask if you ever got that part,
i just tear random bits of flesh apart
to remind myself
of what it feels like
to love you

but now my fingers are all s w o l l e n
and my iPhone’s all b l o o d y
and it  h u r t s and i'm hurt and
i just want to hug somebody
and i would if i could but now i can't
master plan
  and now i'm just alone again
Anto MacRuairidh Jul 2015
feel free to tell me
how much you love me
- she said to me
as she travelled on her way

I sat in Ireland
She drove in the States
I rested upon her dashboard
in a pixellated mess
my words spoken by a robot

and 'Siri' was heard to say
You're the leaves on my tree
- the stars in my skies
You're the rivers to my seas
(without you what am I?)

You're my reason for breathing
~ The glint in my eyes ~
You're the spice in this stew
You're the only one of you
I'm so lucky to have met
~ beautiful you

... I love you

(even Siri sighed, I think)
Siri is the female voice of an iPhone and she can read text messages to leave your hands free.
Distance love is so very hard.
Azura Skye Jun 2015
Gotta take a ‘selfie’ before I’m outta bed                                            
Mum calls me down for breaky - Open Facebook up instead        
My sister dobs me in – I tell her to take a hike                      
Quick up load the photo, and hope I getta ‘like’.          

       Gotta take a ‘selfie’, gotta getta ‘like’                                            
Dad says it isn’t healthy, my sister says I’m ‘psych’            

   Take my Ipad into class, gotta get the high score                            
English teachers raving – But poetry’s a bore                            
She catches me on ‘chat room’ and takes away my phone        
Beg my friend for last year’s modal, I gotta getta loan.

Gotta take a ‘selfie’, gotta getta ‘like’                                            
Dad says I should get healthy- I take a gopro on my bike

Grumble to my parents – Life just isn’t fair                                    
I haven’t got my Iphone and no one wants to share                    
Mum doesn’t want to hear it, she has no sympathy                  
  Just as well there’s X-box, and by Mp3

Gotta take a ‘selfie’, gotta getta ‘like’                                                
Don’t tell me to think healthy, I think my brain’s on strike.
Tori Hayes Jun 2015
In a world full of more complex emojis
The simple smiley face stands alone
The one that adorned shirts and other paraphernalia long before the iPhone
It conveys a simple message too
Something we all want, and need
But in the digital age, it's hard to tell by this colon and apostrophe
When someone is truly happy
After all
It's not our chosen punctuation that conveys how we feel inside
It's our actions
And you can't understand those through the phone
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