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Francie Lynch May 2015
I need
Some Me-time.
So, I must
Turn this off,
And this,
This too,
This as well,
And this, and this...
And the TV.
And finally,
The light.
Gwen Pimentel Jan 2015
we aren't mute
we aren't shy
we aren't strangers

yet we remain with not a word escaping our mouths, staring into little rectangles of light.
Eu Claudio Oct 2014
look at them
cattle being loaded in tricolor wagons
"Mind the closing doors"
the shepherd says

headless chickens trying to find a seat
bulls butting the walls
everyone is scared
they fear that the dog next to them
rips them inside out

so they just pretend it's fine
it's time to read the Evening Standard
let me show you my new iphone
I've been playing Candy Crush Saga
and I've become pretty good at it
you know?

The next station is Victoria
said Hall 9000
that's where I got off
and left the rest of my comrades
they are building a windmill in East London

and me?
I'm just a donkey
I don't really want to get involved
EDB Sep 2014
There's no quite sensation
Like awaiting the vibration
You're response keeps me waitin'
The dreaded "..." of an eventual reply
Kate Lion Feb 2013
We've made iPhone covers for our hearts
So we can pretend that we're just texting when it feels awkward just connecting,
face-down on the pavement of another human soul.
Shaded Lamp Jun 2014
Wake up
Got the shakes
Get some black mirror
Brush teeth
Get washed
Get some black mirror
Feed yourself
And the kids
Get some black mirror
Out the door
In the car
Get some black mirror
Seat belts on
Drive kids school
Get some black mirror
Blood spilt
Kids crying
Get some black mirror
Blue lights
Loud sirens
Get some black mirror
Waiting room
Get some black mirror
Wife arrives
All in pieces
Share some black mirror
Police arrive
No more black mirror
In a cell
Need some black mirror
In the dock
Because of black mirror
Everyone else
In the court
Getting some black mirror
I am as addicted and as enslaved as anyone to the little black mirror that glows when I touch it.
Quisha Jun 2014
I hate you having my voice laced on your iPhone.
Me being me,
Because despite all of you
I'm simply me.
On your iPhone...
Until I'm not.
Tying up loose ends, forced to leave a voicemail.
Martin Narrod Apr 2014
My body steeps in this hot sarcophagus,
Coated in fake butter topping.

I watch trollops quaffing hoppy-scotch,
Flipping wristwatches for moves to jump rope two-and-two.

Like when I was 10, and I saw this ***** white trash can of a man,
Fly out of a grocery store with a 40oz like he was Peter Pan.

But I knew deep down, in my swashbuckling soul of souls,
That Peter Pan got Wendy by being a gentleman.

So this fever, that has my mobile phone not shaking in my pocket,
I keep staring at every five seconds for you to call.

Is just another moment in my life to cherish, because if we should be married, And I want to talk. I'll just need to walk down the hall.

— The End —