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Lilywhite Mar 2019
Yeah, you're pretty great;
You're the life of the party!
But it's in my head. . .
Elemenohp Feb 2019
Cravings I've had before are nothing compared to thoughts of you,
The desire of lust is nothing, compared to the motivation for a conversation.
Hit that switch and let your thoughts drown me, I can drink them all.
Flip that lever and I'll show you my endeavor, to learn all I can of who you are.
Excitement at the mere thought of a thought, of a thought.
You're in my dreams, boy.
You are my dream, boy.
To call it a crush would be false.
Xaela San Feb 2019
In the past

she only sees

him as a friend

Now she started

to notice him

in a different way.
Friends into romantic interest
silvervi Jan 2019
A seed planted,
Turned around,
A look planted,
Turned around,
A smile more,
Turned around,
Another look, longer,
Turned around,
I hope I touched your soul.
...because you definitely touched mine.
Daniel K Jan 2019
Flower to my eyes;
Invisible to yours.
Excitement I yearn to share;
Your countenance is indifferent.
I don’t understand why
But you’re not the one
To tell me.
I admire death,
Although he but a vessel to the nether;
He is the great divide
That humbles the egocentric
And gives peace to the fraught.
Yet he cannot grasp anything but ash
And still brings mortals to their knees
In plee for a life that he cannot grant
Dredd Dec 2018
you intrigue me yet
you scare me
you are a mystery and
it intices me but
everytime i look at you
i feel unsure
like you are playing with me.

i feel like i am going back to that state of uncertainty
but i have learned my lesson.

my mind can play tricks on me.
my heart can learn the rules but
my soul ultimately tells
me when to stop playing the game.

njabulo mangena Oct 2018
I’m interested in her,
And she is interested in me,

I keep her interested and she keeps me interested,
When I looked at the richness of her youth,
I became interested,
Even today when I look at that lovely full moon face,
I become interested,
Still I will hear her voice as sweet as music,
I will become interested,
I’m an interesting man, and she is an interesting woman,
I keep her interested and she keeps me interested,

I’m interested in her,
And she is interested in me,
every woman is interesting if you make her interesting and interested
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