"Never heard her speak
aloud like this"
her father said.
"Don't expect any answers"
ten pairs of eyes
looking daggers at her
in her college
teachers only award grades
never allow themselves
to be graded.
Ÿou are a breeze--yes, my girl
but keep your mouth shut.
and get appreciated that way
you remain nice, we'll patronize,
it's plain and simple, this works everywhere.
Bit by bit they were teaching her
the way this world functions
"Don't expect an answer "
he said in a voice, ruder than that
she has never heard--what a change!
she watched with bated breath
him walking away briskly
flowers never came again.
all of them stood around her
with inscrutable expressions
on their faces.Strange
she thought, this can't happen
time doesn't converge like this
in a bleak white cell
is it here all *******
wish for a happy communion
with a frail hapless girl
without even taking in to
consideration, she is sick?
sick, sick, sick, like hell
to the core...
Ẅe are the world"