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Nat Lipstadt Jan 4
most oft, the
wherever I write,
is duly noted,
it is a due,
due you,
and hopefully,
the why I scribe,
arrives ‘pon your eyes
with Steuben glass,
of diamond tooled curettage,
a clarifying visual of

but always
with fair detailed precision
is the
for it is the timing
of the mining the specificity,
of the exact momentous,
a precious decision
taken by you,
when to turn words
of a few seconds
of a heart’s unburdening,
an inescapable reminder,
of the
thereabouts & the whyabouts
the very verity of a serious
that parented the
we call
our poems

join me then,
in the processional
of denoting the origins,
linkage contained therein
to the work we
c r e a t e

*•for in the recording of the reckoning•
•exactitude of the longitude•
•and l’atitude is the truest revelation•
•of yourself•
the week I was home alone in dec 2024;
well I’m guessing you know the exact time
this one was born😉
Jeremy Betts Nov 2024
Can I tell you my dreams?
Will you stick around long enough to understand what each means?
Should I skip over the nightmare scenes
That flicker through like 8mm on pull down screens
While the essence meanders by like dust through projector beams
Two extremes
Two cerebral regimes
Strange themes
Nothing's as it seems
Importance only found beyond the streams of screams
No, I don't think I will mention my dreams

John McCafferty Dec 2020
Done are the days of May
You could say we moved on
Spent into early retirement
As raw breaths fade away
All there is is change

The importance of a moment
Instilled inside this frame
To have and to hold in exchange
Consumed to idle eyes
A gift for you and I

The view of which describes
Is fleeting if you let it pass by
Who you are and what to do
Escapism clasps many masks
Only shown to grace the task of life
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
jia Jul 2020
im tired of failing people,
so exhausted in causing trouble
so i wonder and think continually
am i of value really?

im tired of being a disappointment
so full of regrets and resentment
how i wish im such importance
atleast just once
me - the 1975
Sharon Talbot Jul 2020
The former Chilean soldier,
sits with a straight back,
eating Paila marina,
the same thing he makes
every Sunday, although
his wife and children are gone.
He delights in the long-ago flavors,
the rich swirl of saffron fire,
the unlocked mussel shells,
ginger-skinned shrimp
and floating onion slivers.
"Served without pretension,"
the saying rings in his memory,
the deep voice of his abuela,
as she stirs the liquid gems
in her wide, copper ***,
shining on a darkened stove.
“Only some things really matter,”
She often explains.

He always waits silently,
squatting nearby, inhaling the scent,
mouth watering, eyes catching
the lift of her great ladle.
She will turn and smile at him,
the way no one ever has.
He is warmed and fed already,
before even tasting the meal.

Now he is rich, wanting nothing,
sitting in his well-appointed house,
sipping the best wine
and listening to soft music.
Yet he sees and hears none of it.
Only the world in his bowl
is real to him now.
Commuter Poet Jun 2020

This day
This body
This family
This food
This drink
This air
This sky
This water

This earth
This community
This challenge
This opportunity
This moment
This chance
This hope
This life

14th June 2020
John McCafferty Jun 2020
To focus on what self importance brings
That final blink will flick to nothing
At best a whim
Too late as time has slipped
It's skin has shed
Where youth has fled
The cycle of light and dark
A heavy step leaves a beaten path
What has been learnt and can be shared
Fairer heart
Friendship bare
Cleaner air
To offer greater care
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
Nandini yadav May 2020
चलो खुद की तलाश करते हैं दुनिया के मसलों से दूर
कुछ पल,कुछ पल अपने साथ बिताते हैं
चलो आज खुद की तलाश करते हैं,,
बिखर गए कुछ पन्ने ज़िन्दगी के इधर-उधर
समेट के आज सबको
एक खुशनुमा लम्हा लिखते हैं
चलो आज खुद की तलाश करते हैं,,
माफ़ करना ऐ दिल तुझे सबसे ज्यादा दुखी
हमने ही किया है
खुशियां तो बांट दी ज़माने भर में और
दुनिया भर का ग़म तुझे दिया है
तुझपे किये इस ज़ुर्म की सज़ा अपने आप को देते हैं
चलो आज खुद की तलाश करते हैं,,
थक चुके हैं ये कान सबकी बातें सुनते-सुनते
कभी किसी की फटकार तो किसी के ताने सुनते-सुनते
आज सबको चुप कर इन्हें सिर्फ़ अपनी बातें सुनाते हैं
चलो आज खुद की तलाश करते हैं,,
खो दिया है खुद को दुनिया की भीड़ में कंही
आगे निकल गए सारे और हम खड़े रह गए वंही
ज़िन्दगी बीत गयी सबको खुश रखते-रखते
आज सबको भुला सिर्फ़ और सिर्फ़
अपनी खुशियों के तराने बुनते हैं
चलो आज खुद की तलाश करते हैं
चलो आज खुद की तलाश करते हैं,,।।
यह कविता है खुद को तलाशने के,,दुनिया की भीड़ में खुद को ढूंढने की,,अपने आप से मिलने की।
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