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Subrat Rath Oct 2020
Moon has come to my room.
Through the window it has entered and soothing my hopes and dreams.
Seeing the moon the stars are also shining on the roof.
The blue sky is mesmerising my mind.
The universe is both inside and outside of me.
Mind is in love and loving everything and being.

As I look to the roof the moon smiles.
It wants me to be successful in every area of life.
Stars twinkle and give me courage and confidence to fight the battle of life.
I see on my path full of beautiful trees.
As I move in the battle field the cool breeze enchants me.

I look to the stars and moon.
The moon extends its hands and massages my brain, body and mind.
I go to the divine by the cool touch of the moon.
The divinity within me is revealed.
Beautiful and vibrant thoughts decorate my mind.

Being fortified by beautiful plans, ideas and methodologies I find the battle very easy.
Love enters through my eyes and soaks the entire body.
I see a beautiful kingdom with a serene and tranquil mind.
The diamonds sparkles and make me illumined.
I see the beauty of everything and being being always pleasant and smiling.

As I start the day the sun welcomes me.
The trees become very happy and take me on the path of peace, progress and prosperity.
I learn patience and endurance from the trees.
In spite of all odds I fulfill my hopes and dreams.
As the night comes I see the stars and moon in my room and by their sweet songs rest in peace and bliss.
The soothing poem 'The Moon' enchants me and soothes all my thoughts and help me to fulfill all my hopes and dreams.
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
Tangled mess. Lost in confusion.
Troubled heart. Lost in delusion.
Twisted in sin.
A disgusting infusion.
Vague hopes.
A broken conclusion.

I ponder, I hope.
Where does it lead?
What is the answer?
What do I need?

A tangled mess. Lost in confusion.

Decietful ideas.
Where do they lead?
Broken lies,
Are not what I need.

Troubled heart lost in delusion.

Tempted to fail, to lose my way.
Temptation is here.
And its here to stay.
Struggling to fight and live
Every step, every day.

Twisted in Sin

There's light in my heart.
I know and I see.
Will I overcome this?
What will become of me?

Vague Hopes.

I must succeed, I must conquer the night.
Fight for my life and fight for what's right!
Pick yourself up and envelop the light.
A miracle to behold. A beautiful sight!
You're not canon fodder, you're a soldier - a knight!
Lets hope - you will stand  up and fight.

My Broken Conclusion.
I've been going through a lot and dealing with a lot of evil and temptation. I sat and thought about it a lot one night and started writing. I wondered what ought to come from all of it. Thats what led to my closing lines. My Broken conclusion regarding it all.
AE Oct 2020
In your palms, a lingering remnant of moonlight
traces your fingerprints,
And it illuminates shards of evening rain that have landed on your skin as droplets of hope.
Together a nebula is painted on your hands,

And you find tranquility in evening wakefulness.
Lyn-Purcell Oct 2020

Hear the call of dreams
Mind races as I give chase
Towards my true fate

Pounding headache but I wrote this mini haiku.
So much inner turmoil that Im trying to work through but thats the human way.
Still trying to make sense of things and the only way is to trudge through the storm knowing that Ill find the peace soon. Whatever comes, I hope I will be strong enough to see it through.
Still working on the list for the Women of Myth as well. I'll defo give a heads up when it's starting up again.
Stay safe and well everyone
Be back soon with more.
Much love,
Lyn x
Luna Sep 2020
Sometimes we just know
We know what makes the heart float
When everything seems like sinking water
It's a life line
A healthy line
The help you can search a life time for
Confidence in self
Is not something you can be taught
It's felt through the heart
But getting there
Us like climbing the great Wall
Of china
It's weak in the knees
For life's greatest offering
It's feeling
Like you matter
But also going at a pace comfortable to you
People can't be pushed
We can be molded
But a mold is just mold
And it eventually comes crumbling down
But let me tell you
You'll run laps around your heart
But you've always known
Right from. The start!
I may not be a vet. But I can still learn SO much. I may not be a doctor. But I'll sure as hell feel like it !
AE Sep 2020
Amidst the September blues,
And cold aching wind
That lingers around your bones,
A hopefulness lives
Bright in your eyes,

Reminding you of the dreams you will meet, when you begin to feel alive.
Derrick Cox Sep 2020
My lady,
I appear to thee.
My face scarred and one armed,
but with a pure heart.
I give you this rose
promising to love you
‘til death do us part.

You reject me.
I am confused
and in agony.

I was driven by a motivation
that was you, my lady
in my imagination
the real thing I wanted to happen.

I appear to thee.
My face scarred and one-armed,
but with a pure heart.
I give you this rose
promising to love you
‘til death do us part.

You take me as yours
with your heart
not your eyes.
You make me beautiful
and happy inside.

When in reality,
I know I’m hideous
and broken.
to dream on in fantasy.
AE Aug 2020
You think about how time is running past you,
And you wonder if you could ever catch up to it,
But it stands there with a hand on your shoulder.

If only you knew, what you could do.
Don't let time feed your doubts
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