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Michael McLean Oct 2014
pretty boy

she'd recite in building echo

to Paul the parakeet

his feathers slicked like Elvis' helmet hair rustling

in her beating loop

Fall's plucked leaves

his caged mirror spins on strings

in the wind's singing

a pocket watch tick-tocking

from pecked emerald plastic

to the inverted bird

Akemi Oct 2014
I’m scratching my cheekbones
Gripping at cavities
And white noise
1:52am, September 19th 2014

I hope my face collapses from all this dead weight.
DAEJR Oct 2014
Holding a small, bare, baby in the palm of your hand –
          small, fleshy, and lifeless –
                    blue spider webs beneath the cool, pale skin. . .
That’s what I had unearthed,
beneath the watery depths of my name.

We were both on the brink of hypothermia,
slowly dying in the snow by the black creek.
          I found a small hollow of roots beneath a tree,
                    untouched by the white kiss of winter.
I rose to my booted feet, caked in mud.
I splashed, hobbled, and painfully collapsed to my knees,
          my hands cupping the small babe,
as if offering what little we had left to the deaf tree,
before I undressed myself
one arm at a time,
  holding the baby boy up to my bare chest
                    as I pulled my head beneath the collar of my shirt,
                              and flicked the muddy boots off my feet,
                                        and unbuttoned with one hand my wet jeans,
till I was finally naked,
                                        curled up around the small boy who still had a chance.

We huddled there in the ICU beneath the tree
in our small cocoon of earth, snow, and cloth;
and with every exhale, “sorry” escaped my blistered lips.

It was my fault I had found him there
alone and abandoned.

He is the part of me that I feared –
          for and of –
and that I had ripped from inside myself,
leaving it stunted.

But: that cold, saddening, sobering, apologetic embrace
saved my life from being forever incomplete,
and healed the selves
that my actions to protect
had inevitably began killing.

Holding him, that small piece of me,
          the mass of innocence equal to my heart,
holding him is when we became anew.

Today I cherish his fair feminine features
that once puzzled and concerned the mirrors,
and sometimes drape his strong body in dresses
          crowning his mane with wild flowers
so he can twirl and play in the meadow the way he wants .

Today I hold his hand,
          and carry him on my shoulders while he sleeps,
                    slumped, and nuzzled on my head,
as we walk through the world
like a father and son who just finished a day:
          of chasing each other,
                    of wrestling with each other,
                              and of playing hide-and-go-seek for hours.

Today he shows me love and affection
like all men ought to know
like all men ought to show
and teaches me what I had forgotten about myself
          all those years ago.
Dissect me;
Rip me apart and examine my pieces.
Leave open the holes you cut,
Look at the gaps and claim you can only love me as a whole.
And if you ever miss me,
Look closely at the cracks in your lips,
The bottoms of your shoes,
Between your forefinger and thumb;
You'll find me right where you left me.
My emptiness pounds in my ears
My emptiness is killing me I fear
Like the miles I eat up while running
Trying to fill the gaping hole deep within
With gasping breaths
And hollow sounds
Struggling to stay afloat
Already drowning down
Boom boom boom
Pounding relentlessly
Boom boom boom
Calling for your mercy
Hollow Sep 2014
She read my journal
My internal thoughts spewed out of her mouth like *****.
Anger. Regret.

I saw him as a book then
And he was easily read
Flipping through his memories, I found tainted history

Oh, woe is me
this girl, she knows everything.
My incestuous mind
unkind and dark
genuinely written without hesitation

Yet here I stand
Confused, taken aback
Stricken with...
...curiosity, perhaps
Sadness and unknowing
And his eyes apologize while his frown regrets

Perhaps she now feels closer.
There's nothing to hide inside
A relief.
I am disgusted by your actions.

I wonder if he still loves me
He won't take the words back
Ink never erases, and scars remain
And so does my heart
Rooted to my sleeve yet chained to his palm

"I'm sorry", I forget to say
Words so typical end up filling the room
breaking all glass
You made me like this
my words are a byproduct of your insanity
You're sad.
Yes, sad. We are all sad.
You are not entitled to read such things

I peered into your soul today
Something twisted and half alive
A face, my face to place blame
I'll never walk away
Without another war wound
But I'll bleed you dry
Should I question morality? Am I human?
What happened to us?

You seek knowledge, yet cower in its presence
" all loving" I mock the idea
for you despise my words.
My work.
What are they, but a part of me?
Your voice is timid
Your despair, unsettling..

Silence is all I want to hear anymore...
Written by the lovely poet, pat, and his new friend Hollow.
Rahul Waslekar Sep 2014
A strong individual soul
Stuck between questions and quarrels
So little does he know
About the world that surrounds him

Progress is rapid, you know
And there's so much that there's yet to show
The concept of an infinite wisdom is something we should follow

Why should one stay dark and hollow?

Get out of your bed and then city
Explore the reality that's yet to come
Life has so many ups and downs
That you would just love to nurture when it comes

A big revolution will soon begin
And you don't wanna be left behind
The world is changing so rapidly
But is your mind?
Just something I wanted to write and show people that the world is moving so fast
Eleanor Rigby Aug 2014
I was hollow
And you filled me with sunshine
That I thought was going to stay mine.
But someone else now
Is demanding it.
And you're emptying me of it.
Life is giving and taking.

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