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a timeless score
this darling play
no need to rehearse
we open today

cast the roles
--i'll take any part--
ply the strings
tangled in my heart

forever i'll dance
to this hollow tune
in the glare of the sun;
the caress of the moon

ink your script
--be it false or true--
say the words, my love--
say "I love you"
written in 2010
L T Winter Jun 2015
Believed in me

--Fictitiously I fail
And these arms
Now merged always
Bore shifting skies

Between rooftops
Singing damnation
With windy-thistle-

Trebling happy hollows.

'I died here'
Somewhere in the,

Gasping occasionally
To siphon life from
Pictures that seldom move.
Terry Collett Jun 2015
We'd got half way up
the Downs she talking
of certain flowers and
butterflies that had

passed us fluttering by
and we rested by the
large hollow tree and
she said shall we go

inside it's large enough
for us and more? I said
ok and we did we climbed
inside the big hollow

tree and it was like a
largish room a hole in
the side of the tree acted
as  a door and a small hole

acted as a window nature's
little lodgings she said and  
we sat back on the inner
parts of the tree and there

was a little ledge like a seat
for  two and we sat there
and she said I think it's
lovely this yes it is I said

-and was glad Lizbeth never
knew of this or she'd have
drawn me in and wanted
somehow to have said

about having ***- Jane
was content to just be there
sharing a bit of nature and
being with me and she said

Daddy showed me this
when I was little and I was
amazed and thought fairies
came here and hollowed it

out I smiled and thought
Lizbeth would never have
thought that and I doubted
her father would have bothered

to show her anything makes
it so homely Jane said fancy
living here and coming back
here after a day's work and

having no place to wash or
bath and she laughed and I
loved that aspect of her that
innocence that being part of

what was natural and I wanted
to kiss her and hug her but I
didn't we just sat there sharing
the hollow tree just Jane and me.
My words
They are meaning less
I can make you believe I care
Just to leave you in despair
I cant help but laugh when you make that face
Is that heartbreak speckled in your eyes?
On darling I just love that sight

But then
My words are hollow
When I tell you its fine
I don't care
I don't mind
I'm not hurt
I wont cry
No no it is fine, I didnt believe you for a second
I wasnt hopeful
I know just how cold this is
Who even knows what im writing anymore
I feel empty, hollow
A dead tree has more inside than I
Another empty meat suit
Pretending to be man
When you take away this facade, Im just a hollow shell
Freddie Rogers Jun 2015
Uprising greatness instilled within
                    Searching for trust to label a friend

Confined within his pre-destined fantasy
Sorrow building the foundation to light
Hollow building; exposing reality
The war with peace; an endless fight

Greed is corruption; corruption nurtures greed
                Paper and power is the hunger they feed

Living for what? Under a throne of lies
Demolished the tower that was once the source
He found redemption; with success to rise
Poppy Perry Apr 2015
You're making me so hollow my ribs are giving out
And caving in.
Make me a promise I haven't thought of yet.

This hole in my chest is up to my shoulders.
Anchor me with that thick substance
That fills all these others whom remain on the ground.
Impart what I lack,
Pull me down,
Push your words in my mouth or your eyes through my lashes,
Put your fist in the growing gap underneath my throat
And with your fist in this spacious
bloodied chest,
Something will move.
You, who has words and fists and eyes,
Made for intrusion,
Somewhat like,
You, who theoretically completes,
I died inside and shut the door
Just climbed inside, but just before
I slammed it shut, I saw you there
The only soul to look with care.
You saw this boy. You saw my tears.
I'd hid both well throughout the years.
You found my inward river flow.
That's filled me up, my hollow soul.

I'd lost some things since I was young
All my feelings except for one.
See emptiness had chose to stay,
And dig a hole in which to play.
The dirt he scooped was made of me
My likes, my cares, my hopes and dreams.
The hole he made just grew in size
Enough to hide me deep inside.

The tears I cried they filled the rest
Soaked inside out this hollow chest.
My lonely cave, this empty soul
These shovel-fulls had took their toll
And so I hid, as our eyes met
I latched the door without regret
I'd had too much to stop this train
The breaks were gone, just too much pain.

So just don't knock leave me alone.
My hollowed hole is my new home.
Inside these walls is where I'll stay.
Don't write, don't call just go away.
These four walls, a haven I've made,
Save me from what was dug away,
But still keep me from moving on
This door, these walls, could this be wrong?
Sarah Jun 2015
The day you went away I knew there was something wrong
your words
your smile
no longer danced with your eyes
it was in these moments I realized it was no longer I who held your heart
for it was her
it may have always been her
maybe you were a good actor
or maybe I was just blind
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