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LycanTheThrope May 2015

Winter has fallen

12 feet under my won problems
It's amazing how cold it feels
Ice spiraling up my back
The snowflakes cracking
But the ice is hollow
Frost-covered yet not completely frozen
The rime freezes my heart
Empties my essence
But keeps my soul warm

Fall will rise

I don't mind the cold that much.
My Mikoto

© Copywrited
Leigh May 2015
A ripened sky splits and bleeds
Mangled reds and blacks;
An instant melts as heat from
Clustered newborn suns --
Blistered from the wounds --
Collects and beams 1600 feet
Earthwards from Fat Man's
Plump and pompous underbelly.

The pure-light pin-***** stopped
The city's pulse for a moment;
Collecting remnants of the
Beating hearts (of artists,
Doctors, students, parents,
Preachers, rats, and peasants)
To plant on rotting soil -
A hellish fungal pustule.

The swelling abscess breathed
But once and burst to
Ripple excess outwards
Soaking up the landscape;
Ingesting miles and spewing
Spores towards septic skies to form
A mass of mushroomed
Might and pyrrhic triumph.

Àŧùl May 2015
Our love is a living legend,
Of our story there is no end,
We together will make a life.

I'll sure be a good husband,
And the most loyal partner,
She'll make the best wife..

As it started centuries ago,
Ah, the yolk is mature now,
The egg of our relationship...

Not hollow - it's just sturdy,
Of its sweets we're worthy,
It's the Easter of our love..

We both relish its flavour,
We've that rich exclusivity,
Our world of love we live in.
My HP Poem #867
©Atul Kaushal
Greyson Fay May 2015
Loss of you
Has left me blue
Filled with hate
My loves abate
To find another
My one desire
To fill the space
Forever empty
Without you here
Gosh relationships are awful
Acidic Moon May 2015
I feel myself falling apart, piece by piece..
I am like a puzzle,
And I'll never be put back together again..
Because the biggest piece of me is missing,
And that's you.
Since the day you left,
It seems as though I've had this hollow hole inside of me..
That no one else can ever fill.
You held a special part of me,
Now that part of me, is cold and dark and hollow..
And I can't get you out of my head,
And your name won't leave my lips..
I don't know how to get rid of you..
You've given me so many memories to hold onto,
But you've taken away the one thing that made me happy..
I won't cry and beg for you to come back.
You chose to leave me,
So I'll say goodbye, but just know you've left me broken..
You've left a hole inside of me,
A hole so deep, dark, and hollow..
Nothing will be able to fill it ever again.
And I'll never forgive you for that..
Nessa dieR Apr 2015
You have heard me,
An*  empty  *can rattles the most.
Doesn't it?
Ashleigh Holman Apr 2015
Why do I try to love the thorns
when all they do is *****?
Why do I stand and take the pain
knowing my skin's not thick?
Am I cursed or have I asked
to be one amidst chaos?
Is life truly better than this
or do I wish to slay us?
The sides of me, we bicker --
we fight and hate and love
and yet there is no other
to share our inner curve...
You can think or feel many things
but what purpose does it serve?
If hell always follows
then what do I deserve?
Paths are chosen day by day
and it's sad that I believe
in the thorns inside the garden
that only hurt and deceived.

Do we run because we're lonely
or did we choose to forget
all the **** we've both seen --
we felt it bit by bit.
And love is not a word I know --
so I don't know how to say..
I see the shades within you
and I feel mine fade away.
You know not the power --
but yet you're not naive...
so tell me why you're crying
when no one dares to see?
I see your inner hollow...
because I share it too;
so can't it once be possible
to change from black and blue?
Can we both refill it?
Slowly -- within time.
Or are we still just wasting
our memories, hearts, and lines...?
Jessica Lee Apr 2015
I'm going to pretend I'm okay,
But I'm not.
I try to cleanse myself of the pain,
But there's more tears from my eyes than droplets from the shower head.
My friends think I should go out more.
Sure, I'll go to a party,
"Party" being my jumbled emotions throwing an extravaganza in my head.
Hell, I'm always at THAT party.
You'll never feel the pain I feel now,
Even now that you realize what you did.
You may as well have took every moment you made me feel special, and threw them into a trash can, then lit it up in flames.
I'm going to pretend I'm okay,
But I'm not.
Ethan Moon Apr 2015
Bitter blessed

Better tested

Knowledge burns

Hollow inside

Welcome home
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