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kn 4d
Woke up with a heavy heart,
Loud thoughts pulling me apart.
Longing for love I thought would stay,
But some things quietly drift away.

Still, in the quiet, I learn to grow,
From broken trust, new light can show.
And though the pain may not depart,
I rise again—with a tender heart.
teju Mar 12
The only emotion I know
is rising and rushing.
Fast and raw,
yet never disgusting.

It's hard, I know
but that’s the catch.
A strong force for me to match.
My body learns, blends, it sways,
ready to swing along in its reckless ways.

Ahh, the rage,
I like it,
a fuel to ignite my fire.
It’s good,
I love the warm feeling,
a spark to turn my soul.

Ahh, the pain,
I can achieve it,
all through every ache,
I rise and grow up.
It's mine, I hold the warm hug,
untamed force, I let it flow.
We wasted it so.
We wasted our souls.
Like storm clouds
we broke out
and flooded the seeds
we needed to grow.

You held on to me.
You tried so hard to see
when I rebounded
from breakdowns
that seemed to wear
down your strong spirit
that you needed to go on.

We were stranger than
fiction through our
You drifted within me
I poured within you --
your currents of
reason to my torrents
of questions. We were
drowning in unison.

But as you freed me and
I freed you as we were
both set free by the eternal
Source of freedom, we
need to keep on doing our
part in what we need
to keep on being free.
Sam S Mar 5
I don’t want silence, I don’t want space,
I want sticky fingers and a messy place.
I want tiny shoes lined up by the door,
Giggles and whispers and toys on the floor.

I want late-night cuddles, a toddler’s embrace,
A partner to love, to grow old face to face.
To sit on a porch swing, gray hair in the breeze,
Our grandkids all laughing, climbing our knees.

So where is this life? Is it waiting for me?
Or will I just dream it and let it go free?
and you and I forever transform
under the aegis of the immortal

as we grow like the roots
of the banyan tree

which hang down with the branches

helping to provide shelter
as we slowly grow closer
to the sweet earth
in silent anticipation

finally touching
gently pushing deeper
until we are one in purpose.
©2025 Daniel Irwin Tucker

Banyan tree roots are aerial prop roots which grow downward  from various parts of the branches into the soil.
Laokos Feb 16
Venus, O Venus!
you do not shine—no,
you burn, awake and knowing,
a luminous wound in the sky’s
quiet body, a beacon for all
who lift their eyes,
aching for direction.

but today, you have slipped
behind the curtain of the world,
a veiled ember in the great turning,
lost to our sight—
but not gone.

this morning, I too am unseen,
folded into myself,
caught in the invisible workings
of some celestial geometry
that cages and releases,
cages and releases.

there is a breath at my back,
an absence pressing in,
a presence without a face—
like hands just beyond the veil,
like voices speaking without words,
like the quiet dread of being watched
by something I cannot name.

and so, I ask, trembling—
what am I to do with this?
how do I stand beneath this weight
without crumbling?

and from the silence, an answer,
a whisper that is not sound
but understanding—

flower and fall.

this is the way of all things.
this fear, this pressure,
this restless hum beneath the skin—
it is not death, but motion.
it is not decay, but renewal.

do you not see?
what once clung to you,
what once devoured you,
is now peeling away,
a husk lifting in the wind.

let it go. let it fall.
let the unseen hands carry it
as ants carry petals to their hidden cities,
as birds take seeds to waiting earth.
what seems an end
is only another sowing.

Venus is not gone.
she only moves beyond your sight,
whispering in the quiet—

Arcassin B Feb 15
You're A Flower,
The water you consume in the daytime waiting for the nighttime molding you inside, Thats A flower,

The amount of sun that you get when you're out all alone with your feet in the grass,
Thats A Flower,

From the products you put in your hair to the things that you eat making you look young,
You're A Flower,

Being of light you sustain happiness , Don't surround yourself with negative stems,
Girl you're a flower,

Thats A Flower,
That's A Flower,
You're A Flower,
Girl thats a flower.

We must all be the flower that grows for a new dawn,
For a new country,
For  a new world,
Who cares for greed and money.
We don't need a president,  we don't need capitalism,  the dead leaves that need to be
cut Off , yes indeed.
I thank God for friends like you
who live their lives in simple truth

They help a friend along the way and count their blessings everyday

They found love is not in word but deed
and care enough to plant the seeds

that grow into a friendship deep They live to grow and play to keep.

So don't let the years twist the truth
Just keep on being friends like you.
©2021 Daniel Irwin Tucker

In honor of friends through the years who went above and beyond the call of duty.
Sophia Feb 9
Taken by reverence
Standing in the presence
Of great and ancient beings.

Dressed in vines
Have lived many lives
Firmly rooted in Earth's will.

Upwards they grow
May it be slow
Follow the blueprint beneath.

Bound by the flow
Of nature's ego
Traversing the chasm of time.
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