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You Don't Know What
It's Like To Be Me.

Until You've Looked In The Mirror
And Don't Like What You See.
From her...
unknown Jan 2015
"Am I crazy or falling in love,
Is it real or just another crush?"

I've never felt this way before
The nervous feeling I get when I talk to you
I cant help but smile though
When I'm with you I just feel so

Why did I fall so hard
I didnt see it coming
Developed the feelings and I started running
I tried to put up a fight
I lost every time, but I held on tight

I'm just sitting here, being helpless
Tossing and turning at night, feeling so restless
Thinking that if you only knew how much I cared about you
Would it make a difference or would I lose?

No matter what I'll always be here, it's true
In rain or shine just call me, because I care about you
Never mind the feelings and the empty promises,
I'll give my heart and I got your back, it's common sense

Never have I loved anyone as selfless as I loved you
But I know it isn't meant to be no matter what I do
So I'll just sit here and wait for my feelings to be gone
And be the willing friend you need and you can call on.
WickedHope Jan 2015
Why did you eat that?
Don't you know
You're already fat?

Everyone is staring,
At the way your skin
Is swelled and sagging.

No one wants you,
With all that extra cargo
You look 200 pounds.

Put the food down
And go for a run --
You look disgusting.

Why did you eat that?
Don't you know
You're already fat?
unknown Jan 2015
There is alot
Alot on my mind
Alot on my plate
Alot on my to do list

I lack alot
I do not have alot
But all I really know is
I love you alot.
unknown Jan 2015
I hate how I find you so cute, but you hate it when people call you cute
I hate how you hate it when people rest their arms on your shoulders, when I grew fond of doing it just to annoy you
I hate how precise you are on what you do, when I just tend to appreciate everything about it  
I hate how alike we are, and how everyone says its meant to be because I already know it's not
I hate how you can just stare into my eyes and I'll get lost in yours
I hate how you wipe the sides of my mouth after I eat bread because there are crumbs on my face
I hate how you're so annoying and you do random **** like attempt to remove my shoe, touch my eye lashes and bite my arm
I hate how you hate the fact that I love James Reid
I hate how you always get mad at me when I ***** your pants with my shoes
I hate how your teeth always hurt because of your braces and I always hit your face forgetting that it does
I hate how you actually laugh at my jokes because I dont even laugh at them
I hate how you always hit me when I'm being annoying but I just wanna hug you
I hate how you're so tall already and I have to tip toe just to hug you
I hate how you look at me when I'm on my phone, it's scary
I hate how you accidentally call me when we're texting
I hate how your hugs are so warm and comforting when I just wanna hit you all the time
I hate how you always care about me even If I don't care about myself
I hate how we have different views in life but we are so similar in other ways
I hate how you always tell me my eyes are brown when they're really just a **** color
But I love that you are everything that I hate and I hate that I love everything that you are.
Madeysin Dec 2014
I complained I'm hungry,
I'm hungry,
Stomach involunteerly crying out,
I said I'm hungry,
He said, how
He looked me up and down,
It's impossible,
The way you eat pre dinner,
Then dinner,
Then snack, then after snack,
You're not hungry,
The tears didn't have a chance to fall,
I was out of the house,
Lost in this hell we call life.
I hate him
WickedHope Dec 2014
My skin is wrapping paper
I want to tear off

But I can't let you
See what's inside
So I stay disguised
As an ungly present
Imperfect and bulging

No one will open me
Christmas morning
Because I'm the nightmare
Before, during, and after

However I'm already ripped
And as you get glimpses inside
I don't blame you for running away
I'm the gift you don't bother returning;
I'm either passed around or thrown away.
Poetic T Nov 2014
"Once upon a time there was"
"Many moons ago"
"There was a dreamer"
Who wished with all her heart,
To find the gold at the rainbows end,
She would look for clouds
Her mother smiled.
"Are you still searching for that rainbows end"
"Pamela  your dreams are the clouds"
"Mummy a *** of gold I will find"
"For if you latch on to one"
"You will find yourself upon the other side""
Then one morning awoke to find a rainbow
Moving over her lawn,
On too, she had packed a case
Encase this time did come true,
She slid down the banister
Through the front door,
Just as it was fading
Hands did grab hold,
She was surrounded by colours
All were pure and bright, then with a
On her bottom she did land, surrounded
By beauty, plants the colours of the rainbow
"Blue leaves"
"Grass was orange"
Sky was all shades of the rainbow too,
A *** seen, gold did gleam,
Mouth wide open,
A violent fly flew in then out,
And she then quickly shut her mouth,
She was over the moon, the rainbow too,
She picked it up,
Lighter than she thought??
She picked one up
Put it too her mouth,
And bit,
It was squiggly in her mouth
Twice in two minutes,
She was
Did cascade from little eyes,
They came out
Colours of the rainbow
Which lightened her mood,
She wiped her tears looked once, twice
Then hands upon the rainbow,
And whoosh, she landed with a
On next doors cow,
Went the cow,
Went Pamela,
She ran with  a
As in the distance still hearing the angry
She ran to her house, opened the door,
With a fright her mum ran out,
"My baby are you all right"
"I found the rainbow"
"I found the ***"
"I found a land of colour,"
"But the treasure wasn't right"
All said with in one breathe,
Now breath my angel,
As mother did take a coin
Opened it carefully and with the tip
Of here finger tasted it,
So creamy, so light,
As she took her in the kitchen,
And the toaster minutes later
Spreading it evenly, and eaten was
The toast crust and all,
"Mummy may I try one"
Pamela said
"Magic words my honey bear"
"Please may I try one"
And with that the toast again
"My gosh mummy this tastes divine"
"You found a golden treasure that's for sure"
As they had toast each morning,
Opening a coin spreading it evenly,
"It was a taste to behold"
The treasure at the end of the rainbow,
Wasn't money, but I was something better
A taste that put a smile on faces
Every morning at *breakfast time.
You've got a shield to hide behind,
For now.
You've got his eyes locked on you,
For now.
The day will come.
His eyes will widen in realization of your selfish carcas of a personality,
Your shield will dissolve away with your fears beginning to consume your body inch by inch.
And when that day comes you will wish you never stepped a foot on this planet, your worst nightmares will become your dreams.
Succubus will become nothing to what the glass shattered before you will reveal.
No number of ghosts or demons will compare to what your eyes will feast upon the day this world reaches through your chest and clenches the rock of a heart you posses tearing it out of your frail body.
You will sit in a chair strapped as can be and watch as your pebble of a heart is crushed with the hammer of your own self pitty.
Beg for nightmares for they are the least frightening for what will stand your way.
And as your blood runs from the slit in your throat to the paved floors, a smile bigger than sunlight will stare right at you.
Thirsty for blood and no blood tastes more rewarding than the one from the knife which penetrated right through your worthless body of a harlet.
The night the psychopath within will be unleashed to feast on the taste of your selfish, ice cold blood and flesh.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
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