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Poetic T Oct 2014
If you go down to the
Woods today the bears
Will eat
They'll start at your foot
Slap you with a left
Knock you out with a right hook,
Then they'll snack  on you for
The cubs will eat your lunch from you insides.
Then slurp your intestines
As if they were spaghetti stung outside,
The flies will lay eggs
In your mouldy insides,
Then maggots will feast on your
Cold dead eyes,
They will feast on you carcass,
Will devour you
From what's left, that nature hasn't
Off, then you'll just be a
A boot on,
No flesh or insides
You'll be bleached by the
And buried in the long grass,
All for wanting to be with nature
**"Beware its dangerous out there"
Got asked to write about a bear, And yes slightly mental
Caitlin Oct 2014
I used to choke on your name like broken glass.
Now it's only a phantom pain.
I thought that was better.
Now I just feel empty.
You took my heart, my happiness, my joy.
I feel ashamed when he makes me smile-
I feel like I'm cheating on your memory.
But then I remember that you were the one who walked away,
and the pain becomes real, and sharp as glass all over again.
bucky Oct 2014
and yeah, we won the war but we lost everything else
filed under: hate those fictionkin feels
Poetic T Oct 2014
Look at it, your finger isn't an
Trying to rub it out,
What are you doing
on your
If the love furnace isn't
warm, no amount of you
Mingging slobber will
Light this fire that needs a
Of passionate lust to
This I must say, what's been
On your fingers,
"Really spit from your mouth"
I don't want it smelling of
Bad Breath,
Morning Breath
Wash you hands
Fingers too
Its called
"Mouth wash"
Use it too,
Do you know how delicate
This instrument
Your putting your fingers on?
Its the only one I have got
"So don't break it"
!!That my ****!!
That's a *******
Rub it gently
Don't rub it out, or ill bite your nose
That my *****
Did you ever do
"*** Ed at school"
Jesus I use my emergency
Don't feel intimidated
Yes its how you use it,
Now go, a woman needs her
Five speed friend, ill be awhile
So don't bother me,
And don't forget to
Close the door on your way out.
bucky Oct 2014
remember your hands, remember them like this, twirling cigarettes like ballerinas (you were four, and your mother said you looked beautiful up there). twist my fingers with your pretty hands, darling i'll thank you in the morning, gravel in my dead heart, littering rose petals at your wake you took my tongue and made it something sickening.

eat me raw, please, please, i need something to do with my fingertips, with the small of my back you bruise so much prettier than i do close your fingers around my throat i like the way you leave marks. i'm a disease and you're the closest i can come to something worth dying for.

call me beautiful, praise my hips and dig your pretty teeth into my spine. my skin is too big for my body but i'll wear it for you anyway i'll try to be pretty for you anyway your laughter lines are a geometry problem let me solve you, let me fold your smiles into me i promise i won't disappoint you.

"have you ever been in love", and "i love you i love you i love you", and "we're sorry, you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service", and oh my god i love you but not in the way i'm supposed to, is it still love if i want you to carve your initials into the arch of my spine?

i'm disgusting and you're disgusting, claw your way into my stomach, hold my bleeding organs in your hands and smile at me (i know this is true love, isn't that how predators look at prey, god i want you to kiss me with your canines, god i want you to break the flesh, god i, god), i'm ******* immortal i can't die i'm prometheus chained to a rock and i can feel the sun drying my lips give me water, give me blood i don't care anymore--

and, loving you is like loving a forest fire (god, this is just like those old mixtapes you made for me, the ones with "this is for you", and "i love you i love you i love you", and "we're sorry, you have reached a number--", and god, i, god, eat me raw, and, oh god, oh god, i can't wait to eat you raw, babe, i wonder how you taste, i wonder if i'll taste you on my tongue three days after, oh god, oh god, eat me raw).
Taylor Moore Oct 2014
I’m disgusted by my own thoughts
of my own depraved mind

But I can’t help it
desire burns through my veins
and rips apart my soul

hot, heavy, and dark
it consumes my thoughts
until there’s nothing left
bucky Oct 2014
you are blood blood blood
hurricanes coming down in the midwest
and all i can think about are your hands
swaying like that on my hips
keep me like this
choke on my debts
choke on my regrets,
make me feel like a home again, and
maybe i'll let you in someday
baby, keep me like this
i like it when you kiss me
i wanna be yours
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