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Mirza Lazim Nov 2017
I began to rest in the shade of grey,
The colors of life are constantly blur...
If you asked, 'how are you dying today?'
I would say 'like I have never lived before'

Shallow ones need restrictions to live
A deep one lives restrictions to survive
Whenever, wherever I planted feelings,
Only deep amity, concord would thrive

You wanted opposite, I do not blame,
You can't fly if you were born for crawling...
You don't hear melody, but deem dancers mad,
Just for this dissonance, I was brawling?!

I've faced up to all devastations from you
And I will lose nothing even if you disdain
I have own dimensions of perception -
'The higher you soar the smaller you are seen'

How long will this continue? Forever?!
But I wish you would change and be gracious,
I admit, I also had heedless mistakes,
Anyway, I try to keep you precious

That was the difference just between us,
I tried to exalt, but you disgraced.
You could still be admired by a mad poet
But you chose to be loved by a dishonest...
With deep respect to Friedrich Nietzsche
Chase Alexander Nov 2017
What's the point of trying
when I'm already gone and dying?
I've given up hope and sold my soul.
I gave you my heart
when you stole my last breath.
I'm afraid of living,
not of death.

Waking up terrified
because I'm still alive.
Pray for death at each meal.
Don't think my heart will ever heal.
Each step I take adds on to the pain.
Feeding the zombies my heart
not my brain.

Drag me down into a dirt bed.
Bury me underground.
When I'm gone
don't make a single sound.

Drag me down into my grave.
Baby please you must be brave.
Don't come to me.
Just scream.

I see the world in grey.
All life's color has drained.
I've made my decision.
No more choices to be made.
I've made my final sacrifice
and baby it was you.
The sad thing is
I don't think you ever had a clue.

There is no way to stop me
I'm too far down this road.
So close to execution
now it's destiny foretold.
I know you will run for me,
but there's nothing to catch.
They were always deep,
not a baby scratch.

Drag me down into a dirt bed.
Bury me underground.
When I'm gone
don't make a single sound.

Falling into a self-inflicted hell.
I do not need your help.
I'm a fallen angel from Heaven I fell.
Listen to the stories I tell.
Learn to live a better life;
a lesson to put down your knife.

When I am gone I need you to live.
Please don't follow in my footsteps.
Depression took me over
it's my time to go.
There was no way for me to cope.
Take me over and send me hope.
Breathe your life into my throat.

Drag me down into my grave.
Baby please you must be brave.
Don't come to me.
Just scream.
Contoured Nov 2017
She was a monochromatic artist,
She carried grey on her brushes,
Grey on her canvas.

Years had passed,
painting the grey,
Until she met him,
on a casual day.
He asked for her art,
red engulfed her face.
She handed it over,
Felt her heart race.

As he painted atop,
her plain, grey work,
She noticed his quiver,
his subtle quirk.
He shook with excitement,
for what he created.
The strokes of his brush,
what they effectively stated.

The canvas flooded with color,
vibrant blue and red.
What once was just grey,
was every color instead.
He shared his paint,
and together they painted.
Hours, days, weeks, months,
they were quickly acquainted.

It soon became time,
to get on his way.
He packed up his paints,
left the next day.
Soon after he left,
her work began to fade.
What was once turquoise and magenta,
again became stone grey.

She carried grey on her brushes,
Grey on her canvas.
She was a monochromatic artist.
Rebel Heart Nov 2017
Lost child of a lost childhood
Built up by broken frames
Bloodied knuckles and his bully's bruises
Turned his whole life into a mere game

He turns up the flirty attitude
To mask the anger within
His mom ran off with another suitor
While he's left cleaning after her sins

But tonight he wears her sins as a tie
To match the heavy demons weighing him down
He makes his way across the floor
Picking up a drink to change his frown

All the giggly desperates crowd him instantly
He proceeds to exchanges a smirk or two
Yet across the room he sees a flash of grey
And finds his next prey to woo
An excerpt of the poetry collection by RH called "The Mysterious Gown of Grey"... it tells a beautifully captivating tale I can't help but imagine being set during the Victorian era in London. This excerpt was bits and pieces of the second poem of the collection titled 'The First Masked Suitor" and follows the story of Derek, my second favorite 'character' in the whole collection...I hope she plans to publish the full poem in the future for it'd be a shame to keep the wonderful words and epic story locked in a word document forever. I recently realized I didn't read the last couple poems and so I've been rereading the collection ever since. It's crazy to think how young RH was when she wrote this collection and yet adult me still enjoys it... Until then happy writing! ~BM
morgan Nov 2017
the light is gone the fun has rotted
now all that is left is grey
can you give me a light?
Ni Nov 2017
That day you picked up that paint brush,
and splattered all of the blacks,
the grays,
the blues all over me.
You painted until there was none of me left,
I was completely covered,
but see you thought you were simply protecting me from you
when in reality you were ruining
and I wasn't going to stop you.
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