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Mickey May 2019
Sitting underneath a palmtree.
Its shadows creating a piece of art on the gloomy obscure grey street tiles in front of me.
As the wind flows the portrait of leaves is flowing with it in harmony.
It is dancing to its favorite tune.
A tune especially made for this moment. A tune of mother nature at its purest. A tune I can listen to forever.
BeLoved May 2019
Stand up
You over looked beauty
Your much stronger then you know
To wish on a dandelion
You must blow
Wish for happiness
I think we're running low
Don't give in
We must go
We must grow
Even with the weighted bricks stacked on your shoulders
Even with that depression boulder
Baby girl
I'm gonna need you to smile today
No matter what they say
Open your mind
Be the color in their black and grey
You'll get through whatever is getting you down
You'll grow out of whatever is making you frown
Keep marching on
We have things to do
Oh the places you'll go
God. If you only knew
Definitely channeled a Dr. Seuss X
Mr. Rogers vibe for this one.
Emma Apr 2019
My depression was not a grey sky.

                     It was not a rainbow, waiting with a *** of gold.

                                 It was not even cloudy blue, yearning for
                                                  high wind.

                                                          ­            My depression did not even
                                                                ­                 have a sky.

                                                           ­                      My depression was
                                                                ­     an endless rabbit hole.

                                  But the rabbit hole has an ending.
                      I can see the blue skies up ahead.

My depression did not have a sky. But my happiness will.
Martin Horton Apr 2019
My mother made lemon curd.
You could say it was her party trick.
Every year she’d make an enormous batch, and you’d have to grab a jar pretty quick.

The flavour, it was amazing!

Woke you up with a zap and a zing.

Not slept well or feeling a bit off? Have a spoonful of this and you’d sing.

The colour was spectacular, like pure sunshine in a jar.

And what made it all the more special was the lives it touched near and far.

You see, when people were given a jar of this, it touched a place deep inside.

Their lives went from grey and gloomy into lives filled with colour and pride.
They’d have it on toast or on porridge, far better than honey or jam.

I loved it turned into ice-cream, especially after eggs, chips and ham.

My mother had done this for a long time, left quite the legacy you see. Her first batch was made aged 11, her last at 103.

When her curd making days were over, and it was time to put her spoon away,
we gathered together to say goodbye, on a dull, grey and dismal kind of day.

The church was packed to the rafters, people remembered and laughed. Especially the vicar who adored her curd. He sometimes even ate it in the bath.

They all sang ‘Bring me sunshine’ as a tribute to my Mum and her spread. So here’s to her lemony goodness on crumpets, muffins or bread.
This was written in response to a competition where the title was the prompt was 'Bring me Sunshine' and this was the result.
annh Apr 2019
I wash my hands,
And wring them dry,
Watching my worries,
Disappear with the grey water,
Down the plughole of life.
‘You can’t wring your hands and roll up your sleeves at the same time.’
- Patricia Schroeder
I am
a book
with rhymes
that shake
yo bones
but to
startle a
nuance is
stone cold
if cloud
of dust
shows the
blue in
Cheltenham and
radicals endure
light of
pale doom
Devin Sost Mar 2019
If colors could represent moments and feelings
I’d be a cold soft grey
Timeless in every way
Constant with each day
So quiet in a room full of loud tones
And vibrant shades
Setting the tone for distant memories
And gloomy days
Riveá Mar 2019
Today the sky is lifeless,
the trees are barren,
and the world feels too quiet.
The sun is nowhere to be found,
no birds are singing,
even the wind is tired of blowing today.  
My body aches to be buried in a pile of blankets,
a warm place where no responsibilities can be found.  
Nothing sounds better than allowing my heavy lids fall shut,
forgetting about the long list of "to do's" sitting on my desk.  
Today, it has been extra hard to exist.
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