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Deep within the bowels of the Earth
immensely distant from the sheltering sky
amidst a thick fog enveloped landscape
with here and there a projected
craggy, derelict chasm

precipitously crooked rocky claws pointing toward
an infinitely wide yawning abyss
dwelt kindred spirits comprising a soul asylum
where grateful dead (albeit marked

via weathered tomb stones)
hermetically sealed
once vibrant corporeal mortals
betook their eternal slumber.

One among their number
included a misanthrope
who sported long straggly hair
bushy eyebrows shielding cold eyes of steel
straggly bearded clammy chin

in tandem with a hairy body
which when alive (long time ago)
upheld upon unshod feet a severely
hunchbacked ******

Within dense pitch-black terrain
(Mother Nature enlisting
a menagerie of life forms
accustomed to hellish environment)
awash with unrecognizable
alien sights and sounds

mollycoddling bewitching warlocks,
mailer daemons, trolling trojan horses
imps of the pervert chieftains, fiery
long and fostered Golems
who called underworld
their private demesne

also alluded to Marcy's playground
holding hostage Alice in Chains
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,
The Beastie Boys, The Human League, and
Village People a Crowded House

Emitting wisps of ethereal matter
appearing a small medium at large
chat snap ping, flickr ring indeed joyus minions
exalting piety good and plenti.

Prone ounce sing proud purgatory
promoting protean phantasmagoria
hideous hulu hoop dancing holograms
highly distorted grotesque
silent screaming sinister banshees
slithering across escarpment.

Echoing from one end of the universe to the other
putting to shame the initial big bang
ranking as a mere whimper
that original primordial blast
which cosmological exploits
generated heavenly sphere instantaneously

comparison viz Krakatoa times Googleplex
essentially reduced to insignificance
albeit on the analogous tinker toy
premised conjectures of brilliant minds

that could only gander feeble educated guesses
asper extraordinary natural phenomena
mortal mankind could never approximate
as belligerent threats punctuated via nuclear warfare

merely rates as a flickr amidst uber kindle snap chat ting
tinder blinks, extinguishes,
snuffs out one lowly
Beatle browed bipedal simian.
Vaniexe Kafka Jan 2018
That I don't want
To be known
But be understood how I've grown
Quiet at times
Giving birth to certain rhymes
In my head where no one
Was there to see no sun
Just the demons whispering in my ear
Dancing with the rays of my fear
How I find solace in darkness
And solitude in my peacefulness
How my nightmares keep haunting
Their promise so enticing

Understand that I pretend to be busy
To ease the loneliness inside of me
That I sleep in the middle of something
Cause it's the time my demons are attacking
How overthinking envelopes
Pushes me to slopes
Tightening the ropes
Taking away my hopes
Until I'm drowned in melancholia
Until I'm consumed by paranoia

That when I say I'm fine
I mean I don't want you to bother
With me and that I'd rather
Deal with this alone
Than burden you with my thorns
Thorns that chain me
Thorns that pain me
Then rip me apart
Shredding my heart
In the process
Leaving me lifeless
But it's okay
It is how I will ever stay
Lifeless, motionless, numb
Let my body succumb
To infinite oblivion
Killing my emotion

That even I can't understand
How I will survive
How I will thrive
To live and be alive
To not dive
To continue breathing
To stop from writhing
With the pain spreading
In my body taking
Over me
Over is me.
Samantha Dec 2017
I am a city girl;
By blood and by birth.
The city is my place.
So many people!
So many buildings!
It's noisy, it's busy,
and that's why I like it.
But why, then,
Are people who live in cities
So much sadder than the rest?

Or so I've heard.
Cities may get gray.
Too loud.
Too bright.
Under the weather.
So I've heard, that
City people
Sad people.

Cities are bittersweet.
All I ever wanted was
To add a
Little bit

I guess that's what I'll have to do.
I just want everyone to be happy...
Not to mention, escalators to get into the subway are terrifying!
Morning Dec 2017
The pain will never go away
Like raindrops on my cheeks
Flash flood, into a raging river
Rushing off my face; Waterfall,
A grief-stricken cascade
The pain will never go away
Weak with ailing vertigo
Swaying back and forth
Only to be stationary; Rotting,
A slow and steady decay
The pain will never go away
Raging war, of the internal kind
Dolefulness claims it's crown
Contentment held captive
Like the Seventh Crusade
The pain will never go away
No light insight, Deep in the woods
Like the blackness
On a new moon night; Cold
One degree centigrade
The pain will never go away
Hollowed, repleted with agony
Gray, A bleakness
Never truly described; This
The obscureness of dolor's grenade
It will never go away
Episodes of depression
Thomas Halls Sep 2017
If you knew me in the rain drops, through the puddles we walk through, in the streets we grew up in. If you knew the clouds, the gray, the sounds of trees losing their water in an arpeggio of falling drops... You knew me, even if only briefly...
Purity Nov 2017
There is the red in her eyes
Her passion as she sprinted for the gold
There is blue in his fingers
His soul when he played sheets of old

There is yellow in her smile
How she can even brighten the sun
There is green in their voice
As they harmonize many as one

There is brown in his feet
Stable roots for his family's needs
There is gray in her mind
What revolutionary invention will she find?

The world is so colorful
With people who make it so bright
But when I try to search for my own color
I find nothing, nothing at all
And I simply fade to white.
Ni Nov 2017
You helped me see the world with color,
when everything around me seemed to be gray.
My laughter I heard that didn't mean anything for a long time
finally had a purpose.
And I promised myself
that I wouldn't let you control the colors that were
painted on my canvas.
But the thing is,
I handed you the paintbrush,
waiting to see what beautiful thing you would draw for me,
and beautiful it was.
Cné Nov 2017
Skies are gray today
and everything is okay,
come what ******* may.
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