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Grey 1d
Smile lines or frown line
It's a bit hazzy

They both look same
You couldn't possibly discern them

From a first meeting
You need to be a fixture

To tell which ones fit the puzzle perfectly

I think it's amazing to smile through pain

Look it into its eyes
And flip it off

But I also think it's groundbreaking

To acknowledge not being OK

To be scared
To run away from the slightest uncertainty

And finally let the water-fall flow

I've lost the gift of water-flow

But I'm holding on to the gift of smile

Doesn't matter what spectrum
Fits the case perfectly
Gaze on me now,
I'm not well known,
With my pen taps and frown.

Well the truth is,
I'm real well known,
This just ain't my town.
Finally made it to the weekend, hope everybody is having a great day!
foul weather friends creep in with the clouds
misery keeps company on the inside looking out
    “i’d pull all the teeth from your open mouth
before i’d ever let you frown”
it's all gore from here on out
heavensent friends descend from the clouds
hiding fangs behind kind hands
you can hardly hide your smiles
    “i’d rather see the frown torn from your mouth,
than ever think i’d let you down”
friends from above, keeping me from looking up
i can’t ever be like them if i don’t learn to stomach blood
    “you could be happy, smiling with all your teeth -
but then why would you need me?”
I S A A C May 2024
without a doubt
i should be walking out
all the images we painted
are embers on the ground
without a doubt
we can bow out
the best performances around
ephemeral frowns
Alicia Moore Oct 2021
“All water tastes the same,” he spoke with a frowned brow.
That’s how I knew we weren’t meant to be.
Brett Apr 2021
What is permanent remains
If it is meant for you
It shall find its way
Like tomorrow always finds today
Bones will meet the grave, but
The soul forgoes decay, and the wind
Will sing your name
You are permanent
Behind every smile
Was a sad frown
Stalwart Dull Oct 2020
The sky thundered and the rain poured down
Together with my tears flowed 'till I get drown
I am used to be like a clown
Shows a fake smile to cover my frown
beth haze Jul 2020
Your games and
childlike attitude
always put me
in a bad
It's like you
were trying your best
to leave a
permanent crease in
between my
- frown.
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