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Maria Mar 19
I forbid myself to love you!
It's unbearable!
It's like I'm tearing myself to pieces,
To shreds at all!
I madly want to be with you!
More than nearer!
But I forbid myself to think of you!
Not at all!

I forbid myself to remember you!
It's torture!
The sunshine in my window at dawn -
It's you!
Without you I maim my Soul!
I **** her!
My days, my dreams, my thoughts are naught
Without you!
I want to talk again about love, the only love, painfully strong, destructive, but so exceptionally necessary.
Thank you very much for reading it! 💖
We never thought in our lives that elders dying will be amongst our lives,
losing our loved ones is a heartache, but the virus you put out is a treacherous outbreak.
No compassion, sympathy or souls you have, because all Bill Gates has is a chip in hand.
The world was once sought to be a beautiful place, until a ****** was born out of place.
The corruption of this world isn't because of you or me, but the one who stands before us on the high chair of a governmental seat.
The serpents tongue slivers and shakes and the lies come out it's poisonous stake.
We need to come together as a whole, forget the fear because end is near, we must run with armed forces in our hands to the throne and temple at arms to cote and **** the snake with 7 heads, each and every one at once to destroy what' is coming to us.
Then hopefully we will survive, but we mustn't give up without a fight.    
How dare they force to vacc and chip us with their evil redemption of a cast pit plan, masking us to the point of a hypoxia death.
We the people need to make a stand, forget the rest and fight the Medusa head which lays amongst our earth.
We must banish, and forbid, to stretch away it's evil temptress of all for then once again we can live a life for all.
We need to fight this year and the next, never give up.
Yule Feb 2017
she found herself staring too long
a glimpse of those eyes
every features and movement
laid intact in her mind

everything about that blonde
gives her something welcoming
though she tries to get away
risking herself into falling
I just can't...
toots Dec 2016
   You're supposed to be a demon,
       Then why        
am I attracted to you?

   You're the danger,        
      Why                                        ­
          do I feel safe around you?

      If              Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 
    What they say is true,
            Then why            
are their thrones fenced?
Lady Bird Sep 2016
broke her heart did he
there was no time to think
was it her fault thought she
a glass of ***** was her drink
was it the glass that he forebid
or the slip of her tongue and sadden face
for told a huge lie is what she did
her heart in her ears poundin at a fast pace
tears ran down her cheeks from her eyes
she dare not look at him any more
for it was him that she despize
that's what she was drinking for
I feel drinking, drugs, or even suicide is NEVER a solution to any temporary problem.
Poet-Whisperer Jan 2015
The old and strong
Do not wither
They stand tall and fast
High and mighty above the rest
Their roots are deep
And cannot be severed with ease
Yet if you try
And god forbid
that you do succeed
A loneliness
A sense of guilt
Will push and pelt at you very soul
Simply, a certain darkness
Will cloud your heart
Leaving you to wander
Haunted by your past mistakes
Knowing that not even
A good nights sleep
Could save you.
Hannah Nov 2014
Young love,
thinking of
school work,
mean jerks
bullying the weak
drugs freak
parents out
teens pout
for money needed
friends pleaded
no more drinks
before they sink
into amnesia
hospitals induced anesthesia
sneaking out
into the moon’s set route
driving fast
to forget the past
late nights
a city’s lights
shining bright
as friends fight
a good mentality
for the harsh brutality
of our society
creating too much anxiety
for the teens
of a world in between
We are the kids
our parents warned us about
because parents forbid
and teens run out.

— The End —