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SySy Mar 2015
First things first
Learning lessons hurts.
If you can't picture that mixture
Of words than how can you picture
We strive for our ideals through trial and error,
We build to gain and if you're reading this now you've come far wise soul
Even though it is foretold
that error is what hurts us the most
We still continue to make them as if there is a demand for it.
A constant supply of mistake per being, they're selling like hot cakes!
But I deal with mine through accepting my natural reactions and reacting naturally,
from the heart and soul at all occurances.
Then atleast I know regardless
of bad judgement,
I did what I felt right at the time
And if I fail,
I will always accept the fault is
all mine.
Lesoulist Mar 2015
Love covers all fault

It touches a wicked soul

Pure love captures the heart

Trials endure through endless love

For you are the one that leaves a mark

into my wounded pierce of heart

Letters are sweet whisper

The confessions of sincere lover

You are the tickle sensation

You leap my heart’s inspiration
2/8/15 can't remember when I write it and the inspiration..but it was  year 2013 or 2012
Aseh Feb 2015
My hands were shaking
Not as hard as yours, I'm sure

You almost lost everything and I
was forced to watch,
bearing silent witness to a
destruction not my own
but at which I felt at fault,
thus I digested it as my own

Who knows?

In my mind, I had lived fantasies of
something like this happening--
you, helpless, I hold fast to your life and then
salvaging you, just barely,
scaring us both out of life and then
falling back into something new--
dark, strange, and yet intimate

This has happened to me twice now (for real)
and neither time was nearly as glamorous as
I had played out in my mind

(I'm a stupid girl)

Both times I felt drained of a vital energy I couldn't
call back--ever

I became an echo
of me
and us?
we were skeletons of
the children we once were. Both times
robbed me---
of sleep, and years, and appetite.
robbed me---
of innocence, and soul, and
which always
bleeds out uncontrollably
in times like these

and out with love
spreads guilt and shame

(I'm a jinx, I'm a cursed girl)

across the tar, filling the black empty
cracks with invaluable energy

Full of foreign weight
cargo stored too long
too far pushed down our throats
too removed

My hands were shaking
Not as hard or as long as yours
I'm sure
Forgotten Heart Feb 2015
is that
we search
for true love
in others
without knowing
true love exist
within ourselves
Parker Louis Jan 2015
The longest marriage ended on day 33,227
that's 91 years and 12 days in "Heaven"
But I think we could last longer
but love is a twisted story so I might have never been wronger
like Mary Shelly if I die silk wrap my heart
because we're like art
How come every great romance ends in tragedy?
like Romeo & Juliet I'll wait beneath your balcony
like Augustus & Hazel
I'll love you even as an angel
because love is fatal
like John & Yoko
I'll smile in every photo
like Kurt & Courtney
I'll sing for thee
like me & you
we're always down and blue
but you keep my skin white
not red
just because we wake up in the same bed
even if we're not wed
I don't care
but you can bet your *** people will stare
when I prove I'm still there
on day 33,228 gasping for air.
2/21/2013. I thought of writing this after learning the fact of how long the longest marriage lasted and converting it to days. I'm not sure if that fact is even accurate.
ema m Jan 2015
reality is like the bitter cold morning air
reality is like a brutal slap
reality is something i wish to avoid
because why live in reality
when you can live in blissful oblivion
i want to forever avoid reality
si Jan 2015
anxiety build up

emotional release

how did you hide this?

now you're there and i'm here

WickedHope Jan 2015
What    is    so    wrong    with    me?
Tell      me,      give ­     me      a      list,
I'll make the necessary adjustments.
Jillian Elcie Dec 2014
The fault of our reality is not written in our stars
And it will not dance across unfavorable constellations,
Or dissolve into inconsolable fragments.

The fault, my love, is not written in our stars.
It is written in ourselves.

But how fortunate would it be?
To cast the providence of our unlucky affairs
Into the gloomy twilight,
Where the sky is so unilluminated
That we could close our restful eyes
And fathom a world where it does not exist?

But the fault, my love, is not written in our stars.
It is written in ourselves.

We are heavily folded sheets of stationary:
A collection of utterances
Bound into melancholy novels
By our mangled hearts,
And though spoken words
Still fall onto my turning pages
As tears do fall from my reddened cheeks,
I have yet to forget
The chapter you have left unwritten,
Because an unwritten chapter is one to be adorned:
It cannot end
For it does not exist.
And so we fumble through an amorous affliction,
Fabricated into a bittersweet infinity.

And at midnight,
When my restless fingers
***** the empty air for you,
And the reality of our desolate fault
Seeps into my hands,
I wish you were here.

But the fault, my love, is not written in our stars.
It is written in ourselves.

Inspired by John Green's "The Fault in Our Stars".
Hollow Steve Dec 2014
Stricken by the absence of color,
and the absence of rainbows that once sung to me.

Nullified and numbed by the irrationality of my ego,
and my hatred for sanity.

These are punctured wounds by the hands of the stained glass,
as this shattered hourglass speaks gibberish to me.

I'll take all the blame,
it was all my fault anyways.

As if my world wasn't trippy enough,
the only thing standing in my way is you.

So let violence sing one last time...
Scream for me poetry.
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