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Morgan Floyd Oct 2015
It's been 2 years
Thinking about it now,  I can hardly believe it was real
I was drowning inside with pain: while on the outside I was drowning in tears.
My emotions were eating me alive... all i knew was I no longer wanted to feel.
After another family argument I rushed up stairs to the bedrooms
quickly I grabbed the first orange bottle of pills I could find in my aunts room.
Hiding beside my bed with my sister in the room unaware
Desperate for death I force all the pills down my throat.
Once the deed is done , my aunt calls us down to talk
during her lecture, I start to wobble
she asks if I took something but I insist I didn't and that I was just tired.
After a while she realizes what I have done..
though unlike most she found it funny and recorded it on her phone
Finally once I stop responding to things she calls the police...
only one officer showed up
realizing the situation wasn't a joke he gets back-up and medics
I am rushed to the local hospital.. then moved to a more advanced one
As the  doctors and nurses try to save me
I continuously rip out my IV's refusing to live

They are able to put me down.
I wake up 3 days later with dry blood on me and cry because all I wanted was to die .. and I failed.
Damian Murphy Oct 2015
It is better to try and fail,
Better to give it your best shot,
Than it is to let fear prevail,
To scupper the chance you have got.
To be afraid is natural;
Fears are real let us not forget.
But what you should fear most of all
Is a whole lifetime of regret.

All those chances you did not take,
Opportunities slipped away,
Those changes you chose not to make
Because you let fear rule the day.
But you can change in the future,
Many chances will come your way.
And even if you are unsure
Feel the fear, Do it anyway!
Jade Oct 2015
Whenever you smile at me,
I try...
I try not to smile to myself
But my lips betray me
They move slowly over time
Corners turn upwards and curved line

When your eyes crinkle at the corners
I try...
I try not to notice
How long your lashes are
Or how your eyes reflect the light

When you laugh and double over
I try...
I try not to wonder
What made you laugh so hard
Or why I'm not laughing even harder

I try...
I try so hard to pretend not to care
When in fact I do, I really, really do
And all I need is for you
To try to notice that I need you.
Kerri Sep 2015
I want to bask in your presence,
and revel in your smile,
meditate in your peacefulness,
and sing with you a while.

I want to share with you your glories,
and weep with you your fails,
praise you in your Heaven,
and suffer with you in your Hell.

I want to observe you in your spotlight,
and draw the curtains when you're not,
Be your sidekick in your rebellion,
and lie for you when you're caught.

I'll greet you in the morning light,
with my blurred line of wants and needs,
If the Universe grants my wish,
so begins the journey of you and me.
<3 Love <3
Vanessa Escopin Sep 2015
She knows what she's doing
She's in love
But she can't tell
Cause everyone seems don't like the idea
Of her being in a commitment
Baylee Sep 2015
I close my eyes and count to ten,
I try to count sheep; those *******.

The haunting thoughts keep me up,
I'm exhausted but restless.

I try and try to keep my eyes shut,
Then once again I fail.

Maybe I'll sleep better in this position,
I think as I roll over.

Thoughts race through my mind
And continue to keep me up.

The good, the bad, and the ugly,
They all have the same effect.

The pillow is too hot, time to flip it,
Yeah, I'm sure this will help.

But I can't sleep because my life is
A living nightmare.
Jules Sep 2015
"Bring your gumboots and rain coat, we're going on an adventure"

Lost, going around in circles; embarrassing.
Rainy, sick, "Let's go".
Pizza! Closed... cue more embarrassment.

Car rides along the main street, soft music playing
"Can I borrow that towel for my hair?"
Picks place to eat.
"Let's become humans again"

Dry hair, deodorant, changing shoes.
Horn blaring.
"This looks weird. Windows fogging, horn going, scraggly hair"
Awkward belly laughs.

Best avocado burger and aioli chips ever.
Need practise on being spontaneous
Dina Zivkovic Sep 2015
when insomnia strikes, I try to hide
it shows streams of restraint that need hiding...

it. I.  me. do. The. Beginning.

I don't think I really know.
I just wanted to be left

do it for the cause.
do it for those who can't
make it look effortless
and do it without a pause.
it can't be done overnight

but remember that you have to go through this week without being right.

Forcing rhyme won't help you this time... oh well, here it is...

can't say I didn't try...
I tried...
JR Falk Aug 2015
Falling in love scares me more than drowning.
In a sense, it's the same thing. You put your heart in someone's hands and if they drop you, it feels like you're being engulfed in a dark hole you'll never come out of.
He left over three months ago.
About a month ago he blocked me on everything and I'm glad he did.
It felt like someone cut a ball and chain from my leg, and before they did that I was stuck at the bottom of whatever trench I was in. Once it was cut, I was so engulfed in the panic I didn't realize I could finally get out.
But I did.
Now I'm just trying to find the courage to get back in the water.
I always wondered why I was afraid of dark water.
Maybe that's why.
You never know if you'll be pulled back under.
You never know when you're safe.
Mind is melting. This is the pool that it turns to.
Edgar E Tobias Aug 2015
I will be your David.
Chip away...
But if you find you are upset at what you discover underneath.
I never promised to be some sort of masterpiece.
I just gave myself to you.
You are sculpting me.
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