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A Lopez Dec 2015
Aching for someone's kiss
I reached out to a player.
Seeking affectionate amor
I reached
A liar,

Aching for just one to hold me
I sold myself for less,
In the process.

Aching for an aching lie
An itching tale
I kept looking
For doosies
Being a flusie
In other detail.

Desiring to have.
I lost the past things that were good!

My advice to those
Give and except your
To and from god
He is
The one who won't
Steal from
Or beat
Or bruise you,

The amor worth fighting for---------
And also
Its an everlasting relationship-
He won't leave you!
Àŧùl Dec 2015
No, I didn't fail ever,
I just got one too many lessons,
I got lessons about life,
About love,
So, I didn't fail ever,
I didn't fail.

No, I didn't fail ever,
Each unsuccessful step is a lesson,
Each a lesson important in life.
I got lessons about the world,
About deceit,
So, I didn't fail ever.
I didn't fail.
Such is my take.

My HP Poem #939
©Atul Kaushal
I'm looking at the number,
But it is too young
And too old.
It's when everything is decided
And I've already messed up.
I'll never be able to forget how bad life is,
Because I won't get the chances to take my mind of it.
I've failed now, that I can't change,
But it effects my grades,
Which will effect my far future grades,
Effecting what job I could get,
So I won't have the money to enjoy life;
To let me forget how ****** up I've become.
Everything is failing now.
Yet still I am supposed to stay and happily watch.
How many times do I have to say "I don't want to be here?"
If it's the number I've started with;
Then I think I should be gone.
16 years, do I have to have even 16 more?
I'm going to fail everything I'm about to try, there is honestly no question about it and it's my fault because I didn't try hard enough like I intended to. But when intensions don't become real they may as well not be there at all.
Lawan Nov 2015
I find that certain evasive
nobility missing in her character

She is a well polished diamond
that can never shine;
Abundant confidence, so little material

Wait, wait, wait you'll say
She'll wait wait
Then she'll fall in the end
BSeuss Nov 2015
Why do we fall.
is it gravity that gives us our weight.
do we pin ourselves down with the stress.
does gravity fall, or are we planting ourselves to this.
why do we fall.

must we have so little to offer.
when all fails for us we ask of others.
yet we've given to little to receive.
and the cycle repeats.
must we have so little to offer.

are we even alive.
countless strangers could change your life.
countless friends become strangers.
must we play a theater in our head
towards the person across the room.
why is the word "introduced" so scary to adults,
yet we must teach or children to not talk to strangers.
I learned later in life that i wish i could talk to this stranger beside me.
are we even alive.

we've fallen.
angels without wings.
birds without beaks we seek.
and seek to the point we doubt the existence of our goals.
we even doubt the possibility of our potential.
we are limitless, us humans.
we could each change the world. its the main reason we struggle.
the truth of growth towards the sky is we've all been to the bottom.
we've fallen.

why do we fall.
just to rise.
must we have so little to offer.
are we even alive.
we've fallen.
just to rise.

Fallen does not mean an end to life.
remember when you fall. its a sign that you have risen. when you rise again. remember your last fall.
BSeuss Nov 2015
Ive done it again .

I am my own worst enemy,
Like im my worst friend.

Its like i am my own demon.
Plauging my own name.

How do i defeat this demon.
If its in my own body i wake.

I am my own demon.
Causing my own hell.
I cannot see a reason,
Is what it tells me well.

Sometimes i lose my angels,
They have to keep a range.

Thats because this demon,
Is in control and playing games.

But these games are not safe.
There dangerous, they can cause pain.

After every tempation implyed,
The sin just brings my bane.

Sorry to all whom i hurt.
Says the real me;
Hidden inside, restrained in chains.
While this demon runs a muck.
Thats my true pain.

Its like i am my own demon.
I hurt, again and again.
But the real me just wants love.
To give and feel, in the end.

How do i defeat this demon,
If the mirror says its me.

Because killing this demon,
Would seal me to pain, worse,
Than this purgatory.

They say Gods alive,
And that the Father , He will talk.

If ive heard any thing, its that with
My angels i will walk.

But how from all That they can protect me from.
Can the save me from this demon.
From which i wish to run.

The answer i know not,
But still i must fight with what i got.

A broken heart, racing mind and body of sloath

Mind circles thoughts.
Heart feels lost,
Body is weak and my spirit,
Feels wroth.

Im sorry to those ive hurt.
Says the real me,
The real heart.

But i just might end up there again,
Even though i hate its end.
It doesnt make friends..

Enemies will be sent,
But it just cant be helped at times,
Says the demon of such a wretch.

How do i defeat once again in life,
The demon that comes around.
If the real me just wishes silently.
Making not a sound.

Well, ive done it again
PaperclipPoems Nov 2015
I slipped and you caught me.
You're holding on to me so tight.
You have both of my hands in yours.
Im hanging off the edge of a cliff and I'm trusting you to pull me up.

But you don't.

You tied rope around my wrists as I stared into your eyes but I saw nobody there in you.
My wrists are burning and I'm too scared to move for if I do I might fall into an abyss.

So I stay. I have no choice.
You left for days. You would come back to check on me. To make sure I was still alive.

As long as I'm breathing, I'm yours.

Weeks went by and I realized I'd rather die than be yours.

So I let go.
In that moment, I saved myself.
Jellyfish Nov 2015
Why have you stopped writing
little nothings that hold such big

I long to read your words and
hear your whimsical voice and
the sounds that escape your
mouth when you laugh.. Just
tell me what I need to say to
bring everything back..

I know right now you're surrounded
by the darkness; lost within your mind
and what's around you that makes you
want to (maybe)  cry?

I'm trying to be supportive and stick to
your side- I'm sorry that I'm at a loss
for words; and that I'm not sure why.

I'm supposed to know what to say, aren't I?
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