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Reece 17h
Whenever there’s a storm,
And I hear the rain pour,
As the wind blows,
I’m reminded of the coziness of home.
That feeling of safeness,
A place to hide from the darkness,
When it seems hopeless,
A bed for your tiredness.
Though I know,
Not everyone has a home,
Or one that is safe,
One without pain,
So I feel empathy,
For those who may not be,
Lucky like me.
As I write these words,
I hear you,
And I’ll hold you,
In a tight hug.
It’ll be okay!
The storms aren’t here to stay.
Even though the winds may blow,
You can find a home.
We had a bad storm this morning. A tornado was super close to causing some damage in my area. That's the inspiration for this one.
Grey 3d
I believe everything
Happens in a sequence
In an order

I don't need to be
Versed in religion

To understand that
Every test, every sickness

Is moulding me
Into a more concrete form

One with unshakeable foundation

Through every pain
Along my incision side

Made me softer
To other people's pain
And yet I'm grateful for it

The pain yesterday is worse
Than today's pain

And yet with that I still
Don't glorify pain

I just think it's the only way
That I truly learn
Grey 4d
From a crosswalk

Everything is sidelined

Not focused

Bruised up,
They focused on the bruises

I said she needed empathy

Justice for what she's going through

But as I mulled it over

They could be wrong

But I could be more wrong

Being a neutral spectator

Isn't entirely bad

But hey!How are u doing?

Could fix a whole lot

But neither of us did that

Because its a crosswalk
Kate Feb 14
who am I without empathy?
a soulless husk, drifting through life,
whispering passing lies into the void of wind, wandering into the ears of those who are vulnerable.
a manipulative animal that doesn’t break for others in their timeless needs for help.
a sinister darkness, that prays on the downfall of those weak, unfortunate souls.
what would I be?
just a small thought
evangeline Feb 9
and though we breathed the same breaths
under different skies
and in different tongues
though the whispering birth
of one
was the death of another
both righteously tainted
both cut open
bleeding into me
and her
and us
and them
and god i wish there was no them
i know
i know i know i know  
the room was ink
and cheap leather
and there’s no room for god
in collars or letters
but have your bones been mended?
has the bleeding stopped?
because their hands
are still red
their wounds like honey
so, my love
it’s time you learn to sew!
stitch up your broken!
sever the wicked!
make your mosaic!
and i’ll tattoo it on my sleeve
i’ll bottle it up
and swallow it
and when it sinks into the ocean of my body
i’ll think of them
and hope
that some day
under some sky
they can taste it too
an old one
Azarel Feb 7
As we sit, take our seats in the banquet hall,
everyone rushes to be the first to feast,
while we’re left choking on the past.
Does no one hear the wind,
wailing against the stained glass?

Silver goblets raised in mock celebration,
filled with the essence that I poured.
Gleeful toasts echo against fractured stone,
laughter filling the banquet hall.
Does no one see the blood,
dripping down these chains?

A little too late,
they finally look around.
The stained glass has cracked,
its stories bleeding out onto the marble floor.
The drapes now hang in tatters,
lace left ripped in shreds.

Is this what you wanted?
The desecration of this citadel?

As walls begin to tremble,
pillars groan under the weight of decay,
no one stays to help.
They run.
Feet that once stood in reverence
trample the sacred,
careless, unburdened.

But I remain.

Veins of frost cover the walls,
the ceiling yawns open, snuffing out the light,
and I cannot move.
Not as the glimmering chandeliers fall,
not as the stone gives way beneath me,
not as the ruins cave in.

As the winter chill creeps in,
the dust now settles.
Within the silence
of these hallowed grounds,
the echoes of laughter now lost.

As I watch from beyond.

A ghost draped in apathy,
watching the remnants of me buried,
watching the last echoes of my warmth
fade into cold ash.
Wondering if I will ever
rise back from the ashes.

No hands reach
into the wreckage.
No voices
call my name.
No one mourns.
And maybe
they never will.
A poem on the loss of identity, loss of self
A poem to mourn as you watch a forced change
Ritz Writes Feb 5
Teach me mother how to say NO..
To raise my voice and swim across the oceans.
To value safety over politeness.
To feel comfortable in my own skin without seeking any validation from the outside world.
Teach me mother to hit back, when I'm mistreated, when my feelings are not validated and disrespected.
Teach me mother to know what I want.
To be brave, stand tall and bold.
Teach me mother to believe in my dreams, to dream of a better world.
Because when you're gone, I'll carry the legacy, that doesn't have to be out of pain and suffering.
Mother, teach me to be my own hero so that I won't tread the path taken by you again.
As a woman, I empathize my mother.
As a daughter, I am angry.
Syafie R Jan 31
I return a hero,
but the victory
is buried in my skin—
cold sweat,
thick as blood,
as a grave.

3:47 AM,
The door creaks open,
the old hinges groaning—
boots pounding closer,
each step like a drumbeat,
bringing a cold shiver
that claws down my spine.


A scream cuts the night,
the daughter,
the mother,
they want me—
drag me back
to that blood-soaked hell,
where nothing survives,
where life is torn apart.

Warplanes split the sky,
tanks rumble in my chest—
the taste of rust,
the heat of gunfire,
the smell of flesh burning,
of metal tearing through bone.

l open my eyes,
and I'm surrounded—
the bodies of my brothers,
their faces smashed into the earth,
eyes wide,
mouths frozen in screams.
The stench is choking,
the blood thick,
pooling like a dark sea around us.

The Nazis—
they don't stop—
shooting the fallen
to make sure no one rises.
I feel the shot in my gut,
but I'm still here—
I wait my turn.

I close my eyes.

And then—
l open them.
Still here.
4:01 AM.
I survived.
My heart goes out to anyone who has faced this kind of pain. You are not alone. The weight you carry is real, but survival is strength. Healing takes time, and though it may feel far off, it is possible. You matter. Keep moving forward, even if just a step at a time. You are not defined by your scars.
Thomas W Case Jan 24
Life is about giving
back instead of taking.
I took a lot all my life,
apathetic and selfish.
When I see people today,
they don't look like marks.
I don't think about what I
can take from them.
They are God's handiwork.

Life is strange and short.
I couldn't have caused this
inner transition.
I always subscribed to
morality in theory.
Thank God,
the blind still receives sight.

Sometimes, acquaintances will say
that I've grown soft
as they turn to green jello, right
before my eyes.
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
aleks Jan 21
the people of loss
have nothing on us,
pillows of unravelling floss.

only the pillow knows,
a pedestal for weakness,
our shared bygones.
'avoir le cafard', or 'to have the cockroach' , is a french expression for feeling depressed, a sense of malady.
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