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Kalliope Mar 13
I breathe too much and you hear nothing else
I hold my breathe then I'm gasping for air
Either way I'm too loud
Quietly suffering, well that's just too moody
Screaming into the dark, well that's a tad dramatic,
Yet I never seem to choose the right response
Jeremy Betts Sep 2024
The truth's often miss worded
Proof's too easily distorted
While trust gets quickly depleted
Then misery must be begrudgingly greeted
Good is historically related
To every bit of evil it created
As inner battles get heated
Dangerous thoughts are left untreated
Inner voices can't be silenced,
Only ever quieted
Insecurities refuse to be defeated
After hope has permanently retreated
And on your own
Until the cycle is repeated

Ghxstcxt Jul 2024
Don't try to write it
Or speak it
It's made up
Meaningless weak ****
You're deceiving

When I feel unproud like that I can zone out
In a cloud of "hazy self doubt"
I'll cut my phone out
Stuff my self worth down my throat and fill my lungs to sever sound
Until I am;


Held down firm by recluse leaning movements...
Jeremy Betts Mar 2024
I should probably introduce myself
My name is Anyone Else
It'd be more than obvious to state I'm a mess
Even though I do try my best
Well, maybe not every time
But I toe the line
I'm not sure it's the right one
Can't know that 'till my times done
Attempted some revision to the predestined
Tried to storyboard my own end
Frankly, I couldn't manage
My baggages baggage had to much baggage
Overwhelmed seamlessly flipped to defeated
A weak will finally and now fully depleted
Note beforehand, this is beyond making a statement
My name is actually, probably, most likely, irrelevant
Knowing me will only be watching me come and go
That's best case scenario

Ziv Mar 2021
what am I
but a reflection
of all I should have been
the things I never did,
the chances I never took
the sunsets I never watched.

I feel I could have been more.
I'm still young;
why do I feel like this.
I shouldn't feel like this.
Delyla Nunez Feb 2021
I got ****** by friends.
I got ****** by family.
I even got ****** by the one who said wouldn’t.

I’m tired of all the lies.
I’m tired of being disrespected.
I’m tired of the false hope when it should be me giving myself hope.

I’m exhausted.
I’m defeated.
Yet I’m still trying to climb when I can’t even walk.

I’ve hit the bottom enough times.
I did my part of loving unconditionally.
I made it known I’m here,
Yet I’m still silent as ever.
I hate kicking myself but it’s the only way to get myself up.
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
The crooked claws of darkness clashing
Targeting my weakened soul
Upon my broken mind a'gnashing
Sizzling like scorching coals
Hope and faith they're busy slashing
Torturing with many wretched tools
As the world around me crumbles and comes down quickly crashing
How they've defeated many fools
After all is said and done

The fiery fangs of darkness mawing
Targeting my broken mind
Upon my sanity they're a'gnawing
As I'm running out of precious time
My freedom to live they are a'stalling
The hope of peace sounds so sublime
As I fall to my knees and attempt escape
By crawling Freedom sounds divine
Desperately losing the battle as I'm frequently bawling
Because I know I'm trapped inside
When all is said and done

Consumed in reckless insanity I still ponder
The depths of evil is quite the wonder
Will I be forcefully cast a sunder
When all is said and done?
Just some thoughts I have.
dailythoughts May 2020
They won’t just touch my soul and set me free
Eagerly will open the deepest of wounds and fest on my worst fears
Harshly undress my faith and crush my hope

Victoriously laugh to celebrate my doom
Bleed me red to suffer in dry tears
Waltz with my ghost to slowly scatter my temple  

Taunt to enliven my mistakes
Proudly glorifying my shames
Only to win a soul that has been defeated

I sense them overstepping my shadow
The monsters catching up with my heart and mind
Will I score the final touchdown or will they devour me whole

Touch so contagious
The poison burns running wild in my veins
Won’t be long for when I am all at once taken away
good luck to me
Kelsey Apr 2020
I wish
I could just take a break
An end date.
Always think about when my time to myself will be over. I wish there was no end date.
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