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Heather Apr 2021
Lately I find that my life is shaded in many colors of grey
I neither love him nor can live without
I love the idea of another, but the way he treats me makes me hate him
I feel seen but also burdened by the later
And somewhere in the middle of this tangled web of half truths lies my lonely soul
Always alone.
Kora Sani Apr 2021
thin lines
uneven eyes
white lies
in summertime
drinks in that old bar
honest words won’t get us far
two rounds
and then a third
stumbling on our every word
blissful nightfall
scolding time
the thief of memory
hands intertwine
still remains
a void to fill
a few steps closer
i hope you will
Asonna Apr 2021
he loves me
he loves me not

He loves me not

Never in a million years did i imagine this,
sensation of lonely haunts me.

                                         *consumes me

becomes the true identity of what it means to be me.
                           Forever more.
No love to give,
No love to share,
No Love, that's it.

she loves me
she loves me not

She loves me not

you just haven't met the one,
oh you're young,
there's plenty of time,
                              stop stressin ***.

but that's not the point.

Used so much my soul screams for protection,
had people walk out,
judge me for my choices,
                               Like they were my choice

She loves me
He loves me not

*They love me not

sinking ship.
iceberg ahead.
I'm going under.
Ready to give up instead.

My walls are up,
Don't need to take cover.
Put the gun away.
Spare me of this final blow.
Grace Mar 2021
Yeah, I know I didn't walk in blind folded
I knew what I getting myself into
Yeah, I know you're gonna leave
I support you following your dreams
But you weren't honest from the start
I just wish I could play my part

Yeah I know I'm sad
Yeah I know I'm fragile
Yeah I know I'm a little extra depressed
Don't know when I got so mental
Yeah, I wish I could live in a world
Where you care about my head
Where you laugh with all my friends
Not just what I like in bed
Where you ask about my future
Where we make long-term plans
But every time I text you
All you say is "yeah"

No, I don't know when I got this fragile
No, I don't know when I let down my guard
Did I even have gates up in the first place
No, I thought I was stronger than this
I wish I could play my **** part well
No, maybe you shouldn't have taken up my time
No, maybe I shouldn't give you space in my mind
Yeah maybe all I need is a good cry
Reminisce before I kissed my morals goodbye

Yeah, you're fun to mess around with
Playing twister in your bed
Yeah, I know you're just my type
But we both got demons in our head
Yeah. I could drag this out
But being casual isn't what I'm about
So when you ask, "should we end it?"
All I'll say is "yeah"
photovoltaic Mar 2021
youre here but youre not
im not lonely but im alone
this is the best i can get
i can see your smile, your eyes
your beautiful appearance
but its still not enough
i want you here in my arms
the country borders that separate us
this facetime call
its not close enough
i wish i could meet up with you in real life
but we live on opposite sides of the globe
Antino Art Mar 2021
Any-Her has a name. Had.
It was the title of a travel book.

Any-Her had a
name tattooed along her spine.
You search and read her
up, down, sideways.
She was a work of fiction,
a ghost story. You read her
under the covers
by the beam of a flashlight
against your chin for dramatic
effect. In a flash, she's gone.
You flick the lights out and sleep.

Any-Her is a dream.
Was. Bright eyes, pierced
lips. You'd recognize her anywhere,
in the travel aisle of a library.
She had a name. Her signature
was jotted in the margin
of a catalogue card. She was
a name on a list of borrowers.
You'd wait your turn, check her out.

Any-Her is a number.
She writes it down on
the back of a bar napkin.
You skim details,
fill in blanks.

Any-Her is easily
(mis) read, goes by
an alias based on the
date. You name her
after obscure holidays,
like, "Winter Solstice '20",
or, "Funny Valentine '21".
You celebrate her coming,
the -where and the
-when. The -who is
irrelevant, the -how,
irrational. And -why
is what you keep asking
the next morning
while waiting for a reply
that never comes.

Any-Her is a city
far from home,
you decide. You don't
remember the name.
Don't need to.
You're just one
of -any, passing
The Dating Life of the Insane

If I like her,
I will ask her,
and she, will tell me no.

James E. Roethlein copyright 2020
Jim is the author of two books of poetry “Musing On The Cricket Game of Life Part 1 1/2” and “An Extravagant Way of Saying Nothing “ both available on Amazon
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