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Rizma Aulia Feb 14
Goosebumps rise in eerie fright,
As the cold begins to wrap me tight.
Ah... my glasses fog with mist,
and my heart pounds in the midst.

For a moment, I stop and think,
Should I rise or let fear sink?
To step away, escape the night,
or stay still, without a fight?
showyoulove Dec 2024
Oh Lord my God! Thank you for this day, thank you for all your blessings and graces that are new for me each and every morning! Help me find peace and rest of mind, body and spirit. Refresh my dry and weary soul. You are my stronghold and my refuge, my strength and blessed assurance during hard times. Enfold me in your arms of love. Bless my family and friends Lord. Be my center. Be the center. Send your Holy Spirit to descend and rest within me. Move me and work in and through me for your greater glory. Let me be your hands and feet reaching out into the world. Never let me go Lord and in your mercy, help me always know you are near especially when I cannot see or feel your presence in my life. Help me to empty myself so that you can come and fill me. May I be less so that you can be more. I ask you to give me what I need today: to give me this daily bread of patience, peace, love, forgiveness, healing. You know my needs Lord: I trust that you will provide. I know you hear my prayers. Thank you, Lord, and always may your will be done. May your will be done in me. Amen.
As  I am writing in my diary
I would say how my day
Is going
As I am writing in my diary
I write about a
Good song
I heard
As I am writing in my diary
The first entry I would
Write the
Good the bad and the ugly

As I write in my diary
Carlo C Gomez Nov 2024
Unusual and cloudless

This slippery world

Today is still contagious

Here is heat, here is rain

Here is love, regardless

Shadows in the scaffolding

Look like a broken alphabet

The sun in its anger

Just won't set

Life and how to do it

Perfectly absent

Scrib Oct 2024
Woken in darkness
I stand confused and alone
Unsure of my place
Daily Haiku, October 1st 2024
Scrib Sep 2024
Mourning doves outside
Singing to partners unknown
Echo in twilight
Daily haiku
Scrib Sep 2024
Wind swirling slowly
Reminds of streams trickling by
Sand through the hourglass
Daily Haiku
Kelly Sep 2024
Today I felt incredible sadness.

Sadness that I could not help,
Those around me and those far away,
Sadness that I am not doing enough.

I thought about the needy,
How much someone could support them.

Why couldn't it be me?
What can I do to help?
Just some thoughts
Theophilia011 Sep 2024
Born with thorns like her soul was the perfect description of a gift and curse in human form. Change was not what she ever wanted however, circumstances never made them unlimited. Her outstretched hands were for help and love but they got full with demands from people who still reprimand. Keeps her circle tight like as if she could make it wider if she had a chance. In this messed up world, damaged souls treat her as if she is the problem to their sorrows. But then, she will bloom and grow again because she lives as the root and a perfect one to loot
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