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CC Dec 2014
I always wondered why she took off her shoes
Before she jumped to her death
She went to Japan in her senior year
It must have been a big influence
I enjoy piecing these things together
Peace of mind is accomplished
Which is probably why she took off her shoes
To achieve peace of mind.

My friend didn't take off his shoes
Despite my belief that I planted the idea in his mind
So maybe it was an accident
After all these years.
Chase Graham Dec 2014
Mamacita hold me dearly under folds
of black hair where light can't shine I
feel the warmest with my nose
pulling deep breaths of floral shampoos

and hot mesoamerican corn tortilla
from the oven with pepper carnitas drifting
through cracks under locked bedroom
doorhandles, in the bed and under

an azetec starred quilt duvet between sunshine
brown arms with tiny black feminine hairs,
I think about dinnertime at seven
with my warm Mamacita and her cousins
and of all the caring people
L.A shared with me.
Isaiah Johnson Nov 2014
Come follow me to the pinnacle of existence, once you understand you'll feel the difference in a instance.
What used to matter will become minuscule in its significance.
You will savor every interaction, deflect all distractions. and be cautious of your actions.
For this way of life brings pure passion.
Stifles your aggression and evaporates your depression. While inspiring progression
for the values of popular culture is but a mere image, and with any insight at all those values will surely diminish.
In a world where ignorance is rewarded and intelligence is thwarted, how can the pen be mightier then the sword is.
I have high hopes and they might seem out of range, but all it requires is effort towards a change.
In a word where religions and powers battle for who is right I've come to shed a little light.
Just think with a little reason we are all here to change with the seasons.
Fate is what you make, live to do something great, for death is to procrastinate.
Live for those to come, and be proud of what you've done. Death is to be felt by none.
With every minute grow through your body and mind, death is to waste any precious time.
Don't live to impress, but live to express. live to progress, for death is to regress.
Beauty is everywhere in this ever changing world, and we make it more so as the future is unfurled.
Life is more then what it seems, no matter your beliefs of a higher being.
Its time to evolve, many more problems to be solved so get up off you *** and get involved.
When i'm gone they'll remember me for leaving a legacy and my life will surely live longer then what's left of me
I know you've felt you were meant for more from the start, and ill be ****** if you don't leave your mark.
DP Younginger Nov 2014
Inside, I’m a house-cat with claws like Hugh Jackman- he’s been waiting on hold for an hour and a half.

I’m a Ghost-type Pokemon wearing a powder blue LT jersey from a time when JT was all glamour shots.

Today I’ll smoke a bowl next to my open window and then spend the entire night hoping my parents stay brainwashed by the Smart TV.

How come all the advertisements on the side of each website I view are related to me in some way or form?

Sometimes I have dreams about shadow monsters hanging out with my Cookie Monster doll.

When I sob my father’s name, it responds by tickling my toes at the end of the bed and twisting my ******* when I fall back to sleep.

My ears are like Batman’s pet bat, except in this world my eyes accumulate wax.

I’m a house-cat hopped up on cat-nip and I can’t sleep so let me be.
Rhianecdote Nov 2014
She wonders if behind her bubbly exterior anyone can truly see her. Her reflection still lingers in the mirror but as she gets nearer it becomes an unrecognisable figure.

Conflicted, constricted as her life is restricted to the kitchen.

Her starsign was on the dotted line of this contract, not to be lived out as Taurus but for us! Them and a community that's idea of unity is spreading rumours about other families between sips of tea.

Sitting head in hands, these boundaries are bound to be the end of me is all she sees.

But this is my life! Why the continual strife? May as well pick up that knife on the side left from breakfast, better act fast and cut me, cut me deep, put me to sleep, Cause I can't walk this path, the one you lay before me.

The red carpet that fades to pink as it's left in the rain. The most I can hope for is the same in terms of my pain, that it erodes as I rust, become a husk of what I was and instead of tread that path, haunt it.
Written for my best friend, cause sometimes it can be hard to reconcile two cultures
Amelia Nov 2014
I went to Misato Japan, .
Small people and the gentlest of faces
small roads and rice patties.
Miso Soup and a kiwi farm.

Photo booths and game centers.
I didn’t take enough pictures
Sendai before it was destroyed.

Matsushima and the buddhist temple.
The flocks of seagulls near our boat.
The islands so distinct.
Wind so powerful.

We were treated like royalty,
looked at like celebrities.
I was dressed in a Kimono
and treated to a feast.

People so gentle,
bows full of honor
gratitude in their eyes
immense kindness I was shown.
Akemi Nov 2014
Your cesspool culture
******* disgusts me

I keep hearing white men in power
Telling me **** culture doesn’t exist
While **** shaming single mothers
And gang ***** minors

Guilty until proven guilty
Where the hell did you learn to lead?
Well spoken white trash ******
Spit polished bigotry
7:55am, November 2nd 2014

A group of teenagers in my country, who drug and gang **** underage girls, just got away with no charges.
I'm not ******* happy.
Wuji Seshat Oct 2014
I can lecture on the darkness
I’ve tasted shadows like burnt milk
I can lecture on the shadow

I’ve tasted her tongue-dried appetite
The way she cowers in fear
For what is new, in confronting change
I am older now, more fragile
Being had, enjoying how love decays

I’ve grown simpler in these hours
Dying, a bit each day
Though I admire great things that

Can somehow outlive their maker
Even if they have a false shine
As most human things do
And have a tinge of exaggerated
Self-importance, their relatively silly grandeur

I can lecture on the cruelty of men
And the sadism of women
Who care more for clan and religion

Than any real human goodness
We live in ignorant times
And the world is growing more illiterate
Each year, but that is not my affair
The disgrace of catalyst has yet to unfold
And how I shun the self-righteousness
Of the young, what they don’t know yet….
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