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CJ Jul 2022
Fire up your talk boxes
Life’s such a bore
Until we discover
Today’s Rage du Jour

Do we have to turn Red
if they’re feeling Blue?

Does screaming more loudly
make it any more true?

Is it fate we must hate if
They want to make it great?

Must our faces turn redder if
They want to build back better?

What if we hear different voices?
And what if they make different choices?

Do we choose to lash out
always feel justified
As our fears turn to rage
and we’re bloated with pride?

Who among us sees clearly?
Whose judgment is never astray?

What great one among us holds just the right viewpoints
to keep cyber pitchforks at bay?

He said sinless stoneholders
could fire away
Yet there’s rocks hurling
constantly every which way

Can’t we sew up our lips
and ***** up our our ears
and realize there’s much
we can learn from our peers?

It’s hard to see it through our spite
But life is rarely black or white

Whatever happened to nuance?
When did we lose the gray?
How did this digital mob get the power to police every last thing we say?

There’s a whole vibrant world in 4K
We’re all welcome to come out and play
Let’s not label them Other
When they’re truly our brother
Only Kindness can show us the way
Zywa Jun 2022
Changing one's name
after a scandal, it works
with time

Cain could do everything
he made tools
grew beans and grasses
with edible seeds and
built a house of loam

He created what he invented
but who still wants to know now?
His name has been black-washed

so the grandchildren just
had to deny him, no
their grandfather was Seth
the only real
son of Adam and Eve

who dug little canals
and made bedsteads
who created what he invented
The story of the flood solved the problem of the family tree. Lamech and his family survived, while Lamach and his family drowned.
Seth >> Enos >>>> Jared >> E >> Metusalem >> Lamech
Cain >> Enoch >> Irad >> M >> Methushael >> Lamach

Collection "From Sacred Scriptures [1]" #11
Zywa May 2022
Around the green land

we drive a fence, with a gate --

to future harvests.
Collection "From Sacred Scriptures [1]"
Alienpoet May 2022
In the nightmare
we lose ourselves
not wishing to look in each other’s eyes
left versus right
only millionaires and billionaires can afford to fight
male versus female
drop the hate to relate
life sold cheaply over internet wars
our nation
a nation of locked doors
and hate driven speaking drivel
I love you all but your minds locked into
Facebook culture wars
media ******
ratings soar
go viral be the virus
or inspire us
it’s your choice
war is afforded to the rich
if your poor dig your grave or ditch.
Juffrou, will the public prison set you Free
(Free like the Freedom we use to opPress)
mob trail wants you to explain
the depths of the universe
giving you 10 mississippis
we’re hearing, not Listening
Sentence you to a Label
BRANDED on you skin
Outcast you from society
into the Public Prison
for how long, Juffrou?
FOREVER or until our mind shifts
to the next person, another mob trail
(it’s a Game. Until the Game comes for me
More Deleterious)
To my Afrikaans teacher. What you said may of come of as racist. Also the way we acted was wrong.
Chree Feb 2022
You can hear a pin drop, don't know where I'll end up.
Maybe I'll be "ex-pens-ive" ^ for weeks, they're trailing under my wings.
It's like my brains under siege, you seen Egypt at Its peak?
I see my heartbeat unleashed, simultaneously.
"Reinforcements are meme's."
("Reinforcements are meme's.")
"Reinforcements are meme's."
("Reinforcements are meme's.")
I'm toxic, cau-tion to the wind am I hot yet?
Too cold to go home until I pop this.
Cross stitched the notes, I'm locked in.
Might lift your soul, baby drop dead.
Like a swimming hole for those soft hips.
I'm good to go and you're all wet.
My fingers broke from your guitar licks.
Like a fishing pole, I can make your heart bend.
"Reinforcements are meme's."
("Reinforcements are meme's.")
"Reinforcements are meme's."
("Reinforcements are meme's.")
Took a Master Class.
My Dear Poet Jan 2022
There are so many ways
to say goodbye
‘Hellos’ are but a few
there’s ‘adieu’ and ‘farewell’
just to mention one or two
‘Catch you later

there are much, and many more
of ‘Bye byes’
than of ‘Hi’s’
than a simple ‘Bonjour’

‘See ya’ or ‘See you’
easier said than to cleave
so, ‘So long’
won’t feel wrong
so many ways to see you leave
maybe, it’s because we depart
more often than we come
maybe, “hello” holds no meaning
after it’s said and when it’s done
goodbye could be good but hurtful
for no sorrow in hello you feel
but parting can be painful
so we say ‘Keep it real’

‘ta ta’, ‘toodeloo’
’sorry it’s me…not you’
among the funny things we say
like ‘howdy’, ‘how you?’
by early morning on your way
so it’s hasta la vista
see you soon, or cya later
I’d better be along.
take it easy
easy peasy
peace out and stay strong.
Francie Lynch Jan 2022
Day-dreams and Night-dreams
Work as well as wet-dreams.
We need be alert,
Be awakened from our sleep-walking passivity.
Pick-up ourselves,
And be woke with humanity;
Rub away the sleep in our eyes.
The world is at a precipice of change, one way or the other. Let's go the "one way," not the other.
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