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I used to roll my eyes,
when people said love is dead,
but as I wipe the tears away,
I'm afraid hope is too.
Rachael Dec 2020
the world is on fire,
but i am at peace.
the situation's dire,
and this year was so bleak.
who knows what twenty one
will have in store?
will this virus be done?
will we go to war?
whatever awaits,
i'll be so okay,
passively accept fate
'cause i am unphased
by trudging though days
that are just as grey
as those filled with rage,
as those filled with pain,
that always lit my way.
Joss12 Dec 2020
Do these small stupid griefs

In relation to those who’ve lost relations
Count anymore?

My litany of the blues
Baby, periwinkle, teal, Robins egg, sky

Even indigo

Haven’t the weight of, depth of
Cobalt, slate, cerulean, flint, smoke, navy.


My alchemy chest, empty

The weight of fog, heavy breath
Less expansive, slow filling

A pound of fathers, lighter then
a pound of dead birds,
becomes hard to hold, still

as the volume grows.
William Clifton Dec 2020
COVID's around the Christmas tree
And it seems it will not stop
Mists of it hangs where you will breath
Every droplet goes ker-plop

COVID's around the Christmas tree
Sets the Christmas spiraling
Later will die some family
As the COVID does it's thing

You will get an awful mental feeling when you hear
Voices wailing, melancholy
Death abounds from human folly
COVID's around the Christmas tree
Some will die this holiday
Everyone's gaspin' eerily
In the new pandemic way

You will get an awful mental feeling when you hear
Voices wailing,  melancholy
Death abounds from human folly

COVID's around the Christmas tree
So we'll ZOOM this holiday
Everyone dancin' merrily
In the new-pan-dem-ic waaaaaaaaayyyyyy
COVID-19 Christmas Carol
Adamu Danjuma Dec 2020
What if,

closing our eyes with the darkness of our sunglasses,

we go to the river of our childhood,

drink some fresh water,

& feel that calmness which has already found its abode in the scent of our sweat of yesterdays?

It was the day the entire universe,

frightened by its virulent and fearless enemy,

went to sleep early,


- @adamuwrites
Samara Nov 2020
it's a cosmic correction
     to live a little slower-
        be a little closer,
           live where you are,
              take care of your home-
                  and your home's home.

      To look into each others' eyes-
         no need to fake a smile
           can't see it anyway.
              You can't mask the tears
                      or the smize

           what if it's a hyper alteration
                       to change course
Reminder to heed the lessons of 2020 and Covid-19.
i l l i Nov 2020
I arrive and the scents of morning dew and fresh flowers gush into my nostrils. Breathing in nature as I start on the day. Just 5 minutes ’til the bells go ring ring ring and the peace moment song echoes through the hallways.

I continue on with the loud chatters from left and right. Papers ripping, ball pens tapping, and feet pacing. At lunch, we munch on lunchboxes being passed from one another. Three hours more but eyelids feel heavy from all the eating and talking.

I depart by walking down a trail of tranquil green trees towering over one another. On warm days, the flower petals fall gracefully and I follow along the path like a scene in a movie. Sometimes, I take on another path, and the smoke of the grilling of barbecues envelopes, and I finish off with my white uniform smelling with a satisfied appetite.
A reminder for myself about the little things I enjoy about my school. Until I come back again, AA.
Francie Lynch Nov 2020
We've never heeded warnings,
We surely won't start now;
Because we ate from a blissful tree,
We're mopping up our brows.
They witnessed a smoking Vesuvius,
Yet went about the day;
We mark washed up bodies
From distasteful lands,
With arms wrapped round each other;
Signed Versailles to end a war,
But postponed it instead;
Ignored the bottle's label,
Drank whitener before going to bed.

We're blinded in Casandra's world,
Ignoring words of peril,
Uttered for our good.
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