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K Balachandran Feb 2016
"Let's go" his soft whisper
the mantra, in his voice she hears

the esoteric voyage through
the cryptic high seas of self,
fathomless, unmapped,
uncharted and reachable
only by the most fearless
ready to unbind and make
the self free for it's adventure,
begins thus for the peaceful pair
complementing the absolute
for a life time, til they reach there
and find themselves one with
                      pure consciousness.

"Let's let's, but only together"
she chants in unison,with him.

Bidding good bye to ego, clad in red and black
a beast, not easy to bring to it's  knees, submit,
the high horse proud,raring to go,having  sharp horns
sticking out, fierce, that goes berserk,on seeing white.
Altogether a curious construct, that dictates terms-
they set about, invoking the blessing of the flame of light.
They stood together,  eyes widely shut, bringing
both palms together,in front of their  chests
creating a lotus bud, symbolizing hearts,bowing
each other in "Namaste",-bows the divinity in thyself-
chanting the mantras of peace, thrice, each time, repeatedly.
"Lets go back to the begining of every begining.."
the primordial hum, transcending quagmires of time
in the path of our ancestors,who did see the" unseeable",
without eyes, knew the "unknowable",diving in to the
ocean depth of self,going inwards chanting"Neti, Neti"
Not this, Not this, inquiring each till the essence did reveal.
They did this, focusing the eye of the mind, on the eye
beyond all, that watches every small thing in universe.
Mind, sharpened like the blade of a sword,efficient to cut
the Gordian knots,of paradox, duality and illusion,
encountering the silence that thickens at last, speaks
the words of wisdom,patient they are, to know the ultimate,
right there at the source of light that is the true essence of all,
Celebrate the pure consciousness, that pervades in every thing,
the thought that begets all thoughts,that  moves on to be karma,
that becomes purer, through the cycles of lives, one after another.
"Let's be humble, utmost, sans the ornamental clothes of pride.
May the thought reigning cosmos, the spirit of peace,chanted aloud,
take us to it's sanctum sanctorum and melt us in to it's divine embrace.
Only one there is, all are it's integrals,the divine cosmic hum 'Aum'
that enliven the universe within each cell, remember , is eternal"
Know thy self as an inner  universe, integrated to the outer,seamlessly,
which is, eternal, non-dual, peace in essence, effulgence and happiness
enshrined in the core.All the explorations in to the core by ancient Indian seers, record these findings in the "Veda"s (The "told" chronicles)
Anna Jones Jan 2016
Sky opens
Slides down her face
Wondering, wandering
Lines of Consciousness
And reality
Somewhere between
Intention and frailty

Stay true she remembers hearing the words
But not their meaning.
Go with the flow
And your ship will come in
They told her…

There’s a truth
In the window
And smiling faces
Look back
On grey worn places

Hopeful, little
Eager to be wanted
She dances on streets
That will never run dry

She feared it might never return
That feeling of why?
Like bricks to cement the day
But it wasn’t in her nature to say…

There was a mystery then
A sliver of a patch
To stitch your own
In the quilt of life
They called home

Read and work
Say prayers before bed…
There’s always an answer
Except she’d never know it

Time, an old friend
Had a strange way about her
That was the thing;
She didn’t care.

Awake, she wandered, lonely
Blinded by the blur
Hoping for desolation.
Expecting a word,
Smile or reason in turn.

Except it never came.
Only the rain.
Lizz Jan 2016
Consciousness aside,
In my thoughts the ghosts reside-
Never enough time.
Miss Grim Jan 2016
I have the tendency to ponder reality
In this tangible world
I question duality
My mind and body
Once again disagree
The facades of perception
Versus intuition i can't see
My body a shell
Consumed by limitations
A universe in a vessel
Haunted by these sensations
As Conscious thought strains
For truth it cannot reach
In these dimensional chains
My soul continues to beseech
Through its holographic game
Past this curtain of deceit
To a knowledge I must reclaim
It's myself I must defeat.
I'm the only one holding myself back.
My toughest opponent yet.
Fernanda Savaris Jan 2016
more worried, more conscious
knowing more, but using less
that's what life became
despite the sadness

more of a change, less of something
building an identity
identifying as nobody
the randomness about causality

more of a why, less of a what
curiosity causing more stress
yet ignorance always knocks on the door

I am
and I know

the change I have become
K Balachandran Jan 2016
I ventured deep in to the mysteries of mother forest alone,
when I was free from fears of every kind and sweet delusions,
ancient trees recognized me instantly, from some other life past,
and sung me songs when I sat exhausted,their fruits tasted sweet
made me realize how aftermath of every karma returns to one
at a time unexpected; fruits either sweet or bitter they bring.

Under the shades, of trees,hearing the  lullabies they sung
I slept forgetting the wars won or lost in the past, immaterial
all that now seemed
                                Those trees in their love reminded my mother.
I didn't care when I lost the path,in fact, is there a path in the forest?
All paths lead to one destination, there isn't any other,nothing to worry.

Forest with her thousand hands embraced me and said:
"Every king one day, has to take his heavy crown from his head
put down and walk this path wearing dress made of leaves"

There weren't any footsteps fallowing me here, I didn't expect any.
*Vanaprastha,(in Sanskrit) literally means retiring in to forest, the third of the four stages (Ashramas)of life envisioned in the Hindu tradition.
Begining  with "Brahmacharya"--(celebate student seeking the ultimate truth through knowledge)"Garhastya"--(married house holder carrying out family responsibilities)Vanaprastha(contemplative forest life) and" Sannyasa"(Renaunciation, ascetic life till the end)
Ron Gavalik Jan 2016
I only think about you
at night
when consciousness
surrenders to regret
Madness then swims free
in a polluted oil
of memories
we call sin
Experience Hot Metal Tonic, ******!
Ram B Dec 2015
Truth is believed, revealed
and experienced.
Experience. Experience. Experience.
Difficult, arduous
but yield, I must.
I beg you to listen...
for to a mortal, it can be lethal.
But I must oblige
to a Great Majesty's declaration.
Move in trance,
there is no other way
for the energy is extreme,
intense and sharp.
So I implore for your ears,
because this is God!
Martin Narrod Dec 2015
I feel the call from the oceans,
the voices whisper from its breeze.
Snow and satire can't label the mindfulness of
memories slowly coming back to me.
My mountains have missed you so much,
my legs miss the warmth of your thermos,
I miss your gentleness and subtlety.

Priority one. If you don't think you will make it by Tuesday,
I'll travel back in time before we were forty degrees,
you can read the seraphs on my signature
if I can lay in your sheets for a week.

Chrysanthemums all over the hallways, Irises in azurean hues.
The charter won't take us all the way to the break wall,
I'm at the airport trying to reach you by phone.
I'd take the flavor of your spirit,
over the sweet coolness of truth,
Slide my fingers into the holes in the jeans you always wear for me when I come home.

The only thing I write off are pages,
Tables marked with the ends of so many words.
Who are you to know what you can do without
The more I've learned, I realize I'm happier with the less I know.
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