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Grey Dec 2019
Cliffs tower above
Stars paint the sky with dancing light
As the young doe sleeps.
Amanda Kay Burke Feb 2019
Like a broken iPod
We cannot quite mend
I see only cliffs
Around every turn and bend
This is a stupid little bit I wrote back in high school... When iPods were still cool.
Tsunami Jan 2019
My hands trace rivers down his back
Soft silt streambeds
My tongue follows the waveforms of his hips
Warm skin with lazy currents
My ears feel your heartbeat resonate in your chest
Strong swells crash into stone cliffs
My lips taste honey and saltwater dripping from yours
A mix of dalliance and mischief
Our bodies meld into sea foam
making love is like making land
I look up
to the cliff above

I turned around
and shook my head

I can't
there's no way
even if I climb it
I couldn't get down
the water isn't deep enough
the sides are too steep

So in silence we sat
watching the waves roll in
letting the silence
consume the space between us

Until he said
yeah you really couldn't
I mean maybe I could
but not you

I was taken aback
how dare he say I can't
I could do anything
if I want to

I looked back up
at the perilous slopes
back down
at the waves crashing into sea boulders

And I stood up
grabbed by bags
and started my journey
to the top

Because no fear
would stand in the way
and absolutely no one
could tell me I was incapable
Anna Lee Nov 2018
The cliffs of home stand
With all their memories
The thrashing waves
And birds warning melodies

The route was easy
It wasn’t far
Easy to get to
The path by the bar

I look around
Walking along
It didn’t seem right
Something was too wrong

I reach the cliff i dreamed of
All I had to do was climb down the cliff
Without fear
Until I hear the birds warning riff

I steady myself cautiously
And make my way down

I loose my balance
A trip
A cliff
A clip
A flip

Nothing clear
Nothing clear
Nothing clear
Nothing clear
L B Dec 2017
The world is flat
That's what they told me

...and I always take people at their word
Nice people like at The Acme Company
always believing what they say

I am a gullible fool
to trust, to love, to hope
to get ground down that way

I cower
I yelp when kicked

Running, madly
scramble over edge of ice
(New concept of Antarctica)
Missed the sign
for The Acme Map Company
and that dead end
Loaded down with Acme Explosives

Cartoon coyote
Always sees “that painted tunnel”
as possible place to hide
shows up again--
just a little fried
smoke rising from my scalp
small white flag in hand
says, “HELP”

Scramble over that ledge of melting ice
and crumbling shame
Clinging by my fingertips

You'd think something would finally do me in

Me and "Wile E. Coyote--  Genius"

Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner are classic cartoon characters that date back to 1949.  They've been popular ever since.  I think the sound effects, music, and the timing of the animators are elements that make them so good.  Their expressions just **** me.
My favorite cartoon character of all time.  Used to get ******, watching with friends, laughing our ***** off.  

Wile E. is probably my spirit animal as well.  :)
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