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Amanda Sant'Anna Dec 2020
I once heard there is a city
Where everyone has a different color
And you could see a light green boy
Or a deep purple lady
Walking down the street.

So I bought myself a ticket
To color city, just one way
Today I bought myself a ticket
And trew off all my shame.
I want to show my colors freely
In the city where they're okay.
Bard Dec 2020
Heels real and imagined grind on my skull
To the hospital at the bridge pay the toll
Rich and territorial start up a poll
For how many poor they will cull

Put on vans with the worn out sole
Head to work and fill my role
Everyday I sell out losin my soul
Getting harder to keep my cool

When everything is ****** life or death
Break a bone lose it all in a breath
Cant afford the upkeep on my teeth
So I hang with friends and smoke leaf

All decay all falling apart losing heart
Calls today say your wasting it your so smart
**** them I dont even know how to start
Writing on the wall saw it on a plummeting chart

Collapse into the past we wont last
The fashion is getting trashed
Faded today tomorrow I'm passed
Curtain called coffins filled with ash

Saw beauty once and someone bought her cash
The city lights are pretty but its a world behind glass
City streets are gritty and you'll get taken with the trash
Acid streaks, empty cars, jump and you won't make a splash
Mitch Prax Dec 2020
It's almost midnight-
the car is gaining speed
and we're passing
world after world.
There is no destination, baby,
it's all about the journey
as we fade
into the night.
ce-walalang Dec 2020

i promise to keep up.
“it’s just you and me, i’ll go wherever you take me”
Lev Rosario Nov 2020
What was that sound?
Was it a jet?
Or a dragon?
Or just the normal
Sounds of the city?
Industrial and seething
Or was it simply your sigh
That convenience store machine breath
Of desperate longing
Alek Mielnikow Nov 2020
We meet on a
a crowded street
and stand still,
like a pair of boulders
caught in a river
surrounded by salmon
as they swim upriver,
flowing by and
paying us no mind.
Off to the side two men
share a meal al fresco,
laughing into wine glasses.

After what seems a lifetime
you touch my face,
and I touch yours.
And I remember
every minutia.
We've been apart
for so long,
and yet it's like
a garden revealed
when the snow melts.
The freckles,
the spots,
the creases
beside your lips.
And I watch with glee
your goosebumps
rise and can tell
by your smile
you can see mine.

"Get a ******* room!"
One of the men hollers
with a chuckle
as the other guffaws
and nearly chokes
on his bread.

We look to them
and laugh,
a laugh shared
by strangers
knowing love
when they see it;
of a shared humanity.

By Aleksander Mielnikow | Alek the Poet
I'm going to miss longing to be close to someone...

If you liked this poem, make sure to check out my Instagram @alekthepoet for extra content.
Lev Rosario Nov 2020
In the new city
I live with wild longing for
A lover to come.
I yearn for the energy
The lights cannot show
Which pushes me off a bridge.
I am no dreamer
Just nostalgic for the time
When cicadas filled my night
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