Sounds dreams art form
In age norm- brainstorm
Wake -up alarm rainstorms
Carmel Clouds
Barking noises and hounds
Chasing to be found
Monstrous- snowstorm
Dreams to heal
In uniform
Please no harm
love embraces
Chasing the wrong faces
Gazing- engaging- singing
Dreams touch a nerve
Reacting jump ringing*
Chasing and saving
Memory of words
Wild child-hummingbirds
Floating in the air taps
No time like a normal nap
The cell phone pictures
and apps
Chasing big stir coffee sips
Valuable time trips
Chasing our dreams
Is real what it seems?
Lips* met* the *sunset
Eyes water love just met
Chasing- raging- event
Lullaby Lighthouse
Does your dreams make any sense?
Chasing our minds what about our bodies are we always chasing things we will never have? How does your dreams react?