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nabs Oct 2019
unexpected love was came
my heart's breaks a little
unexpected love was came
i drowned

he said he loves me,
i said it too
he said i'm not beauty,
i started to believe him
he said trusting each other is the key,
i quiet
        how to trust when he doesn't give
        me a trust?
he said his heart is mine,
i sigh
         how could he said that when i
         saw he enjoyed with other girls?
he said he never feels ilfeel with me,
i cry,
a lot

how fool i am never trusts him
i estranged with my self
correct my words, please.
i am a newbie english writer.
thank you, <3
Ray Dunn Sep 2019
im taking breaths but i still cant breathe
reading bottoms of bottles like tea leaves
and i can't see past my nose

so what if i'm a mess
who cares
face down in the sand

so what if im a mess
who cares
i can still feel your hands

im taking steps but not with ease
pulling at the strings of my own disease
and i cant even move my hands

running and scheming my brain
always leaving impossible feeling of dealing
and playing childish games of gaining grins
shootung guns of gifts giving garbled guidance

so what if im a mess
who cares
hair spun up in knots

so what if im a mess
who cares
i cant stop being lost
who knows
muteD Sep 2019
my mind is so chaotic.
a mess.
a hurricane of emotions
wreck me
again and again.
time after time.

I feel like I’m losing my mind
and the want to know the time
and the day.
each day bleeds into the next sore.
every night blends into the next color.

how can I miss something I never had?
I miss the one called my ‘mother’
but I’d rather slit my own throat than talk to her.

‘do you got..?’
‘can you..?’
It’s always about what I can do,
It’s never how are you.

there’s this box around me.
as time passes,
it becomes smaller and smaller.
It’s purpose being to confine me
to loneliness.
oh how it feels to be the loneliest.

nothing makes me feel anything anymore.
anything different.
It’s just the same.
the same followed by the same,
every waking second I’m reminded of the pain
in my chest.

I hate dreaming.
those dreams just remind me of a different time.
a time where having people who love you
was as easy as telling the time
or finding a rhyme.
now I’m left to wallow
and swallow all I have to say
because no one really understands anyways.
It’s always ‘you could’ve..’ ‘you should’ve..’
It’s never
“I understand.”
Written: September 5th, 2019
Empire Aug 2019


Turn it up.




and the realization sets in
that no matter how loud
no matter how much noise
how chaotic the sounds
how desperate the screams
how tragic the lyrics...
                                ..            ..       ­  ... .
                                                     . . . . .           .                     ...
                                .. ...           ... . . ..      .

i couldn't drown out
the voices torturing me
in my mind
Faizel Farzee Aug 2019
Emotions a raging storm
My heart now mourns
Our futile existence
or are we just pawns
Races clashing, leaving our generations scorned
Our young ones born
In a world of hate, with no exit door
The rich stays rich
Forgetting the poor,

The world is in chaos
Race race to **** race among us
The living unjust
When could we last fully trust
Anything the media falsely feeds us,

This is the plight of my raging words
The world is cursed
And we it’s curse
The world will be saved
When humans disperse
As long as we here
Suffering gets worse
So open your minds to this global verse,

Let the truth be told
The words I whisper, is truthfully cold
The human race suffers
As we being controlled
My emotions waver
As my child’s being enrolled
Into this unforgiving…… world
The joy of a young one being born is amazing, yet the world we live in makes a bitter sweet affair.
When there is obscurity
Darkness fills the room
Clouds with a chaotic scene
Along with sadness and gloom
One often feels despondent
They are in a state of uncertainty
Always feeling unsure
In a world of acrimony
Eloisa Jul 2019
Fragments of mem’ries
trapped inside this worry loop
distance cutting me
Though my heart’s still stitched with love
please mend my chaotic mind
Tattered sentiments
ripped from my bewildered soul
knitted  into words
Scraps of me to you I send
please untie my tangled thoughts
Nolan Willett Apr 2019
I remember things in an order that is strange,
I can’t quite seem to arrange,
Middle, beginning, and end.
I think I’ve gone ‘round the bend.
Pylyp Apr 2019
Drink from the cup of despair
Sweet relief
The respite
Though compared to a usual blanket of compliments
Passed at the table
The cloth
Soaked with lies
Stripped of everything once clear to creep up behind
Turned around once again
Just a tad
To the left or the right
Just to prove we avoided disaster despite many nights
Conscious of whirlpools drowning the pieces inside
Left to rot just beneath
The swirling surface
Left off to the side
For the demons to feed on the one thousandths time
Only one place to hide now
Concerning it might have been foolish to think
That tonight could be different
Yet what kind of idiots are we
But instruments left by our hollowed out shells
Seeking shelter from frightening parts of our lives
Left to deal
Regardless of our consent in this fight
With our selves
For a trophy more meaningless than our will
While our ego grabs hold
And manipulates sense of direction
To steer us to hell
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