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mxy Apr 2015
happy birthday

anticipated this feeling for as long as I could remember
the rule breaking rebel infested mystical theory of the coming of age, age.
and surprisingly I am affected
I am content
I am satisfied
I am not as disappointed or rather unbothered by the hyped societal numbers that defined your teenage years
and now I wonder if this makes me just like everyone else based on my feelings or based on my new found character limit
I can, however, admit that it feels good
it feels fulfilling to know that through everything you've made it this far no matter how many times you woke up wishing you hadn't
it's a reassuring simple gesture that maybe life is hope or hope is life or that maybe there is something I haven't experienced quite to the fullest extent as to keep me alive for every 12 months after the next.
no, I am not happy
no, I am not overjoyed
but I can honestly say that I don't feel as bad as I thought I would.
Kale Apr 2015
This world is changing,
For the good, the bad
For better and for worst.
As adolescents
Cant we see
What is left on this Earth
Is for you and me.
There is no need
For violence, prosecution, and hate
Because we were all put on this
Earth to bond and educate.

We all need to grow up,
But remain children at heart.
For the world will only tilt
To the light
If we have strong wills
To fight the evil, the oppression
the depression, the drugs
And stress.
Magnuda Mar 2015
Breaking down, through, and out,
Wings spread to the sky,
With no rescue enroute,
Fetterings left in a sty,

Where I once called home.
Scraping, stretching, yearning,
For worlds yet to roam,
I can feel my past burning,

As I pull myself through,
For a dream I once had,
In a vision that only I could view,
While others felt me lost, or possibly mad,

This false life will never be enough,
Living in the shadow of another’s dream,
I will cast myself out into the rough,
Out of the fire, and into the stream.
Graff1980 Feb 2015
The foaming sea
The turtle stone
Marks the beach
I stride alone
Made of
Vain and venomous vipers
The present
No longer pleasing
Convulsive flesh
No longer easing
But coughing
And wheezing
Snotting and sneezing
Waking to sleeping
Living while dreaming
Loving but leaving
I melt my skin
Loose what is within
My vice so called sin
Lay slip slip slipping
Drip drip dripping
Identity and vanity
Escape me
Eyes loosen from their socket
Lost picture burnt from
Mother’s never was locket
And I become the same salted sea
Distasteful, though birthing place
Of the entire human race
Drowning, oozing, and losing my illusions
Of once dear held humanity
M Feb 2015
I am reading your each and every word
You are being heard
It's just, I don't know what to say
I'm lost today; every day

But I'm not broken lost
My mind is freshly tossed
Thrown to some new destination
Spending time on creation

I'm dating someone who doesn't hurt me
It's all so new, you see?
And I feel like a *****
Because I don't trust that he won't switch

I've been tricked and teased and lied to
Too many times too
To many times to
Trust another heartbreaker- not this one too

But I'm outrageous; I'm a fool
He's an angel, not a tool
I'm stupid; I'm ignorant
He's glorious and innocent!

But maybe- I don't know
Because at first it doesn't show
He's out to hurt me
Just wait and see

A week from now I'll be cut up dead
Left in the shed
All because I trusted a boy
Who got tired of me, his brand new toy

And what the **** am I doing-- thinking
I'm not thinking I'm sinking
Sinking further and further into love
And romanticizing every accidental shove

Now, I won't tell you not to smoke
Hell, every once in a while a spark a ****
And threats won't convince you
And lies won't deceive you

Now, I won't tell you it'll get better
But I hope maybe I can help with this letter
I can't trick you into being happy
Event through my attempts which are sappy

But I'll tell you, if I may,
And I ask that you hear what I have to say:
Life is in color
So open your eyes and try to love her

I didn't see the beauty in things
I never had an innocent desire for wings
Until I picked up a paintbrush
And created colors oh so lush...

If you're r missing a color, find it, and if you can't, create it. That's a good way to live your life.
I wrote this is response to a friend I made here on hellopoetry. I haven't worked in a while, and I like the way the first clause connects to the second (clauses separated by larger gap)... Think what you will.
K Beau Feb 2015
I've become foreign
My mind- evaporation
Concentrated mad
Manda Lise Jan 2015
She always wore mismatched socks because,
Well why not wear them?
The excitement in her eyes constantly could never really fade,
Until it did fade and it’s gone now.
Where did she go, where did she leave to?
The girl who lived in a pumpkin, with unthinkable *****,
Who laughed the loudest at every joke,
Even if it wasn't that funny, but wanted to make the person telling it feel good.
Where is she now, what has become of her?
She walks around uncertain about the way her life goes,
When she is perfectly capable of figuring out the puzzle.
She would drink out of goblets to be apart from the norm,
And because they looked "cool" in her hands.
She would skip around to get to her destination,
Just for the fact that walking was overrated.
Her persona is fading away, the quintessential girl everyone knew is still there,
But inside she is falling into a slump.
How can she be reunited with her old self, when all that is in front of her,
Is beginning to change?
Everything is starting to become clear, but it will hurt others,
How can she accept the change is for the better,
When she's been so accustomed to what has become of her life?
Written October 2010
I was walking around
In a little town
Inside my head
Then I thought I could see
What your lives would be
If I were dead

I thought that I knew everything
I thought love wasn’t anything
Oh no
What did I know?

All the things that I saw
Cut me with their claws
I could not heal
So, I wrote some dumb songs
About all the wrongs
That were not real

“I’ll calm down when the world shapes up”
Oh, shut up, man, or I’ll throw up
Oh God
I was a sod

People were all fools to me
I walked around couldn’t see
And thinking of it now makes me turn green
But even as I was so blind
And hatred tore apart my mind
I wrote about everything that I’d seen
Yeah, but now that brighter days are here
I’ll change for the rest of my years
To make up for those awful seventeen

I was just not myself
I was someone else
I don’t know who
You came into my life
Thought you’d be my wife
Then we were through

I lost myself and I lost you
Inside a labyrinth of blue
Oh geez
That wasn’t me

But now those days are gone
The curtains aren’t drawn
Not anymore
No, now they’re open wide
The light shines inside
More than before

And now the smile on my face
Is one that cannot be erased
Oh no
That much I know

But sometimes that smile shrinks
As I sit there and start to think
About all of the things I’ve said and done
All of the garbage that I wrote
Those stupid songs that had no notes
And treating human kindness like a gun
You know, looking back, how could I doubt
That love was what the world’s about?
But now I see that all people are one
Another song about my past self and his mistakes (a lot of these are about that). This one's kind of goofy, and after the previous song, Pictures, I felt that was necessary.
Pictures are for things that don’t last
Pictures are for things that don’t last
You will never go away
Everyone is here to stay

Pictures are for things that don’t last
Pictures are for things that don’t last
These days will always be here
There’s no need for us to fear

Pictures are for things that don’t last

So put away the camera
I don’t want to believe these days will ever end
Don’t go
You’ll always be right here forever, friend
Don’t go, don’t go, don’t go

Pictures are for things that don’t last
Pictures are for things that don’t last
You will never go away
Everyone is here to stay

Pictures are for things that don’t last

So put away the camera
I don’t want to believe these days will ever end
Don’t go
You’ll always be right here forever, friend
Don’t go, don’t go, don’t go

I cannot lie
Although I try
It’s time for me to stop pretending
I look around
And I feel down
I know these days will soon be ending

Pictures are for things that don’t last
Pictures are for things that don’t last
Take the picture while we’re here
Smile ‘til we disappear

Pictures are for things that don’t last
"Pictures are for things that don't last" was a phrase that my friend Cameron said once that I thought sounded pretty cool and had to be a song. Those words only gained more meaning as my Senior Year came and went. In addition to that "Smile 'til we disappear" is a phrase my Choir director Mrs. Johnson (the greatest person I know, and my future daughter's namesake) said to us once. So this is a song about dealing with being apart and missing people, using words said by people I miss. I think that's quite fitting.
The world around me hurt
Darkened by despair
My mind was full of dirt
So I didn’t care

The dirt was piled high
Covering my eyes
I was blind
I was blind

But now that my past self lies in his grave
The new me comes out of the womb
Now that what I was is dead
I can bloom

The world was full of pain
I cared about mine
My life was full of rain
Only in my mind

The rain started a flood
Mattered more than blood
I was sick
I was sick

But now that my past self lies in his grave
Trapped safely locked away his tomb
Now that what I was is dead
I can bloom

My life was going great
I could have had fun
If not for all my hate
Burning like the sun

Burning so hard and bright
Blocking what was right
I was mad
I was mad

But now that my past self lies in his grave
The new me comes out of the womb
Now that what I was is dead
I can bloom

I can bloom
This album is called Matt in the Hat. Why? Well, before I called myself Maddie, I was Matt, and I wore a hat with a daffodil in it as a reminder that I was not the bad person that I used to be. This song started off as a silly idea, with the flower representing my new self blooming, and the bad stuff being represented by what makes a flower grow, to show that they both hindered me and allowed me to transform. I thought it would be a stupid little song, but what I ended up with I like a lot.
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