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Lunar May 2016
She loved him as if she rode on a carousel
the enchantment, the dream, the fleeting reality
of him sitting a distance from her.
No matter how much they moved,
she didn't know how to reach him
or to catch up with him.
Because once the ride ends
she has to grow up and leave,
stepping out into a world
where she's no longer the princess
and he's no longer her prince.
To have loved you and have left,
I will never be sure if the time will come
for me to love you again.
But I know the magic will be there
every time "I see you in the night sky
and hear your laughter in the stars"--
that I will always remember.
You don't have to be in front of me
and I don't have to see you
for us to know I love you.
Because "it is with the heart that is essential
but is invisible to the eye".
I love you, my prince.
And no matter how many moons are out there,
you're the first I have ventured to and admired from afar:
that make's you my moon.
i was remembering how it felt to ride the carousel while i thought of "the little prince" movie scenes playing in my head, here is my new write. quoted are from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince. The sun is about to set, and I can see the moon.

Wjh, this is for you again. Sometimes my writings don't say much or don't make sense but please know I love you in every and any way.
Life is pointless
Like an ever revolving top
It'll take it's spin before falling over still
It laughs in your face
Like a bad memory
That resounds in your nightmares
People make it worse
Even though they see your troubles
They make thing complicated by adding their drama
So why?
Why must we go on?
In this never-ending carousel?
Like a haunted carnival
Life is full of terror
And the rides will never end
Until you give in
And leave it forever
AM Jan 2016
a little girl like myself
would think a hurricane like you
a beautiful carousel to ride into
SøułSurvivør Dec 2015
the carousel played
in the carnival park
bright music to lure
tinkling lights in the dark

spirited ponies, animals quaint
all snorting and rearing
colored with paint

the spinning floor stops
for us to get on
we choose our mounts
it starts with a song

up and down go the horses
the calliope sings
as we go 'round we reach out for the rings

sometimes we miss them
they go on by
but there's always a chance
for the second try

the turning seasons
so very like life
you get your good job
your husband or wife

your car and your boat
your kids and their stuff
you go 'round and 'round
but you can't get enough!

then all of a sudden
death cuts like a knife
and you discover you've wasted your life

the scenery, the colors
just a smear. just a blurr
the music passed by
your heart was not stirred!

you didn't smell seabreeze
feel the wind in your face
you didn't seek God
missed out on His

but you forgot
you passed up the beauty
without a thought

it don't mean a thing
so reach for the
as well as the

reach out for
He's important as well
when you take your ride
on the bright


(C) 12/15/2015

another poem I saved from archives
it was first written in 2013 but I did an extensive rewrite
Silence Screamz Aug 2015
Tilt my world upside down
Take me to the fair
Cotton candy almost gone
Clowns do not care

Put me on the wooden horse
Spin me round and round
Up, down, turn it off
Carousel, I am bound

Get me off this wounded ride
No more stop and go
Blurry vision sinking in
Say it isn't so

Tortured mind, black my heart
Cancel out this game
Carousel is not fun
Nothing left to blame
My life feels like a tortured carousel and I would like to get off sometime
Connor Apr 2015
Here we are!
To live and inevitably die.
But before we do,
let’s put it off and ****
all the life encompassing us
until it loops around
and kills us back.
oni Feb 2015
i am a
on a
with four legs
built to run
but i insist
on retracing
the same
ryn Oct 2014
On this carousel
You and I
Ringing bells
Time passes by

Scorching bulbs
Ornate bobbing horsies
Enchanting music
Tell of magical stories

I am here
On this side
You are there
Same ****** ride

Opposite ends
Placed we two
We can't see
But each other we knew

Friendly peeks
Directed to you
All I could afford
Keep you in view

Still rotating
Ride goes on
Chasing each other
No closer we've drawn

Enjoy the ride
Soak in the sights
Hold at bay
Reality that bites

Thought about
Getting off
Don't know how to
Come to a solve

Can't hold still
It's eating me alive
Can't just stay
Have to strive

Hand still holding on
One foot dangling
Second thoughts play
But bent on releasing

Take the first step
Don't overthink
Take the leap
Step off the brink

Close my eyes
Time is now
Just let go
Fate I must allow

Ready now
Time came to a freeze

Now off the carousel
Cloying uncertainty
Never been here
Unknown territory

In the music
Found familiarity
Unsure if here
Is where I want to be

What do I do?
Wait a little more?
Hop back on?
Or await what's in store?

Glad I waited
Glad patience I found
There you are...
Coming back round
Madness plays in loops...
A sick little spin on the carousel.
lX0st Aug 2014
You standing for one night
Leaves me crying for a day.
And I don't think running in circles
Will make me less dizzy
Like you told me it would.
Of course I wanted your heart
I just wasn't sure what to say,
And my life kept spinning
And I couldn't make it stop
Long enough to land where you are.
I think this means goodbye.
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