The bridge we built over the gap between us is rotting away.
This time when I walk over it, I may fall through it.
Your coldness left the bridge to corrode, we could have mended it together. You never let me enter anymore, you leave me with your silence at your front door.
Let me in, my dear. Let me in. Don't try to forget me, because you will only remember what I did wrong. I want to see you, I want to hold you, and make up for what I left hollow and broken.
Your smile, once illuminated the darkness that now surrounds this bridge, allowing me to cross without a given issue. That smile has faded, your gaze turns from me, no longer holding me in it. The back of your head is colder than darkest reaches of space can muster. Turn back, my dear. I need to see you, to engage you, to speak to you, to know how you feel.
Don't push me away. Don't run away. Don't hide away. Draw back the curtain to show me what is behind. I need to know. The bridge is crumbling into the abyss below. I need to know before it collapses, severing our connection. Let's fix this bridge together, let's regain our once strong connection.