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Joyce Feb 2016
Strength and honor.
Words before battle.
Sword and shield.
Silence reveals.
Your hand touching
grain field.
Fighting for Rome.
So far away from home.
A general who became
a slave.
A slave who became
a gladiator.
Fighting for your life.
A husband from
a murderd wife.
A father from
a murderd son.
You must continue.
Until your task is done.
Last fight in the Coliseum.
Will bring you peace
and freedom.
Love the movie.
The gladiator
Jamie Feb 2016
I haven't been around for months now,
Not the person I was born to be,
Taking it out the those who help,
And those who are around.

A disruptive path,
Damaging everyone around,
The ones who fully don't understand,
Personal pride being the issue.

Alone is what I need to be,
To grow up and out of this shell I have formed,
Now I have to prove I'm not wrong,
Battle to be the person I want to be.
I have been such a **** to someone nice
Cheyenne Feb 2016
His eyes are locked on you,
Daring you to flinch.
Everybody's starring,
But you cannot give an inch.
Everything you have--
Everything that matters--
Has  been melted down and made
Into your armor, now battered.
The fight for him is just for sport,
A way to gain some scraps of honor.
The fight for you is for a life--
Consequences far more dire.
You cannot turn and run,
There is no option of surrender.
The loss of souls or souls conserved
Won't be how victory is measured.
Neither choice would end this fight.
You're fighting everyday.
And ending confrontation
Won't take that fight away.
The odds are stacked against you,
You'll die before the fighting's done.
But you will stand your ground
Even if you're the only one.
For it wasn't choice that put you here
But rather unlucky birth.
And this fight will take your life
Even if that's not what it's worth.
Shay Feb 2016
How liberating and freeing it is after months of despair
to be overtaken by your old self once more out of nowhere;
to find your spontaneity and find yourself overcome with valour
to finally get up and battle your demons head on with great strength and ardour.
Batool Feb 2016
She was an ordinary girl
walking down the jilted path
questioning the existance
searching for answers
unfolding the mysteries
reading the souls
writing about fears
learning people by heart
guarding her secret
wearing a smile ...
fighting her battles
making them aware of
her ordinary existance !!
Dark Jewel Feb 2016
Rising from the snow,
A warrior of scars remains.
Betrayed, battered, and broken..

The ****** tears,
Seek revenge on thy foes.
Beware... The White wolf.
Of the snow.
kenny Diamond Feb 2016
The battle is not always won but we keep fighting. The deck is always stacked but we can't give up hope. There been times i want give up and just walk away but i say to myself i beat cancer.
jc Feb 2016
this is my battle cry
as the war in me go on
the battles have my heart weary and worn
why fight for this feelings of love
when retreating to numbness brings utter peace to all
don't feel with this heart and be blind
but keep this head straight and assess the subtle signs
desire has made me lose my sight
so that things that are black as night
were seen as white like light

you are worth my lifetime's pursuit
and though i yearn for you greatly
it can be silenced by the respect you deserve truly
let a sound of emptiness come my way
and an echoing halt is what i'll receive
as i succumb into the miserable arms of defeat
but a single wink is a distinct sign
that you're at least willing to give it a try
either way i love you nonetheless
as i shout my last hurrah
one more try...
Tehreem Feb 2016
Darkness stirred in her soul
She moved between the realms
Her despair and longing
Grew louder and louder
The conquerer of her kingdom
The master of the conquests
On an another expidition
Occupied with his battles
Unaware of her despair
Invades a new dynasty
With rapidly fading hopes
Her ****** eyes awaits..
I sense them plotting heinous crimes from their abode,
We were too late to find the vermin down below,
How can you stay sharp with our world falling apart?
For all my powers I did not foresee this plight,
Is it the end? Our death at the hands of gloating narks,
Today I stand your friend, its never too late to fight.

Now charge
Time to fight my friends.
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