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Crysta Gingras Apr 2016
I wish I was there
To help ease your pain
I would brush back your hair
And fight back your bane
It would stand no chance
Not after hurting my sweetheart
I would fight it with a lance
And then slice it apart
You say there’s more than one?
Well have ‘em come my way
I have only just begun
They can all join in the fray
I’ll kick them and smash them
And give them all a clout
You say they are more like shadows?
Then I’ll challenge them to a bout
They may wisp and twist
And swirl all around me
But by then I’ll be ******
They will trip over to flee
When the battle is over
And I walk away with victory
I’ll quickly gather my composure
So I can steal a kiss from thee
I’ve fought the monsters away
They shall bother you no more
Today is now a new day
Perhaps even better than before
My girlfriend was really upset and I had no idea what was going on :'(
Romali Arora Apr 2016
Why cnt women be a lil more like men
and men lil more like women
Why cnt the two sexes travel a lil more
And reduce the distance  
Why can't we be a lil more of the good we are
A lil more of what we want to be
And battle a lil more
To be the change we wish to see
We always keep complaining about how our better halves can be so ignorant or so possessive or so controlling or so insecure or why can't they love like us and care like us? But do we ever take the efforts to find a common ground and make the relationship worth it instead of just expecting the other to walk 99 steps while we just manage to hardly crawl not but a single step?
gray rain Apr 2016
Battle to the death
No one dies
Battle of strength
And mind
Cheyenne Apr 2016
It may be demons you're fighting,
But it's angels dying.
And people like me caught in-between.

Good intentions you're laying,
But the path you are paving?
Not sure if it leads where you think.

And I 'm not saying you're wrong.
I'm not claiming I'm right.
Not conceding that there's one or the other.

I just want you to wait,
Halt your raging crusade,
Before one thing leads to another.

So caught up in the ends
That you forgo twists and bends,
And turn a blind eye to the means.

You have something to prove,
But much more to lose.
There is time: you're still green.

And while there are battles worth picking,
And wars worth pursuing,
How you fight matters just as much as who wins.

So just take a breath,
And take stock of what's left,
Before you can't turn back because you're too far in.
Hannah Gaines Apr 2016
Black and White,
White goes first,
Black goes second,
Welcome to the game of Chess.

Kings and Queens.

You have to think carefully,
You better not lose any of your pieces,
You have to beat you opponent,
Welcome to the Deadly Chess.
Ryan Long Apr 2016
Forged in flame
Cooled in blood
Sharpened with souls
Cleaned of crud

I pick up my sword
Pull it out of the sheath
It becomes a part of me
It's bloodlust begins to seethe

I focus on the blade before me
In it's sheen I see the battle
I envision slaying my enemies
I hear our armor rattle

On the battlefield it looks as if there are
Two behemoths fighting for dominance
Thousands of men on each side
Forming one consciousness

As we rush towards each other
A sudden moment of quiet
Then like the release of a storm
A roaring thunder to break what was silent

In that instant we clash
My soul becomes war thirsty
I lose myself in the drums of war
It drives me to an insanity

I slash with my sword,
I block with my shield
I fight beside my brothers
We will never yield

In that moment I blink
my world becomes black
I come back to myself
The fire makes a pop and crack

My skin glistens with sweat
Sitting under my tree,
Polishing my sword
No one around but me

I close my eyes and breath deep
Making myself calm once more
I have the drive and hunger
The need to go to war
Isabelle Apr 2016
The ocean current was strong
I could not find my way home
I was floating for so long
in this ocean, alone

The wind, it's not a zephyr
I'm almost to sever
Could not fight the wave
So I have to face and be brave

Sometimes its dragging me up and down
One moment I almost drown
Sometimes it leads me nowhere
And I'm feeling hopeless I swear

But since I've been floating for so long
And able to breath for another furlong
Maybe I just have to go on
Stop battling, just hold on

If this was my fate
and I could not escape
Maybe I just have to go on
And just watch how my show goes on
That feeling when you wanted to fight, but you JUST CAN'T.
MG Apr 2016
when i was a little girl, i'd always dream of a happily ever after. i'd imagine myself as cinderella, with a perfect gown and shoes and hair, in a castle with a prince who loved me so dear.

it was cute, hoping that my fantasies would someday come true. but once upon a time, i grew up. i realized that there were no happily ever afters, and that life was just a constant battle with everyone around you. i thought about my gown, and how there'll always be a pull in the fabric somewhere; my shoes, how they'll eventually make my feet ache to an unbearable point; my hair, how its curls will fall when i dance; my castle, how its size will make me feel so lonely; and my prince, how he will inevitably leave me or hurt me or play me, or all of the above.

but you helped me see the light, my prince. you made me forget all the negativities of royalty. when i am with you, i am happy. and happiness is all i want, all i need. does that mean that all i need is you?

you made me forget that you were of royal blood, and i was not; that you never had to lift a finger, and i had to work night and day to simply survive; that you were loved and needed and sought after, and i was neglected and insignificant and never anyone's number one.

but what i thought to be amnesia for the better, wasn't, and like everything else, gave me a false sense of hope that life was beautiful. i pity noble and peasant girls when they think royalty is complete and utter bliss, for they are greatly misinformed. it is all a show, which, no matter how sadistic, deserves a standing ovation.

and sometimes i wish i were little me again, free of sadness and pain; clueless of the horrors of this world. but reality checks in and reminds me that there's no such thing as a rewind or a replay, and time will not stop or slow down or repeat itself. not for me at least.
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